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Building Rules

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Building Rules - Overview

Ever since the release of the building script on Eclipse Roleplay, there has been a lot of excitement and opportunities to allow players to customize both their houses and properties how they wish. While this does give everyone a lot of freedom, it is important to remember that this is a roleplay server, so it is crucial to note that consideration needs to be taken into consideration when building in the sense of what looks good and realistic, whilst also taking the building rules that we have in place into account.

In an easy way of explaining it, think of what you would see on a day-to-day basis if you were to go for a walk or a ride in the car. Would you see a house with a staircase leading to the roof with no support? Would you see gates blocking off alleyways that are publicly owned? Would you see a large wall that is 30 feet high without any structure that would keep it standing? You would not, which is why it's important to take these rules into consideration when you begin building.


0. Staff Discretion

Rule 0 is in place to allow players to understand what "Staff Discretion" is in relation to building, as well as explain the normal process that happens when a staff member deems a build to be Non-Roleplay or a breach of the building rules.

Staff Discretion - "What is this?"

  • Staff discretion with building can come in many forms, but the main form is when it's decided if a build should be removed or not. When a staff member finds a build that is improper or not realistic the normal process is to inquire with other staff members to get second opinions on the build. A staff member can deem a build to be Non-RP or in violation of the rules at any time, and it can be subject to removal with or without notice depending on the severity of the build.

Removal Process - "How does it work?"

  • The handling staff member will begin by placing an admin marker on the property explaining that something that was built needs to be removed. If possible, the next step would be to find the owner of the property so that the staff member can notify them. If the property owner fails to remove/amend the build in question, then a senior staff member will go to the property and remove any of the conflicting furniture items. Following the build being marked, you will have 48 hours to make the necessary changes. If you fail to do so it can result in some or all of the build being removed.


PzJWQVX.png Important! If a build is found to be breaching a rule to the severity that it is/has the possibility of negatively affecting another player's experience it may be removed without any notice per discretion.


1. Realistic Building (Physics, Item Clipping, Realism)

All player-built structures must be realistic and follow the concept of real-world physics. In an easier way of putting it, what you build must have realistic support and not be floating or unattached to the 'main structure' that you are building in or around.

When placing items players must ensure that they are not clipping through the default furniture in the property (this mainly applies to houses/apartments) and what is built must be realistic or make sense. A few examples of what not to do can be seen below;

  • A staircase that does not have realistic support or is not attached to anything that would support a staircase (within reason)
  • A floating roof or floor that is not attached to another structure such as a wall or support pillar
  • Floating items that are not attached to a floor, roof, or wall as they should be to be properly supported
  • Placing a raised floor in an apartment/house to gain more space in the interior, which realistically would not be done to an expensive property
  • Placing a drug table inside of another drug table to save space
  • Placing a large storage container inside of a pre-existing furniture item to avoid taking up space in a room
  • Placing multiple doorways with doors inside of each other to create an airlock that players cannot get through


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be unrealistically supported, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued.


2. Public Building

Player-built structures cannot block public accessways such as roads, sidewalks, or waterways. Additionally, buildings cannot block large alleyways or public gathering areas such as a park or gateway to a public area. Finally, player-built structures cannot block public parking areas that would be considered 'shared parking'. Below are a few examples of incorrect builds;

  • Building a fence on a sidewalk that would obstruct foot traffic
  • Building a covered parking area in an alleyway on the side of an owned property
  • Placing a fence/gate on an opening that leads into a public space
  • Building parking spaces on the side of a shared apartment building and taking up spots for other residents

It is important to note that when you purchase a property you are purchasing the building, not the public sidewalk or alleyway nearby. Just because you own a property and you have the ability to block something off (such as an alleyway), it does not mean that you are necessarily allowed to.


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking a public access point, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued.


3. Utilizing Furniture During Active RP

Players may not utilize the building script whilst actively engaging in active RP such as (but not limited to) a shootout, chase, raid, or kidnapping(s). A couple of examples of what a breach of this rule would look like can be seen listed below;

  • Creating cover whilst actively being shot at
  • Adding additional furniture to a pre-existing property interior whilst a robbery/raid is happening
  • Creating cover in preparation for an impending shootout
  • Creating a blockade to prevent traffic whilst being in an active chase


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If found to have breached this rule, the build will be removed and Non-Roleplay punishments or warnings can be issued to any involved player(s).


4. Building Permissions

Players are only allowed to build on properties that they would realistically own. With how the building range script currently works, there is a chance that a player may own a property and have conflicting build 'zones' with another player's property. Below are a few examples of how you should not build when near another player's property;

  • Placing or removing items within another player's property range without permission
  • Placing an item on another player's driveway, or blocking a driveway that would be realistically shared
  • Placing a staircase on another player's house so you can get to the roof of yours
  • Adding fences or gates within another player's property's build range so you can have larger private parking

It is permissible to build on another player's property only if the other player has given you permission to do so.


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If furniture items are found to be built on a property that is not owned by the player that placed the item it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the same player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment or warning can be issued.


5. Building Shapes

Players may not create buildings that recreate or replicate an obscene shape or image such as (but not limited to) genitalia, hate symbols, etc. Below are a couple of examples of what is disallowed;

  • Creating a building that recreates a hate symbol or other offensive symbol
  • Creating a building that replicates genitalia


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be a breach of this rule, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. Additionally, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be issued depending on severity.


5. Blocking Entry Points

Players may not block entry/exit points of their property(ies), ATMs, Public Scripted Businesses, Chopshops, Drug Labs, or Drug Drop-Off points. Below are a couple of examples of what not to do;

  • Placing a doorway and a locked door at your house so only you (the property owner) can access it
  • Creating a small shell around an ATM that is on a property in an attempt to "claim" it
  • Blocking off a general store and only giving specific players access to open the doors
  • Fencing in a drop-off location, NPC, drug lab, or chop shop to prevent other players from accessing them

The reason for this rule is due to the fact that all of the listed things are key to player interaction or required for a scripted job and we do not want possible interactions to be cut off or prevented.


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking a public access point, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said build, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.


6. Storage Accessibility

Storage containers or other furniture items that can be interacted with must be accessible without needing to remove a piece of furniture. Additionally, storage containers (cabinets & safes) should not be hidden from plain view and should only be placed in a realistic position. Below are examples of what not to do;

  • Placing a safe or cabinet inside of a wall to the extent that only the UI is visible
  • Creating a room full of safes or cabinets with items in them and blocking entry with a wall, painting, or another furniture item that only players with build permissions at the property or house can (re)move
  • Placing a safe inside of a bed without any supporting roleplay
  • Placing a wall in a doorway to block access to a drug lab

Exceptions can be made for creating storage out of a non-container type of furniture items, such as making a large wooden box have a safe in it to RP storing items in the box. If a player wishes to roleplay a hidden storage container (such as a safe inside of a couch), detailed roleplay should be done for setting up the storage, and proof of RP should be readily available in the situation that staff requests it.


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be blocking access to storage or other relevant interactable furniture items, it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said player or build/property, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.


7. Aesthetics

Players are expected to follow the visual aesthetics of the surrounding area when building on the exterior of their property. What this means is that players must take into account how the build looks, if it visually fits the surrounding area it's in and if it makes sense to use certain furniture items. Below are a couple of examples of what not to do;

  • Using a gate that you would see in vinewood to create a small parking area in a trailer park
  • Using marble flooring to create a garage shop floor in downtown Los Santos
  • Placing an orange tree outside of a property in the desert
  • Using a brick wall to make a parking structure where the base game map design utilizes chain link fences
  • Converting a broken-down house into a new home whilst being surrounded by other broken-down houses


PzJWQVX.png Punishment: If a build is found to be in breach of this it can be subject to removal at staff's discretion. If there are repeat encounters with the said build, a Non-Roleplay punishment can be warranted.
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