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Realistic Fingerprint system/mugshot system. Ability to test firearms for recent discharge

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My idea comes from what police currently use as a Mugshot and Fingerprint system. The idea is that when we process a suspect before jailing or placing them in prison, we go through a RP process of taking their photograph and taking down their fingerprints. They then place a $0 ticket on that persons record that reads ((Fingerprints and Mugshot on file)). This is so that further down the line if we see someone who may be in handcuffs and refusing to comply with providing details, they can look up their ID in the MDC, and if this record is on their file, then the officer is allowed to know the characters name from the MDC, meaning that the police cannot Metagame your character name. My suggestion for a realistic fingerprint and mugshot system so in some way the characters stranger ID (Stranger 1234_5678) must be entered into that characters record during processing. As this 8 digit number is unique to the individual character, this would be used for both mugshot and fingerprints.

The second half if this suggestion is a way to test firearms to see a few different statistics about the gun. Similar to /analysewounds information recieved, you must have a fingerprint kit inside your inventory for it to work, you the look in your inventory and right click on the gun in question. With an extra button coming up that would be "Test Firearm". Results would appear in the text box like with /analysewounds showing stats like:

- Who has held it recently, ("Recently held by John_Citizen")

- How long ago it was last fired. ("Fired approximately 15 minutes ago")

Both of these pieces of information can disappear after a few hours in game. If the person who held the firearm last, does not have their fingerprints in the added to the MDC, then the text would come up "Recently held by Unknown_Stranger", however if the person who held it last fingerprints ARE in the MDC then it would read "Recently held by John_Citizen".

You could still check a firearm without a fingerprint test kit however the only information you would receive is how long ago it was fired. Obviously the only other thing to this suggestion is that police are the only ones who can test a firearm.

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Would be good but id say only people in Investigations Bureau would be able to do this kind of stuff as it could somewhat be meta-gamed in a way however, i think this is a good idea but one for the future some major issues that need to be fixed and sorted before fingerprint scanners

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