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Make drift tires available from GTA's Tuners update

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Quite recently GTA dropped the Tuners update. This update came with new cars and new modifications. Eclipse already added the new cars and new wheels very quickly!

The suggestion:
Add a modification option in /modview for the drift (Low grip) tires!

I personally do not have much experience with these new low grip tires, so I really would love to see more people's opinions on this. This video will also give some sort of preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnACaU4q1FY

Why I make this suggestion:

  • I personally believe adding the low grip tires is something that could bring something new and unique to the server. I believe some car based factions would really love to see this option. If not any existing faction, I can imagine any future one.
  • I simply think it's simply just very fun to be able to put low grip tires on a car. 


How would this benefit any group, faction or individual?:

I personally don't think it will affect anyone or anything negatively due to it purely being an addition. The only benefit I personally see is there actually finally being a way to more properly drift cars. I believe in some cases this could actually make street racing and police chases very unique in a good way.


How would I see this implemented?:

How I would see this implemented is adding a "Low grip tires" option in the /modview menu under the wheels category. I would love to see this option being available for all vehicles and not only tuner vehicles, but I don't know if this is something that's possible.


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2 minutes ago, WetGarbageBag said:

there is one problem though. Because gta physics is wacky the low grip tyres cause vehicles to reach speeds much higher than they are supposed to. The increase is speed can be up to 20kph above the top speed for non low grip tires.

If thats indeed the case, this would be a bad idea. I was indeed slightly worried about this and I am glad someone who tried those brought it up.

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