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Money Money Money!!!

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So I haven't seen any money making guides or help pages to help out new players with making big bucks, if there is some please comment it below as it will really help.


So far all I have gotten from people is do the bus, bin, delivery etc jobs or join the goverment. I get they are easy and straight forward but I don't want to spend all my time driving a bus or stadding at a toll both. Also my character isn't one for working in the goverment sector.


So how can I make money In more of a trilling way?


I have started by robbing cars as a seven 70 will give you around 14k+ each time but this takes a long time to find a good car that isn't parked in a safe zone or behind locked doors.


Any help would be appreciated.

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The reason for this is you shouldn't treat it like a game to be optimized or find the meta best strat to get the most money or something, you should treat it like you would real life. You should ask around or look at adverts for jobs and ways to make money in ways you can develop your character.

If you want to work for a government service, ask people how to do so.

If you want to make money in less legal ways, make the right connections who will eventually trust you enough to tell you these things and show you the way, 

tl;dr ask people and find out in-character.

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