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BasicSync Issue causing Repeated Crashes

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I have been disconnected countless times as a result of this error, which occurs when driving vehicles and doing jobs such as Trucking, Courier and Money Transport. The alert will appear and the game will suddenly exit 2-3 minutes later. I've verified my files, checked my settings.xml file and excluded GTA:N/GTALauncher from my anti-virus but none of these suggested fixes, and others, have worked. The error code appears exactly the same every time, and looks like this:


System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: startIndex

at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)

at System.BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex)

at GTANetworkShared.BitReader.ReadInt32() in C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Git\gtanet-src\mtav\MultiTheftAutoShared\BitReader.cs:line 64

at GTANetworkShared.PacketOptimization.ReadBasicSync(Byte[] array, Int32& netHandle, Vector3& position) in C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Git\gtanet-src\mtav\MultiTheftAutoShared\PacketOptimization.cs:line 608

at GTANetwork.Main.ProcessDataMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg, PacketType type) in C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Git\gtanet-src\mtav\Client\Main.cs:line 4262

at GTANetwork.Main.ProcessMessages(NetIncomingMessage msg, Boolean safeThreaded) in C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Git\gtanet-src\mtav\Client\Main.cs:line 5084

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