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Taxi Fares

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Date and time (provide timezone): N/A 

Character name: Chuck_Mangione

Issue/bug you are reporting: Taxi fare not working

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: When you /togglefare and /changefare $ the passenger will not be charged when driving around. The way to fix this is to exit the vehicle and get back inside. That will charge the passenger for the ride. 

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For now the best solution for this is...when you spawn a vehicle(/fspawn), exit and enter again, so you don't need to do it later with a passenger.

I think the problem is when you spawn the vehicle and you are automatically moved into the spawned vehicle, and it's like, it dont register you that you are in the vehicle.

Same situation is for almost every work(Truck driver, Courier) when you not getting a GPS route, or when you are a truck driver your trailer won't fill up, and you dont have a speedo meter at the bottom, so you need to exit and enter again.

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