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House Bugs. (No 'E', No Lock/Unlock, Door is gateway to pitfall)

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Date and time (provide timezone): Universal

Character name: Miguel_Raza

Issue/bug you are reporting: I've recently bought my second house which I'm also experiencing problems with in Palento Bay.

Lock/Unlock house - Access House UI - And door is a pitfall which then spawns me in the city. Unable to then interact with anything. (But at least, I can just NOT go through the pit of hell.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I've found this house one of the only ones for sale .. So perhaps it's a bug from the building itself? No more information I know of that I can provide .. (< FROM LAST BUG REPORT INVOLVING HOUSES.) I believe this is an issue from my side rather than the servers though .. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I run Windows 7 .. Fishing also doesn't work for me because of Windows 7 someone told me .. Not sure how to install Windows 10 though so pretty shagged there .. Anyway, help would be lovely! Thank you (Happy Birthday to me!!)


Thank you for your attention!!


EDIT: Windows 10 fixed a lot of issues. Considered resolved. Thanks Polar

Edited by Mika_Roza
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Hello @Mika_Roza and thank you for your bug report.

Glad to hear you got it resolved by upgrading your OS to Windows 10. As you have already reported the bug earlier, this bug report will be closed. Bug has been reported in the topic below.


Edited by PolarBlunk
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