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Russian Mob

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The Continuation of
Dominic Santiago's

Up to this time everything has been going good for Dominic. After joining the Russian Mob Dominic needed to find his own place. Luckily a man named Franky Gee took him in. He also was about the lifestyle. Dominic and Franky Gee would constantly link up spending a lot of time together.
Franky Gee would also let Dominic stash all of his belongings such as guns, drugs etc. in his apartment. They soon became very close friends and even roommates. After Dominic got enough money and got onto his feet after a long time of not having enough money he finally saved up for his own place. Dominic started to look for apartments in the Los Santos area and he found the most perfect apartment on Integrity Street. After a while of living in his new apartment Dominic had an idea that could make him a lot of money, drug production. To prepare for this Dominic would need a partner for cooking to manage the tables while he would be away and he had the perfect candidate for it. His name is Edgar and he has been in the city for a while he originally rolled with Franky Gee and a gang named Los Santos Bloods. After Edgar was left LSB he decided to roll with the Russian Mob as a hang around. After a while Dominic and Edgar became close friends. So a while later Dominic decided to make him his cooking partner.


From where we last left off Dominic was just recruited and was a Shpana now he is a Doverenny and he has gained The Russian Mob's trust and has brought quite a couple of people into the Mob. Giving people opportunities and chances that would change a persons life like what the Russian Mob was for Dominic. The Russian Mob was more than just a group of likeminded people or just organized crime. For Dominic it was his new family who gave him work, opportunities and many chances when other people neglected  and ignored him. People looked at him like an outsider and complete stranger. But The Russian Mob brought him in with open arms they didn't care whether or not he was a different skin color or orientation. For this reason Dominic stuck with them and would never betray them he would fight to the death for The Russian Mob. All for one and one for all The Russian Mob worked like a well oiled machine, when they came together they became one huge fist and took care of anyone in their way and for this reason Dominic would have to die first before he would leave the Russian Mob.


Edited by dominykas
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Edward "XtraDiamante 


At the beginning...

Edward Diamante, Son of Emilio Diamante, Born in Mexico

His mother was form Los Santos and his father is Mexican, 2 years after Emilio's Death, he and his mother decided to move to Los Santos from Mexico and start living with his Grandparents when he was 18 years old, Few years after he start living there, he was kinda tired of his Legal Activity and living like a poor guy with his Family, so he decided to move out from Los Santos


What Happened in Russia...

He decided to go to Russia, at first, he was following his Grandpa advices and decided to Join one of their old family friend Adrian, at first Adrian taught him how to use weapons and cook drugs, and he started his activity with a number of old russian people with  robbing some stores, cooking drugs and selling it to cartel, and doing some hitman contracts

after few months that he was living in Moscow, he was thinking about big things and stuff and one day he asked Adrian to find some people for him and he can join a Big organization and Adrian knows that he's ready. So he gave him someone's number Named Dimitri Mandojev, but the point was he's doing his activity in Los Santos, not Russia.

Getting Back to Start...701731327_RGultiplr5_16_20212_36_38AM.thumb.png.44ed3a1816ac79eac682a7d15e56a602.png

After he came back to Los Santos, he realized his Mother and also grandparents are dead, so he has nothing, just a number that was Mandojev's Number, so he made a call and some of the Mob's High command set a meeting for them.


After the Meeting, he started doing his Activities in Russian Mob and he's trying to be a useful part.



Edited by Edward Diamante
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Emily Puskin was from small town near Spain, here parents was from mafia and had respect for her family. She was educated, smart and polite to everyone. But she didn’t know that her father was in mafia until she started to educate herself about guns, drugs and stealing cars.

Then I arrived at Los Santos city she met Dominic Santiago and Kevin Wadson.


When Emily was driving whit Dominic and Kevin the offered to join the RUSSIAN MOB. They stayed together in a ride. Meanwhile Emily was thinking about the offer. She said yes to the offer. Then Dominic introduced Emily to Dimitri the boss. She talked to boss and he said, ,, If you want to join you need to show what you can do and what you worth”. So, Emily started working and showing what she capable of. She shown Dimitri how she can shoot, drive, dip from danger, how to sell illegal guns, drugs. After few months here hard work paid off. The day came then all high-ranking people gathered and started talking. Emily stood like a stone but inside she was happy, but she didn’t show that.






After meeting all the members, they didn’t tell Emily that they trusted here and she was accepted into the RUSSIAN MOB group. After the conversation and reception, Emily called her friends Dominic and Kevin and said if they can meet privately. 

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The Long Con

Nacho having been with the Russian Mob for quite a while now was chilling with his bratans at the Russian HQ celebrating our gun connection with the cartel, the russians were minding there own business downing drinks and blasting music until a PD Operation hit the HQ and Nacho went down for possesion of an illegal firearm. 

During his ride down to the SADOC he stayed friendly and cordial with the officers because who knows when this kindness will repay itself or you can exploit them, Once Nacho arrived  at the prison he saw his favorite guard Yuki Nakamura and marched over to her and asked her to process him which she did. Nacho still stayed polite with the CO's during this as much as he hated being inside the prison. But in the end all the politeness pays off when Nacho was granted free use of the kitchen along with another inmate by Yuki and Warden Sanchez

While inside the kitchen Nacho decided he wanted to make some quesedilla's even though he belongs with the Russian Mob he is a vato at heart. He gathered the neccesary ingredients and was granted a knife to chop the vegetables by the warden herself who kept him under her watchful gaze, it was a crying shame she did not keep her attention on the other inmate who decided to tamper with the gas canister in the kitchen causing a massive explosion. Immediatly after the explosion Nacho realized the opportunity that was presented to him. 

Once released he thought of a plan and how to execute it. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Step one: The lie

After scouring the internet and doing his research on PTSD symptoms he presented himself to Pillbox and requested CRU treatment, After numerous sessions with Samantha Tenbe from MD, he finally managed to convince her enough of his faked symptoms and managed to complete the first stage of his plan. Get a statement. 



Step two: Bullshit your way to success

With the statement in hand he filed a liability claim vs the San Andreas Department of Corrections, Nacho made a lengthy IA case involving written and recorded statements from MD regarding Nacho's ''wellbeing'' and Yuki's recorded statement that he came in as a normal individual and left a ''broken man'' 

Nacho mustered as much bullshit as he possibly could and used every detail from the incident to great effect and flung a massive IA case towards the DOC demanding a sum of half a million dollars to cover his expenses and get his treatment started. 


Step three: When in doubt, lay it on even more

Nacho's next step was to make a complete fool out of himself but hey if it paid for his criminal lifestyle he would not care. He decided to take it one step further and take it to LifeInvader. Driving to multiple locations around the city making pitiful pictures of himself and his ''illness'' his aim was to get it trending and make it public knowledge whilst also putting the DOC's treatment of Nacho out there on social media. 



After a while Nacho got a response from the DOC and it went back and forth in mails and social media posts from Nacho trying to garner attention and strength for his scam. 


Though every scam ends at some point whilst Nacho was willing to take the commisioners into his social media rants and even be willing to take this to court it was not needed in the end. The DOC conceded a bit and offered him $100K as an initial settlement


Nacho believed he could swindle the DOC a bit more though and went in on a final hail mary attempt.


Feeling as he milked this cash cow as much has he possibly could he would accept the final settlement offer made by the DOC



Step four: Say yes, say thank you, but think screw you!

Nacho showed up at the DOC signed that waiver under the watchfull eye of Solomon Cobb whilst still keeping up the act of being scared of everything that could cause an explosion, he was brought to the bank by Solomon Cobb himself and handed the money and was brought back to the DOC, he walked away a very healthy and sane man but one that had an additional $150K in his bank account. Nacho looked over his shoulder once more at the prison and could only think of one thing.

Thank you & Screw you!

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Edgar Jimenez

Early Life 

Edgar Jimenez born 4th of July 2001 comes from a city called Rostov-on-Don which is one of the most dangerous cities in Russia. Growing up he was consistently around criminals, drugs and weapons the reason being was that his Father worked with one of the most known criminal organisations in Russia called the Bratva. Growing up Edgar didn't have any friends and was always locked at home and he didn't even go to school because of the amount of enemies his dad had. On the 4th of July 2020 when Edgar and his family were celebrating his 18th birthday at one of the Bratva's mansions a rival organisation raided the party with heavy weapons, Edgar saw how both of his parents were being shot at. He was terrified. Edgar managed to escape the shootout and walked back home that day without parents. 



LSB (Los Santos Bloods

Edgar bought his first gun which was a .50 caliber pistol from a guy named Owen Purger. Edgar and Owen became good friends and started to role together. Owen already knew a lot more of the city then Edgar did. Owen teached Edgar how the criminal side of the city worked. After a couple weeks of going around with Owen. Owen decided to start off his own gang which was called Los Santos Bloods. Owen introduced Edgar to Bertie Blevins and Franky Gee which were the founders of LSB (Los Santos Bloods). Edgar was making money robbing stores, cars, banks etc. He started to understand how the criminal side of the city worked and gained more knowledge of the streets. After a couple months LSB disbanded and it was time for Edgar to find a new gang. During the time in LSB Edgar had met Dominic Santiago. Edgar and Dominic became best friends and decided to buy an apartment together.



The Russian Mob

Dominic was a part a The Russian Mob a very known criminal organisation in Los Santos, Edgar thought it was impossible to be part of such big organisation but since Dominic was a low command he made Edgar's dream true and setup a meeting between Dimitri and Edgar. During the meeting Dimitri told Edgar that he was going to be a hang-around for the time being. This was still big news for him. After a week of Edgar hanging around with the Russians and proving himself Dimitri gave him the Shpana rank and Edgar was officialy a member of the Russian Mob. Dominic then started to explain everything to Edgar and told him that they needed to start a drug lab so that they could provide their clients. Dominic and Edgar talked to Dimitri about how they could get the drug tables Dimitri made a couple phone calls and it was done. Dominic and Edgar went ahead and picked up the illegal shipment at the Paleto Forest everything went smooth and as planned. After having the equipment ready Edgar and Dominic just had to learn about proper cooling, ventilation and the drug recipes. But luckily Andrei Golovkov which was a high command of theRussian Mob knew everything and taught them how its done. Dominic and Edgar were making a lot of money with the production of drugs. One night one of the Russian Mobs Members attempted to raid Edgar knowing that he had drug tables and weapons inside the apartment. This was not successful and Edgar managed to take down both of the betrayers. During this Dominic was on vacation so Edgar gave him a phone call and informed him of what had happened. Dominic quickly came back and they decided to move out to a new place. After the incident Edgar started to lose trust between him and the Russian Members he did not know who was loyal anymore. 





The Next Step

Dominic had left the Mob because things weren't working out as planned. Edgar decided to follow the footsteps of his brother Dominic Santiago. Dominic had already been accepted as a pre-trial in Irish so Edgar tried the same. After some weeks of back and forth talk with the lead recruiters of Daichead Gadai they finally set up a meeting to talk to Edgar face to face. They met a Steamboat Beers, Daichead Gadai’s pub in Vespucci. They were talking for quite a while about his past and what he could bring to the Irish. Edgar being Ex-Russian had quite a lot of experience and knowledge of the streets. He could bring loyalty, strength and hard work to the Irish. Through his work providing Irish with drugs he had already gained their trust. The lead recruiters had a quick chat between themselves and decided to give Edgar a chance. Edgar was delighted with this decision. He was excited that he would have a new family covering his back and who would stand up for him. Edgar told Dominic the good news.  They both felt excited so they decided to go out and get some drinks to celebrate the great news and Edgar’s next step forward.











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Пабло Мендез

(Pablo Mendez)





Pablo Mendez (Phillip Nordie) was born in Croatia, he grew up with his brother and cousin.

Phillip's father was a well-known gangster all around the Balkan region and at one point was one of the most wanted people in eastern Europe.

He was taught to shoot a gun at just 4 years old to protect himself and his close relatives, unfortunately, he could not protect his family.

His father died in a massive police raid on his mansion, they took away almost everything from him.

The mansion was trashed, his cars ruined, his family left in pieces, his gang almost wiped.

Phillip, his brother, cousin, and mother lived in a shack that the gang hid out in after the house raid.

One day Phillip and his cousin woke up, their mother missing, along with the rest of the gang, with a note on the doors of the shack.

They read the note out loud: "Hello sweetie, I cannot take this anymore, your dad left everything that he had to you and the police took it away from us.

I am leaving everything that he left to me to you. PS: Make sure to take care of the gang."

Phillip is now 17 and is the leader of the previous drug empire his dad used to rule.

He told his brother that he can't do that himself and that he is giving the gang over to him.

Phillip later that same day decided that he cannot take it anymore himself, but he didn't give up on life yet.

He was wandering around the woods a few nights before making a crucial choice, and there he found her.

His mom, leaning against a tree.

Phillip immediately ran over to her, but she would just stand still.

As he came closer, it became more clear, he could see through the fog, his mom cut her wrist open.

After that he told himself that he is leaving this awful country.


Moving to Los Santos


Phillip talked to his brother and cousin as he was saying that he is going on a trip to find mom and that he is leaving most of the stuff they left him with to them two, he just needed some money to survive.

Phillip bought a plane ticket and moved to Los Santos.

The Misfits


After getting a legal job at a trucker's company, he went to the Los Santos Bank where he met one of his good friends [REDACTED]

[REDACTED] and Phillip talked a bit and Phillip asked about all of the yellow [REDACTED] was wearing.

He responded with: "You don't know about The Misfits?"

That was the turning point of Phillips's future in Los Santos.

After doing all of the required tasks to join The Misfits he was known as an official Misfit.

Phillip treated The Misfits like family.

One of the adventures he had as a Misfit is when Novo Los Aztecas called The Misfits for a little party at church.

That is the first time where Phillip met "Miss Boss"

He met so many important people there.

Then The Misfits disbanded because they started a fight with Los Zetas.


Legal Life


He got a legal job just so he can support himself.

He quickly got bored of it since he was raised to always stay in action.

Phillip quit his job and ran solo for a bit.

He also wanted to try to start something which didn't work out.


Becoming a part of the Familia 


After a long time of working and staying solo, he decided that he isn't for that type of shit.

He called up his good buddy Apol and asked him about Los Aztecas.

Apol said that he will speak to "Miss Boss" about me.

After a short wait, Phillip received a call from Apol, saying to meet him at the HQ in paleto.

Apol came in with some good news, from now Phillip was going to be a hang-around for Los Aztecas.

Phillip, Apol, and another hang-around Jay would roll together whenever Apol was in town, when he leaves town although, Phillip had some problems.


A person named [REDACTED] moved into Los Santos, which rang a bell in Phillips's head.

It was his Cousin from back in the Balkans.

Phillip knew that [REDACTED] wouldn't just move here and leave Phils' brother all alone. He came for something.

The reason [REDACTED] moved to Los Santos was not because of a better future, but to find Phillip.

Phillip started to be ever so more careful everywhere he went.

Phillip once ended up in DOC after a shootout with SD.

He met a person named [REDACTED] that could help him out with his problem.

For a small fee, she could become his Foster mother.

Phillip would get fake IDs after getting out of DOC, he was now known as Pablo Mendez.

Pablo was now free from [REDACTED]'s fury, but that didn't help with The Government.

[REDACTED] told him about how The Government wouldn't believe the papers.

So to make things seem more "Legit", Pablo talked to Apol and asked him if he wanted to be adopted.

Apol agreed to help Pablo out once more.

Apol became a Mendez that day and has remained one ever since.


Official Azteca


Eclipse-RP - GTA V Roleplaying Server

After a while of chopping cars, robbing stores, cooking drugs, killing people, Pablo managed to get into Los Aztecas.

Finally, he had another place he could call home, had people he could call his family.

However, Pablo still had one concern, and that was [REDACTED]. He knew that [REDACTED] would eventually

catch up to him and find out what he has done all of the time that he was "on a trip".

And that got to the best of him.

He started to be more careful with what he does, he even went into disguise at LSC, just to seem like he was a better person if [REDACTED] found him.

After a few months of being an official Azteca, Pablo was running low on cash, and so decided to leave the familia to make some, promising that he would return once he had gotten more stable.

He joined DCC for a short while, made some money, and as he was about to return, Apol told him that the familia disbanded. A lot of them even got deported.

This once again, just as with The Misfits, broke Pablo.

He was lost, and depressed.


The Russian Mob



After a few weeks of just pure sadness and boredom, Pablo found out that Apol decided to join Irish, also known as "Daichead Gadaí".

A few months after Apol joined Irish, they disbanded, and Apol was looking for more action. Pablo wanted to get a piece of it too, so they decided to join a gang together.

Pablo wanted to join the street gang known as 6ix 7even mostly because there's a lot of old vatos and vatas there, there was a problem with that, Apol had told Pablo that he had ruined his relations with 6ix 7even after joining Irish.

Apol heard that a lot of the old Irish members, the ones that weren't getting deported, were joining The Russian Mob, so he decided to do the same, without telling Pablo that he joined.

The next time Pablo was in the city, Apol decided to admit that he did what he did. Pablo was disappointed but decided to say fuck it, already too deep in this shit to back out. Apol had set up a meeting between Pablo and Alberto, a face Pablo already recognized.

Alberto was a random back when Pablo was in Aztecas, that just decided to annoy the living shit out of them.

Alberto went through the process and Pablo was now a Shapna for The Russian Mob.

It has now been a few months since Pablo joined The Russian Mob, nothing of much interest had been going on since then besides Pablo ruining his reputation 6ix 7even. We will send more information when we get some.

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                                                                                         Just another day


It was a normal day for Alberto, He woke up and did his standard routine. He gets changed into his Russian clothes. Alberto got a call from Dimitri ‘’Christopher made another group called, Bridge Steet Brotherhood, and we share multiple common enemies. Arrange a meeting with him.’’ When Alberto heard his name, he thought of the massacre that had happened between Russians and LNF. But that was the past and his ready to leave the past and focus on the future. Alberto looked in his phone for Christopher's number, unfortunately he did not find it. So, he went to Bridge Street and saw some of his Members, Alberto asked for Christopher’s number, they gave the number. Alberto Texted Christopher and asked for a meeting between Russians and BSB, Chris agreed and said ''Saturday 8PM'’.

                                                                                                                                                                               День встречи

                                                                                           (Meeting Day)


Alberto called all bratans to go to HQ and come with proper clothing. Everyone got together and went to the parking lot. 4 full 4 doors went to Bridge Street. We got out and Christopher said "park your cars in the back." Everyone got out. Time for business.





Everyone lined up behind the High Commands. Everyone took their mask off and started to introduced themselves and exchanged numbers. When we were done with introducing and greeting each other, there was a little silence between the two groups. Dimitri broke the silence with his hard Russian accent. ‘’Let’s start it, the city is a mess and we are the only gangs that can change this, lets stop fighting each other but let’s help each other. Everyone agreed with Dimitri. Nearing the meeting’s end everyone smiling, Dimitri invited BSB to come and hold a lab together and gathering some plants, which BSB agreed with.


(once a Russian always a Russian)



Edited by AlbertoPanchino
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Miky, the story.


Miky was born in Rome, Italy in a mixed nationality family; His mum was Russian and his dad was Italian. At the age of 3, him and his family decided to move to Los Santos and start a new life. He grew up in a wealthy area of LS (Rockford hills) and always admired the bad boys of Los Santos. On TV he used to watch the news and take consideration of what those crimals do because he secretly always had a plan for his future; Rob a bank and get away with the money. As he grew up he kept thinking of  this plan and even when he was in school, instead of listening to the lesson he drew a plan on a piece of paper and kept modifying it till perfection.
At the age of 16, on a rainy Friday, his mum was casually cleaning his room and found one of his plans. She got really concerned and told this to his dad. They had a massive discussion and they decided to kick Miky out of the house and make him go on with his skills and earn money on his own. He was depressed and did not know what to do at first but then he put his head up and decided to do what he was always planning to do, become a criminal.




After a couple of years of attempts in becoming a criminal, Miky desperately needed money and he had no choise but to get an actual job. He found a place at DCC and worked there really hard for a couple of month until he found out about La Nostra Famiglia where he met Christopher and a lot of other people that taught him how do be a good criminal which he became and used those skills to make money and make his dream come true.
After a bit of time he got really upset with the high commands of the gang and decided to leave LNF and make new discoveries in the criminal world...  




After a couple days of roaming around LS he decided to call up Lola who at the time was high command of Daichead Gadai and asked her if he could speak to a recruiter to potentially join them. 3 days after that phone call, Miky finally checked on Daichead Gadai's radio frequency and he happily continued his amazing journey with them. He met so many great people that also taught  him a lot of things that he didn't know before joining and made a lot of money. Miky was proud of himself and continued grinding money and fighting for Irish.



After the departure of Irish, Miky had no idea of what he was doing to do however once he met Dimitri Mandojev... (To be continued...)


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At this point in time I knew the streets of Los Santos like the back of my hand however, I found myself in a predicament. With the recent disbanding of the previous gang I was in, ESL (East Side Locos), every time I came into the city I found myself wandering around like a lost dog. I was left without a purpose. A lot of my close friends from ESL were feeling the same way and I couldn’t stand thinking to myself “what’s the point” anymore. I had to take action.

I made a decision to leave the city not knowing when or if I would return.

A month had passed before I started to receive letters and emails from my old friends in Los Santos asking me to come back. When I read the first email I received, I was adamant that I was not returning but after receiving more and more emails I had to give it a second thought. I couldn’t help myself but to reflect on my time in Los Santos and the nostalgia hit hard, from the days when I first joined THE LOST MC and not knowing anything about Los Santos to the day I received my Lieutenant patch then leaving a few weeks later. There are too many good memories to list and too many good people I met along the way. My decision was made.


I arrived in Los Santos and I instantly receive a call from my good friend Salman Shiesty, he pro-fused with excitement “meet me now, I’ll explain when you get here”. “Say no more” I exclaimed as I rushed to the meeting location in my sunset yellow VSTR, sweat was rolling down my forehead from the anxiety of possibly being caught by PD within the first 5 minutes of returning to the city.

I cautiously roll into the dingy alleyway which was enveloped in darkness as I say to myself “Is this really the meeting spot?”. The GPS is definitely set correctly so I must have been in the right location. After driving in a little deeper I suddenly see the outline of a figure stood over 10 meters in-front of the car. I stop and turn the headlights on which unveils a man wearing a yellow jacket, yellow shorts and a white mask. At first glance this could have been just about anyone in Los Santos but on further inspection I could tell it was Salman Shiesty.

As I was clambering out of the car with excitement at seeing my old friend, he leans back suddenly against the wall behind him whilst taking off his mask and calmly placing a cigar in his mouth before lighting it with a chrome engraved lighter. After taking a few short puffs of the cigar, Salman Shiesty calmly says “y’know what’s wrong with this city?” I look at Salman Shiesty confused before he goes on to explain “The informal alliance between Goblins and 67 is starting to wear this city down” I nod in agreement and reply “We need to fight against this”.

After a brief but enthusiastic discussion, Salman and I came to the agreement that we should retrace our Russian roots and join The Russian Mob.

In excitement at the prospect of something new, I rush back into my car and call the current Russian Mob underboss Alberto Panchino. The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity but there was no answer. I end the call and start to drive away before I hear the ever familiar ring tone from my phone. The caller ID reads “Alberto Panchino” I slam the handbrake on and felt like I nearly flung myself through the windshield, unfazed I answer the phone call.

I was nervous to say the least and start to stumble my words but manage to collect myself and explain that I’m looking to join The Russian Mob and without saying much else, we agree to meet at The Mob’s HQ. I decide that showing up to a meeting in a bright yellow obnoxious looking VSTR was not a good idea and switch into my matte black Contender which is abit more fitting for the occasion.

After 10mins of driving into the industrial parts of Los Santos, I edge my contender into the bugstars warehouse (a clever front The Russian Mob uses to hide their criminal activity) and park to one side. A suited man with a black and red fedora was already waiting for me inside and I instantly recognised him as Alberto Panchino. For the next few hours discussing the reasons why I wanted to join and what my previous experience was as well as a long list of other things, we came to the mutual conclusion that I would be a good fit for The Russian Mob. I started off ranked as a Shpana (The lowest rank in the mob) until I prove myself to be trusted and knowledgeable.

3 weeks later I have managed to work my way up the ranks to the rank of Soldat and found myself becoming more and more as part of the family. It became evident that this is what I have been missing in Los Santos.


                                                                            TO BE CONTINUED



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The Beginning.

Toni Phillips was born in Cancun, Mexico. A place which was riddled with gang activity, drugs, guns and much more. But it was  place of opportunity and life. From a young age, Toni had it hard growing up due to both of his parent's being ill. To most this would be a challenge but for him he took it as a opportunity to grow mentally stronger, as he had to cook, clean and even have two jobs just to provide for them all. Reaching the age of 19 Toni had no education, no real life skills, and no parents. He was stuck, he had no where to go but there was 1 person he had which was his uncle, his uncle was moving to the amazing city of Los Santos and asked Toni if he would like to join him. Little did he know, this would change Toni's life forever.


The Arrival.

On arrival to Los Santos, Toni and his uncle moved into a little 1G near the pier. As Toni had no education, finding a job was very difficult, but luckily for him his uncle was a very skilled and experienced mechanic. So over the next couple years he taught Toni the ways of how to become a great mechanic, this meant that he was able to get a job at Los Santos Customs. Having a job at LSC, he was able to get his name known in the city and start moving up in the world. After people started to know his name and get info on his backstory, a Human Resource member of Weazel News asked if he would like an interview, which obviously he accepted. He passed the interview and became a Jr. Advertiser, but after a while Toni began to grow bored of the legal life and started looking for a gang to join. He found a recruiter of the Goblins and received his number, after a few hours he got a call from the recruiter asking if he wanted to join. He said yes and was now apart of the Goblin family as a prospect. Toni stayed with the Goblins for a few weeks without LSC or Weazel knowing that he was affiliated with them, but having the specified car colour, and rolling with other known members, both work places found out and fired him for gang affiliation.


The Interrogation.

After being fired from LSC, Toni was asked to leave the property in which he did not. This meant that the workers called upon the police department to come and take him of the premises. They arrived and unluckily it was a detective, the detective took Toni down to Mission row and interrogated him asking him questions about the gang. Toni did not give any information away to the detective and kept his mouth shut. Another Goblin was conveniently stood outside of the station listening to whole conversation. This member convinced the rest of the gang that Toni was snitching although he was not. This lead to him being removed from the gang and left back to being on the streets.



After all of this happened, Toni was deported from the city for around 5 months. He did not let this deteriorate him and when he got back he was instantly looking for new opportunities in the city. When in the DOC as an inmate, Boss of the Russian Mob Dimitri was also there. Toni asked if they were recruiting and if he could have Dimitri's number for when he got out of prison. Toni got his number and called him when he was out of prison, he was then told to call the underboss, Alberto Panchino who would later recruit him into the Mob as a Shpana. Ever since, he has really settled in with the gang and it has become a second family to him, everyday doing different stuff. Many memories have been made with the gang and many more are to be made.CsnAKvQ.png

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It was a warm late summer evening. The sun was slowly disappearing behind the horizon. Dimitri sat on a hill overlooking the city, playing with the .50 in his hand. he sighed as his thoughts wandered off. He remembered the good times, but also the nightmares he endured. The past three years, he has comitted the worst crimes, but helped out the helpless aswell. There are two sides to a coin. That previous sentence describes Dimitri really well. He could treat people like an angel or a demon. Dimitri got into fights with the closest people around him, the people that would call him 'Dima' He remembered the wonderful people he met. People like Artyom and Nelson. Forgotten by others, but not by Dimitri. The sun already disappeared halfway behind the horizon, when Dimitri shed a tear. "Shit, so many people gone before me" he said. Removing the magazine from his pistol, Dimitri felt the void within him. He slowly reached for his duffel bag, taking out two things. His phone and one round for his .50 pistol. He continued by loading up his music app and started playing one of his most favourite songs. Once the song started, he put his phone next to him, shifting his focus to his pistol. Carefully he put the round in the magazine, before shoving the magazine in the .50 pistol. The pistol made a 'click' sound as he pulled back the slide and released it. 'Who would've thought, from a young thug to a mob leader', he softly said as he chuckled a little. He went on mumbling to himself; 'The disgusting shit I've done, for what? Money? Honour? Family?'. He felt pain in his heart as he spoke out the word 'family'. The pain swiftly turned into anger as he started shouting; '' I'VE LOST ALMOST MY WHOLE FAMILY'. Realizing he was shouting towards an empty void, he quickly manned up. 'My time has come, a new generation Russians is the future'. He moved a bit, to sit comfortably as he moved the .50 towards his chest, making the barrel touch his upper chest. "Ironic how my protection will be the end of my own life''. Another tear shed as he continued mumbling; 'No more Artyom, No Nelson, No Stephen, no Dominic, no Edgar and soon no Dimitri'. The sun vanished from the horizon and the song he played came to an end. The ending of the song was a perfect resemblance for the ending of Dimitris story. He came from the bottom and rose to the top. Dimitri never realized that how higher you climb, the harder you fall. His phone was now silent and it turned dark. It was so quiet just outside the city. His left hand reached for his duffel bag one last time, taking out a vodka bottle as he removed the lid with a lot of trouble. Dimitri brought the bottle to his mouth as he took a good sip, before throwing the bottle away. He pressed the barrel hard in his own chest, even to the point where it started to hurt a little. Dimitri closed his eyes as he said the words; 'I love you bratans' before pulling the trigger twice. *bang* *bang* Two loud noises followed by complete silence. Dimitri fell over, onto his back as a bloodpool started to appear next to him. Dimitri may not have died surrounded by friends or family, but that would not really matter. He had never been a person who showed his inner feelings. A hard and bitter, but fair man left the world that day. Dimitri had left the world, knowing that a new generation would replace him.


Edited by Dimja
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