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Chief Pupui

Police Speed Modes

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Police Speed Modes

So the police have a rough time chasing around people in their 811's and other super cars.As such, they have a modified speed boost to all their vehicles coded in, which is quite a significant amount.

After speaking to a couple officers its no challenge for them to hit 240 downhill when they want to, and that's pretty damn fast. But I've started to notice a general trend to move away from supercars everywhere to more RP cars. The Grove are currently operating on purely 'factional' vehicles as are most biker gangs, and reflecting such they're not speeding around at 200+ speeds every day yet interacting with police a lot. 

Now this puts them at a disadvantage, because cops then have cars that extremely outperforms them despite them purposely using cars of a lower quality than they can afford for the sake of being a lot more down with the RP.

The New Mechanic

As such, I propose that the police have a 'Interceptor Mode' on their cruisers, which turns off and on the speed boost they currently have by default. It would be a bound key like how CTRL+E is currently the panic button and give a emote range of shout distance.

This would be reserved for when they're facing super cars with all the bells and whistles and bull crap that entails them, while they can still give the guys who are not being 500 million dollar murder hobos a chance. 

End result

Cops can choose to have their speed boost on, potentially have it as one of their policies that they only use it for high speed chases, and give people who are using RP correct vehicles for their characters a chance to escape.


Bonus points if its like this.


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3 minutes ago, Lumin said:

Problem is not the police car speed but the excess of supercars.
This is a band aid not a fix. But I guess it can't hurt.

We can't take away the super cars, and we can't take away the police speed boost. 

But we can just ask the police to not use speed boosts when they aren't needed?

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A button to lower a cruisers top speed to give criminals more chance to escape? Am I reading that right? lol

How about this for a ground-breaking idea. STOP RUNNING. As soon as you evade police that's an additional 100 minutes of jail time. Stop getting caught, stop evading police, stop committing crimes in the heart of the city and stop committing crimes where there's 10 different witnesses to call 911. The police are meant to have an advantage - that is why real life works.

Adding your suggestion would do no harm in terms of gameplay mechanics so doesn't bother me either way but it makes very little RP sense. All I can see this doing is causing more OOC arguments. "Did you use your speed boost against my Warrener? "No" "Omg yes you did (insert insult here)"

8 hours ago, Triple Seven said:

Special high pursuit units are fine, like they exist now, but they should only be used on highways like IRL. In town police should coordinate and set up roadblocks. Maybe even regular police checks for vehicle damage and alcohol/drugs

Do suspects only use supercars on highways? We've tried roadblocks before, they are pointless when 90% of the community will just do an illegal u-turn to avoid a police officer asking to see some ID or just plough through to avoid having to go the long way around.

I definitely agree that there needs to be a solution to the supercar problem. Asking officers to choose when they should and should not limit their speed is ridiculous imo. 

Edited by SoloSmith
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1 hour ago, SoloSmith said:

The police are meant to have an advantage - that is why real life works.

And RP is supposed to be be fun, create interesting scenarios for everybody involved, if you win 99% of the time, it's not fun for me, now is it? 
Sure, don't do the crime if you can't do the time, but it's a game. Not everyone is cut out for legal or civilian type roleplay.
I think better option would be, when police car starts a pursuit they type, /pursuit id, based on that, the police car speed gets scaled to match the evading car.
There would ofcourse be some baseline, so it doesn't get set for faggio speed or similar but for supercars it could be scaled up.  For everyday cars, it's should stay just the gta v normal police car speed.

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1 minute ago, Lumin said:

And RP is supposed to be be fun, create interesting scenarios for everybody involved, if you win 99% of the time, it's not fun for me, now is it? 
Sure, don't do the crime if you can't do the time, but it's a game. Not everyone is cut out for legal or civilian type roleplay.
I think better option would be, when police car starts a pursuit they type, /pursuit id, based on that, the police car speed gets scaled to match the evading car.
There would ofcourse be some baseline, so it doesn't get set for faggio speed or similar but for supercars it could be scaled up.  For everyday cars, it's should stay just the gta v normal police car speed.

PD does not capture 99% of criminals, not even close. Plenty of suspects escape and evade, and in slower vehicles too. Yes it's a game, but it is RP. If you want crazy pursuits and minimal punishments, play GTA:O. 


if you win 99% of the time 

This here is the problem. Why does winning/losing determine fun factor? Some of the best RP I've had, I've "lost". That's the problem here, the mentality of the average criminal player. Be smarter, more creative. Learn how the PD operates. 

Asking officers to restrict speed based on the vehicle their chasing makes no IC/RP sense whatsoever. 

Supercars are the problem. The solution is sorting that out, not implementing non RP ideas that make no logical sense. 

As Grove was mentioned - I have had many RP situations with them. On foot, with guns, in a car. Win or lose, everyone is having a fun time. Let me give you a perfect example. There is a very high profile, key figure, that has been dealing illegal weaponry for MONTHS. Do you know how many times he's been caught for it? None. Not even a suspicion. 

This is not directed at anyone in this thread or anyone particular. If you are doing 4 hours every time you're arrested. You're a bad criminal. Stop doing stupid crap in stupid places :D

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About the no suspicion @SoloSmith: Really? Cops don't find it suspicious that a man without a job (untill recently), drives the most expensive cars and dresses like a kingpin? Okay.

Moving away from that I agree that having a switch in police cruisers doesn't make sense. I also don't think the high speed police cars should be around as often as they are. It should only be used for criminals that have been evading multiple times and have gotten away from the police for their active record. That way it would reset after every imprisonment and the high speed pursuit (HSP) vehicles would only be used for those slippery bastards.

Moving away from the HSP vehicles, I think cops should be driving the standard cruiser more often and not the interceptor, as that is already a HSP vehicle in the game on it's own, just doesn't work that well on Eclipse cause of the fast cars. IRL police would keep their distance if a pursuit goes completely nuts, endangers the citizens in the area and let a helicopter take over and keep watch as they try to coordinate the ground units to a spot where they can intercept. That helicopter isn't utilized enough imo.

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4 minutes ago, Triple Seven said:

About the no suspicion @SoloSmith: Really? Cops don't find it suspicious that a man without a job (untill recently), drives the most expensive cars and dresses like a kingpin? Okay.

Moving away from that I agree that having a switch in police cruisers doesn't make sense. I also don't think the high speed police cars should be around as often as they are. It should only be used for criminals that have been evading multiple times and have gotten away from the police for their active record. That way it would reset after every imprisonment and the high speed pursuit (HSP) vehicles would only be used for those slippery bastards.

Moving away from the HSP vehicles, I think cops should be driving the standard cruiser more often and not the interceptor, as that is already a HSP vehicle in the game on it's own, just doesn't work that well on Eclipse cause of the fast cars. IRL police would keep their distance if a pursuit goes completely nuts, endangers the citizens in the area and let a helicopter take over and keep watch as they try to coordinate the ground units to a spot where they can intercept. That helicopter isn't utilized enough imo.

Proves my point as I'm talking about someone else entirely lol

HSIU has been deployed 4-5 times in the last 7 days. That's less than 1 a day. I know what vehicles it was used to chase and what officers used it. Is it being used too often? Not at all. It is not used to patrol. It is only deployed to chase very specific vehicles or to provide urgent assistance to officers at risk in the Paleto Bay area. We have an entire division specifically targeting HSIU and HSU protocols and procedures. We stick to realism. We don't use a brickade to take out a panto and we don't use HSIU to chase a Warrener. 

If only criminal players paid us the same respect. Not using an 811 to avoid a speeding ticket. Not using a Zentorno to ram police cruisers. Not many criminals lobbying for that though eh? :D

The helicopter tops out at 230. It struggles to keep up with even the shittier super cars. That and the crashes makes it impossible to rely on the helicopter to take complete control of a pursuit as once they crash, it's done.

Edited by SoloSmith
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1 minute ago, SoloSmith said:

HSIU has been deployed 4-5 times in the last 7 days. That's less than 1 a day. I know what vehicles it was used to chase and what officers used it. Is it being used too often? Not at all. It is not used to patrol. It is only deployed to chase very specific vehicles or to provide urgent assistance to officers at risk in the Paleto Bay area.

The helicopter tops out at 230. It struggles to keep up with even the shittier super cars. That and the crashes makes it impossible to rely on the helicopter to take complete control of a pursuit as once they crash, it's done.

Then boost the helicopter for realism. Criminals have to deal with crashes as well so that is no different for PD imo. (if the criminal crashes mid-pursuit and returns he is at a disadvantage if not captured. If the police helicopter crashes then yeah, got away. RP it as technical issues with the helicopter: "Returning to base for emergency maintenance: suspect last seen [10-20] heading [direction]"

I'm not saying the 811's have no place in PD, just should be very careful when deploying them. Maybe they weren't deployed often, I guess pursuits often pass BayView then.

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Just now, Triple Seven said:

Then boost the helicopter for realism. Criminals have to deal with crashes as well so that is no different for PD imo. (if the criminal crashes mid-pursuit and returns he is at a disadvantage if not captured. If the police helicopter crashes then yeah, got away. RP it as technical issues with the helicopter: "Returning to base for emergency maintenance: suspect last seen [10-20] heading [direction]"

I'm not saying the 811's have no place in PD, just should be very careful when deploying them. Maybe they weren't deployed often, I guess pursuits often pass BayView then.

There is more than just the PD that uses an 811. Every time the HSIU is deployed there is a trail. Criminals have to deal with crashes too? lol Here's a big difference. When a criminal crashes during a chase the PD pauses RP. Back up units not on scene are told to stop and wait for the suspect to return. If you are being chased by a helicopter and the driver crashes, would you respond in kind? Nobody does.

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1 hour ago, SoloSmith said:

If only criminal players paid us the same respect. Not using an 811 to avoid a speeding ticket. Not using a Zentorno to ram police cruisers. Not many criminals lobbying for that though eh? :D

The helicopter tops out at 230. It struggles to keep up with even the shittier super cars. That and the crashes makes it impossible to rely on the helicopter to take complete control of a pursuit as once they crash, it's done.

I mean this is the thing man. 
There is a general move towards more RP relevant vehicles to the communities our characters represent, yet the average police car has a super big speed boost to counter the mega-criminal 811's. 

Its all good and proper to say a Warener has got away from you before, and good on them, but they probably had multiple factors to their advantage before they lost you. Most chases go down along the lines of them slowly gaining distance from you over a series of turns and then finally gain the ability to make a turn which you don't see, losing you. 

The issue right now is that in RP correct vehicles its quite hard to gain that distance, as they usually have mediocre performance while you have things now script-buffed into Super Cars.

It becomes the equivalent of all the police now driving supercars to catch Warreners, Bohdi's and Vans. 


This is why it should be a option for Police to not turn on their apparent super car perks for their cruisers. They shouldn't be at a disadvantage when they're facing 811's being driven by idiots, but they should give the criminals willing to drive more normal cars a chance in a game balance perspective because they are electing to not use the 811's they can usually afford.

Just chance your SOP, saying that its unacceptable to drive 250 mph in a residential area when its un-necessary and declare it a sports mode button on your car. My car in real life has a sports mode, it fucking flies when you turn it on. 


So here is the the question for you @SoloSmith, should I go buy a 811 right now to win more frequently because it makes 100% more sense as a criminal? I would be fully aware of the fact that it doesn't fit the RP of my character but clearly I should be aiming to be successful as a criminal IC'ly right?

The answer is no, the server doesn't gain much from more people going around in super cars but the super cars aren't the issue. Its the lack of incentive to RP correctly. 

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1 hour ago, SoloSmith said:

That summarizes everything. You shouldn't need incentive to RP on a RP server. As I said previously, this is not the solution to the problem.

people need an initial incentive to get motivated to play on the server. Therefor the balance has to be good enough so yes there does need to be an incentive to RP on an RP server. I do agree this is not the solution but don't dismiss people needing an incentive to undertake certain actions or choose certain paths for their characters.

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