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Handcuff keys

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If you think of it in real life you can buy handcuff keys. Let us somehow be able to buy handcuff keys maybe through the general store or it would make more since if criminal factions could import them because even though we can get them in real life and they are legal at least let us be able to get them and they would be illegal. If a person is cuffed they could use a key to try to unlock the cuffs it would have a 50/50% chance of working and it would take 15-30 to do it which would give police more then enough time to react. Also when a cuffed person is trying to use the key it would send a chat message kinda like that (person) sends a text on their phone but it would say something like (person) Is messing with the handcuffs. Also you could give the police a command to stop/take away the key. Just a thought I had.

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