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Credit Vehicle Parking Slots

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Credit Vehicle Parking Slots

Currently credit vehicles do not count to the parking lot's slot usage, they are excluded from it and ignored. I think instead of this, for each credit vehicle owned you should get an additional parking slot so you can choose to park a credit vehicle in your house and non-credit vehicle in the parking lot.

You are a donator and a VIP so you have 6 parking lot slots in both the city and in Paleto Bay.
You have 3 house slots, each slot is used by your 3 1G houses.
You have 15 non-credit vehicles and 2 credit vehicles.

You put 6 non-credit vehicles in city parking, 6 non-credit vehicles in paleto parking, 1 non-credit vehicle in each 1G you own. 
You put 1 credit vehicle in city parking and you put 1 credit vehicle in paleto parking.

You go to one of your 1G houses, you take out a non-credit vehicle, you drive to the city parking lot to swap your current non-credit vehicle for a credit vehicle to drive around for a while. You unpark the credit vehicle from the parking lot and attempt to park your non-credit vehicle in its place, currently you cannot do this as the non-credit limit would count towards the limit whereas the credit vehicle did not so there is no empty slots for you to park. 

Edited by JakeInnit_
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He means a credit vehicle should include a vehicle slot, not just be ignored as a single car.

Got you, like a vehicle slot for a bought credit store vehicle. I think this would be a good idea, but to make it more even maybe the parking for credit vehicles would be near the credit store? No clue, I usually come up with bad ideas, haha. Thanks for the information.

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