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Game Changelog

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[Medics] Fixed portal dimensions issue
[ExternalProperties] Optimizations
[Optimizations] Crashloops should be less likelly to happen
[Speakers] Added /speakerSearch for keyword search
[CarSpeakers] Added carspeakers, /carurl and /carsearch
[Sounds] Disabled background sounds in places like Tequil-la-la and clothing stores
[Law] Added /pbelt command
[Law] Fixed /ib command
[Localization] Added more strings

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[MDC] Added ability to look up guns registered to specific name
[Gunstores] Added ability to buy ammo
[Gunstores] Ammo will be limited to 2 packs or (100 units) per day
[Gunstores] Player will be allowed to buy two guns maximum. If player loses their gun, they must report it to the police, before being able to buy another gun.
[ItemDrops] Fixed item drop interaction distances

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[MDC] Disabled player lookup by ID
[QOL] Introduced new WorldInteraction system for interacting with different objects on the map
[Criminals] Added chance for other criminal gangs to be informed when one gang makes an order
[LaptopOrders] Added 14 more pickup points
[Drugs] Dismantling drug tables won't work if table is not cold
[Drugs] Added /dismantlevent command for dismantling ventilators
[Mechanics] Fixed some vehicle details not being synchronized after mechanic order is applied
[PaletoVehicleMarket] Moved to a larger area
[Market] Potential fix to cars being placed inorderly
[Vehicle] Added mileage to vehicles (/mileage)
[Weapons] Melee weapons and such won't have serial number anymore and won't be registered in the weapons database

[Apartments] Added apartment complexes.
[Apartments] Added shared apartment garage parking.
[Apartments] Added apartment interior styles.
[Apartments] Added apartment corridor and lockable door.
[Apartments] Disabled certain map objects to improve the view out the windows.
[Credit Store] Reorganized the credit store menu.
[Credit Store] Fixed the vehicle preview images.
[Credit Store] Added pets to the credit store.
[Credit Store] Added credit vehicle transfers (within the same account) for a fraction of it's original value.
[Credit Store] VIP is now global and will work on both (EN/LT) servers.
[Credit Store] Movement animations are now account wide (any purchased movement styles will work on all characters of an account).
[Credit Store] Added the ability to refund a credit store vehicle within 24 hours of purchase.
[Credit Store] Added the ability to change the name of all characters that belong to the current account.
[Pets] Added different pet color variations.
[Pets] Changed pet prices and added a few new pets to the pet store.

[Misc] Bug fixes

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[Apartments] Added home limit to apartments.
[Aparments] Fixed an issue that allowed players to purchase apartments without paying for them.
[Credit Store] Fixed the vehicle is unavailable glitch.
[Credit Store] Credit vehicles will be locked by default when imported from the credit store.
[WI] Fixed drug tables being accessible through walls and fixed some containers not being accessible.

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[Exteriors] Fixed exterior not working
[Items] Fixed logs and branches not being pickable
[Dimension] Fixed dimension not resetting after death
[Gunstores] Fixed gunstores throwing error messages
[Gunstores] Fixed gunstores not being able to import melee
[Vehicles] Fixed key owners not being reset after buying a vehicle from other people
[Vehicles] Added /removeallkeys for vehicles
[Voice] Push to talk keys M and N are now rebindable in GTA V settings
[Speakers] /takespeaker no longer requires for person to be the owner of it
[Weazel] Renamed /wr to /wro and added new /wr command

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[Applications] Fixed an issue that did not allow players to join with a failed open question application (if MCQ is disabled).
[Apartments] Added notification when a player does not have permission to (un)lock an apartment door.
[Apartments] Added a check to prevent players from selling an apartment with vehicles parked in it's garage spaces.
[Apartments] Added a check to prevent players from locking an apartment that is available for purchase.
[Apartments] Added apartment garage size to count towards the maximum number of vehicles owned.
[Apartments] Added permission management to the apartment UI.
[Apartments] Made some visual changes and added additional information to the apartment UI.
[Auction] Fixed an issue that prevented auctions from being initialized.
[Authentication] Fixed a login issue that caused the server to crash.
[Authentication] Fixed an issue where the UI would disappear after successful registration.
[Credit Store] Added a vehicle refund notification with instructions and timer on player enter a refundable vehicle.
[Furniture] Fixed an issue that caused the server to crash once a drug table furniture explodes.
[Tutorial] Fixed the new player tutorial UI not being displayed.
[Tutorial] Fixed ECRP logo not being displayed in the DMV theory tutorial.
[PD/SD/MD] /calls will only show calls related to the faction you are currently on duty
[CharacterSelection] Fixes
[Newspaper] Fixed typo
[Misc] Optimizations

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[Admin] Fixed the alternate administrator aliases not working with nametags while on duty.
[Apartments] Fixed an issue with furniture not being interactable after a server restart.
[Authentication] Added partial masks to email addresses when requesting a recovery mail (hides part of the email address).
[Bans] Player IP addresses will be hidden in the ban window unless the player hovers their mouse on it.
[Bus Job] Fixed an issue with the bus job that caused the server to crash.
[Credit Store] Updated the animation menu to enable the animation preview immediately without the need to press "Confirm".
[Door Controller] Updated the door controller to be more reliable (to address the apartment door issues).
[Phone] Added the ability to charge your phone in apartments and custom built properties.

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[Drugs] Replaced /checkheat command with new interaction system
[Drugs] Replaced /pourwater command with new interaction system
[Drugs] Replaced /dismantlelab and /dismantlevent command with new interaction system
[Fleeca] Clerk door will now require bolt cutter
[Fleeca] After server restart, the heist availability will be randomized
[Fleeca] The reward of the robbery will depend on the amount of police officers online at that time
[Fleeca] Added ability to check if bank can be robbed without the chance of triggering the alarm
[Fleeca] Added messages informing player why bank can't be robbed.

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[Inventory] Added armor slot
[Drugs] Temproary disabled drugs giving armor
[HUD] Fixed armor amount not being displayed correctly when player has no GPS
[Modview] Fixed window tint
[Modview] Fixed number plate style
[LSEMS] Fixed blips not appearing when going on duty
[Fleeca] Fixed being able to aim at clerks while being far away

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[Medics] Added pharmacist at the paleto and los santos hospital that can heal
[Items] Added painkillers, that will heal players slowly for some time, however be careful and do not overdose
[Police] Fixed /ram command for individual houses.

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[Weapons] Weapon attachments are synced when weapons are unequipped
[Weapons] Changed how equipping weapons works, not its drag and drop
[Weapons] Removed  /dropgun command, use inventory Drop functionality
[Trucker Orders] Fixed an issue that caused trucker orders not to load in the order menu.
[Apartments] Security improvements.
[CB Radio] Removed stranger names, and now it will show Player [id]
[Furniture] If inventory is full and you cancel placement of furniture, furniture won't disappear
[RVs] Removed /enterrv, instead there is now WI next to the door handle of RV
[RVs] Increased the lockpicking success chance for RVs
[RVs] RVs max speed will now depend on the volume of items inside RVs (dropped items and items in furnitures)
[Furniture] Attempting to start place new furniture, when old furniture is not yet placed, will not delete the furniture item anymore

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[Apartments] Added elevator floor indicator to the interiors.
[Misc] Added indicator if player is lagging
[Apartments] Added the current elevator floor indicator to the main entrance text.
[Apartments] Changed regular apartment entrance texts to world interaction texts.
[Apartments] Fixed drug tables smoke and fire being created in global dimension
[Phone] Fixed phone being displayed over some hud elements
[Inventory] Fixed scaling for some resolutions
[Admins] /gethouseowner now works with any property
[Mining] Increased ore volume
[Mining] Lowered ore respawn rate
[Admins] Added /amanagelock for admins+
[Admins] /removecharges command is now for admins+
[RVs] Modified scaling of weight to speed
[RVs] Lowered the minimal speed RV can drive.

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[CCTVs] Added CCTVs implementation, currently in testing phase, only available for law enforcement
[DrugLabs] Static drug labs take 2x less time to cook
[Weapons] Fixed strip ammo bug
[Weapons] Fixed ammo not being saved
[Weapons] Fixed incorrect ammo amount being set

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[Misc] Disabled no mask enforcement for drinking and eating if those slots are locked (uniforms)
[Cloth] Added gloves
[Misc] Added fingerprints
[Misc] Added bullet holes, bullet casings items and bullet items
[Misc] Added evidence locker for law enforcement
[Cloth] Added microfiber cloth that can clean certain items
[Misc] Disabled drinking and eating with masks
[Death] After death, armor, radio, gloves items will be moved to dead body inventory

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