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John J Barnett was very poor growing up in Liberty City. He witnessed the rise of major media in the form of Weazel News and Life Invader. He wanted to be like them, but the world wouldn't allow it. He went on to start a News Company which almost immediately flopped in its first month. He was then given an opportunity to join Weazel which he lost. He then went mad with an itch to fulfill his dreams but to no avail. He went and changed his life, he got new clothes, a new life and new everything.

His first opportunity came when something had happened to him. He in his new careless Devil May Care form, got hit by a car on his own ignorance. He was rushed to a hospital where he was treated and discharged. On the way out, he got in an argument with four people in a car in the middle of nowhere. He ran down to a gas station to hitchhike when all of a sudden the car came and hit him on purpose. He recollected his strength, took his knife out of his pocket and got up. He took a charge at the man who had now stepped out of his vehicle. The man was injured and fell to the ground when all of a sudden, a gun cocked. Luckily for John, a police car happened to be passing by, which resulted in a quick fix to the scenario. But while this was going on, he had been threatened by a group of people known as the 'Explosions'. ( no association with them, just important in the story ) They then played it off as a joke and took him down to a mechanic shop after driving around. Then, John held his bloodied knife out, when a mechanic threatened him with a bat. That mechanic was pronounced dead at 2:23 PM. John, after being jailed for this, went on to form a Crime Syndicate which is now known as The Bloodstone Ruby.


  • Get a bar
  • Hire some guys
  • Secretly use bar for drugs and murder
  • $$$
  • Mo' money, Mo' problems for our enemies


We work around areas in Alta, we do not care for big stacks of money, we want to bring a form of vigilantism and justice not worthy of the government. A cruel force of nature only worthy of the court of god himself!

Our members are:-

  • Carnival -John Barnett (Rouge) carniv.png.9077794d2917aba20e668b4bcbb89652.png




  1. Rouge - The Bossman, The Montgomery Burns, The Napoleon
  2. Burgundy - The Sidekick, The Waylon Smithers, The One who Takes the Bullet
  3. Crimson - The Soldiers, The Homer Simpson, The One who Shoots the Bullet
  4. Pfister - The Producers, The GK. Willie, The One who Brings the Cash
  5. Hot Red - The Getaway, The Otto, The One who Drives us Around
Edited by MrJangoon
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The Gavel Falls just as the Hammer does

The Great Rouge, Carnival just had an intense battle. While outside the city of Los Santos in places such as Liberty City, Carnival has a large sum of money, this money is prohibited by the Los Santos Bank after an incident which rendered the money "Black".

Having to live his criminal and Legal Life from the ground up, Carnival had to go out in a money truck to earn money. At the end of the shift, he was told to collect his money from the bank before returning his vehicle. There, he met a poor farmer from a distant land whose name will be kept hidden for all intents and purposes. He got a mask and a knife, after which they were ready to strike. They were on the way to return the money truck when all of a sudden, a black-wearing Lolly-Gagging Police officer stood. This officer declared that Carnival had been driving on the "Wrong side of the road". Carnival and his one day accomplice rushed away to a gas station on the road to Paleto.

That is when something awful happened! Farmsuit quickly pulled on the wheel to avoid someone when he realised what he had done. He had surrendered both of them to a Traffic Cop to avoid killing a random pedestrian. Turning the wheel had caused Carnival's Money Truck to crash into a pillar.

The traffic police had been chasing them the whole time as Carnival was not ready to pay more tickets than he already had. The police then took a hold of him and tried to arrest him. While Farmsuit got away scot-free(as in free of scot), Carnival was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

But prison is an enlightening experience for the criminal and the pedestrian alike. It shows the man that morality is often hindered in the direction of something monstrous. Carnival crossed paths with someone who set him on this path.

(The following characters mentioned have no ooc connection to this thread nor me)


When John Barnett was about to murder a mechanic, it wasn't he who came upon this path. He had gotten into a scuffle near the hospital and was taken by the Explosion Gang(no connection to this thread whatsoever, please Lucy don't make fun of me)

This gang took him to the LSC workshop, where he spotted multiple people who had drawn targets on themselves. He then came across a feisty mechanic who threatened him with a bat, something which did not end well. One member of this gang was Lucy Explosion(AGAIN NO RELATION TO THIS THREAD WHATSOEVER)

Back to the present

Now, this person who he had met those few months ago, had crossed paths with him in the prison. While being addressed by the DOC, he came across a familiar voice reverberating through the corridor. He knew the terror of crossing this person. The last person who crossed this person got stabbed to death by a bonehead named John. Carnival resisted again  and again until they finally locked him up in the Discount Loony-Bin where he resides as of now. He then made a quick encounter with Lucy which ended with him being called a Wrenchhead(some scenes have been dramatized for drama)


I write this as my dog barks at a dustbin and bites on an ID card.

Edited by MrJangoon
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Carnival had been stranded in the middle of nowhere after falling to a gruesome injury off a bridge! A great EMS came and rescued Barnett and dropped him off in Paleto. All his possessions had been smashed up in the ordeal.

He asked two nice men whether they could take him to the bank and then to a shop. The two men were kind and took him to the bank, only for it to have been closed. 😕

They then cruised around town when Carnival boldly asked the two if they worked for any one. They came to a halt, held Carnival at gunpoint and frisked him to no avail.



However unpleasant this ordeal was, Carnival was let go by them after they found nothing. They then told him that they did have a gang and had gun dealers giving them pistols for 3k a piece. They also told Carnival that they only held him at gunpoint out of fear that Carnival would do the same to them. After the unpleasantness with Carnival, they dropped him off at the bank and gave him their contacts.


But now, he couldn't find a convenience store to get anything. He asked someone for the location of a store and ran down to look for it, when all of a sudden, he was rammed into by a strange green SUV. The man came out of his SUV, Carnival was afraid after the events of the day, only for the man to be his criminal friend Herbert Explosion.

They then went down to his personal Drug Lab, where Herbert then became his new recruiter. The drug lab was also now Carnival's to use whenever he liked. Not to mention, there were around 2 tons of marijuana on the ground! Almost as if god left it there for him. 😉



Edited by MrJangoon
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This gang was started Ic'ly with no IC or even Ooc knowledge of this other gang that is being spoken of. It's most likely a coincidence thats gonna blow up in my face some day. I have been wearing Crimson ic'ly for a long time. We named ourselves the Crimson diamond Ic'ly and we will stick to that. If absolutely required, we may change our name. But not in any other case. This is a simple case of coincidence. Feel free to contact me if you feel it's absolutely required

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I do not see what is petty about this, I made this faction Ic'ly with no knowledge of this other gang. The gang name was originally thought of by Moot Hill.

Please do not consider this grave mixup a bad rp from my side and allow me to make the changes needed.

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On 5/1/2020 at 6:25 AM, MrJangoon said:

And Last but not least, Reserved

Thank you for the change, Im sorry if some of our members seemed harsh but we have fought 2 wars so far in the past 2 weeks because of people trying to take our colors/other things of ours and I don't want to see that happen here. Again thank you for understanding and I hope you are able to grow and last!

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