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War Status discussion

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My thought process still remains the same regardless of the changes. I think intentions were good and I can see how the day to day hunting and killing may have staff on the edge of their seats, feeling like something needs to be done but we're playing in a dynamic RP environment. I just feel like a lot of these changes could have happened Icly rather than placing an OOC barrier of what we can and can't do. As long as server rules are being followed, I don't really see an issue. Should things change for the better? Of course and I'm not opposed to that, but what I am opposed to is the idea of FM dictating the way we wage war due to IC conflict.

I feel like there's a major distrust and while people would argue otherwise, I assumed FM was there to advise and push their factions in the right direction. Back when Zetas was fresh, I still remember @Bakmeel constantly advising us on the things we should and shouldn't be doing and for the most part, we listened to his advice and put it into practice. He taught us to start doing more RP for our thread, instead of just posting picture compilations, he warned us against shooting too much and because we didnt listen, we didn't get official on the first wave and so we changed up, restructured and re-branded and here we are. There were times where we didn't agree with him and there would be some back and forth but in the end, he pushed us to be what we are today and if people felt like we were going backwards, FM giving us feedback constantly and meeting with us to determine the state of things would have been the right approach and instead, we got more rules and more regulations shoved down our throats, regulations which could be abused on top of that.

People on this server constantly scream "Council" but forgot what it took to even get to this point in the first place. Shit, read our faction thread, all of that shit is true minus the gun plug we named. All of it happened the way it's written out and it tells the story of how we even got to this point.

I want to see more advising and less forced rules, that's all and I feel like this isn't the way to get that done. IC conflict happens and yeah, it seems like chaos at first but these rules do not stop chaos, it gives the ability to loophole your way into shit and that feels wrong. Whatever the changes, I'm going to adapt regardless and Flint will always be around, but I'm not dropping blue regardless, I've been wearing it for two years and I promise you when something happens to me on ECRP, I'll still be in it. If I get WK'd, I'll be too injured to fight but I'll be in my hospital bed, in a blue hospital gown and that's on my crooked ass granny.

Edited by MrUntouchable215
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I'm kind of new on the server and haven't had much experience with crim organizations and Wars and such.


But after reading the War guidelines it seems that the gangs involved are going to be placing an overwhelming amount of trust into ooc judges over whether or not they've won or lost a war.


I understand that player's probably need to learn to roleplay losses better. (Nobody wants to lose.)


It just seems that theres an awful lot left open to the ooc interpretation of events with large amounts of net worth on the table.



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14 minutes ago, Jediah said:

im odded out how WCA meets max member count days before this system is put into place, wonder if his ooc knowledge had to play out with this..

I'm not sure throwing accusations at staff members is the one to be honest. Think you're out of pocket and it's the sort of behaviour that we don't need.

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