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Car teleports away with a shit ton of goods

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Account name: andor

Character name: andor rootman

Issue/bug you are reporting: scammed over 15k

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate:

So here is the deal, im pretty pissed. 
I had a car set up with good I was going to sell to a other player, and he informed me it wasnt going to happen that day. Fair enough that happens. Then I get a request for a bike ( currently running heavyflow ) and I drive over in the car with the goods. Get out of the car, lock it, go to the shop press E import the bike in question, check the balance, decide to import a few more cars, turn around my car is gone and halfway gone to paleto bay. How that happened in that time is a mystery to me specially without me noticing anything since I kept a eye on the car. 
Now im pretty sure the car teleported into the road or something before it got stolen but hey I have no proof of that so I aint going to agrue that case.
But here is the kicker, Have been robbed of 6200 AR rounds and 5 AR's with 200 rounds in each. This goes well over the 15k limit mark plus there was no RP involved at all. It was late at night and I wasnt able to chase the car for long so I just logged off hoping for the best fearing the worst at this point. I mean I coudnt catch the car anyway since my other car ran out of gas ( FML right ). 
So I log back in during the morning seeing my car again on the other side of the map where I last saw it and it was emty, everything gone.

Now what are the rules on this specially since I feel like I got fucked by glitches

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Update: For some reason the AR rounds ( all 6200 of them ) are back in the car, must have been a glitch that I coudnt see them before. So that just leaves 5 Carbine Rifles with 200 ammo ( or more ) that were stolen. All well above 15k each

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1 hour ago, Andor said:


I have checked the server logs and I found that two different players stole those rifles (2 and 3 each) . Thievery is neither scamming or robbing and it's not defined in the rules, however I think a thief should be able to steal everything they can carry, because if nobody sees, nobody will try to stop them. Also, do you have any footage which would support your claim, that your car did teleport to the other side of the map?

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56 minutes ago, Osvaldon said:

I have checked the server logs and I found that two different players stole those rifles (2 and 3 each) . Thievery is neither scamming or robbing and it's not defined in the rules, however I think a thief should be able to steal everything they can carry, because if nobody sees, nobody will try to stop them. Also, do you have any footage which would support your claim, that your car did teleport to the other side of the map?

I dont record if I dont know my car suddenly dissapears. I assume it teleported near the bank since I was there before dropping off money and got in and out ( It seems to rollback to locations where you get in sometimes ) beyond that I have no proof. 

As you say thievery is not scamming or robbing BUT it kinda is messed up if I cant stop a thief because my car suddenly dissapears

And the two people that took the guns out I assume one of them helped the other since my car was found in the docks not paleto bay


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22 hours ago, Andor said:

I dont record if I dont know my car suddenly dissapears. I assume it teleported near the bank since I was there before dropping off money and got in and out ( It seems to rollback to locations where you get in sometimes ) beyond that I have no proof. 

As you say thievery is not scamming or robbing BUT it kinda is messed up if I cant stop a thief because my car suddenly dissapears

And the two people that took the guns out I assume one of them helped the other since my car was found in the docks not paleto bay



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