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Farming weapon bug

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Account name: OsamaBigLag

Character name: Sarah Haytam

Issue/bug you are reporting: Farming weapon bug

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: While I was farming I noticed I couldn't scroll wheel to select my weapon, the hotkeys also didn't work. After I was done farming and I quit the job. I still wasn't able to scroll my weapon. Then I went to my bike and I took out another heavy pistol which gave me 100 ammo ontop of my 100 I alreadly had, so I had 200 and Iw as stuck with gun in my hand till I relogged. (Is having more than 100 ammo now a feature?)

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11 hours ago, OsamaBigLag said:

Account name: OsamaBigLag

Character name: Sarah Haytam

Issue/bug you are reporting: Farming weapon bug

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: While I was farming I noticed I couldn't scroll wheel to select my weapon, the hotkeys also didn't work. After I was done farming and I quit the job. I still wasn't able to scroll my weapon. Then I went to my bike and I took out another heavy pistol which gave me 100 ammo ontop of my 100 I alreadly had, so I had 200 and Iw as stuck with gun in my hand till I relogged. (Is having more than 100 ammo now a feature?)

The scroll wheel is disabled, when you carry a harvest bag. I would assume that something had gone wrong when you dropped a bag. Did you notice something unusual when you got rid of a harvest bag?

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On 7/25/2017 at 0:22 AM, OsamaBigLag said:

Account name: OsamaBigLag

Character name: Sarah Haytam

Issue/bug you are reporting: Farming weapon bug

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: While I was farming I noticed I couldn't scroll wheel to select my weapon, the hotkeys also didn't work. After I was done farming and I quit the job. I still wasn't able to scroll my weapon. Then I went to my bike and I took out another heavy pistol which gave me 100 ammo ontop of my 100 I alreadly had, so I had 200 and Iw as stuck with gun in my hand till I relogged. (Is having more than 100 ammo now a feature?)

The scroll wheel bug has been fixed in the development version, though it will take time until it's pushed to the live version.

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