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Special Weapon Variants

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Hello everyone, this suggestion is not really vital but I feel that it can bring some nice flavor roleplay to the server.

If you've ever played GTA Online you know that in Ammunation you are able to purchase special weapon "decorations" for your pistol / rifle. Some of these include Gold etching, a mafia style skull engraving, etc. I feel that these weapons should be obtainable in the server by some means and / or with limited amounts only to maintain its special feel. Obviously you would not be able to take off the engraving etc. but the item should be standalone and read something different. Example: "Special .50 Pistol" instead of the regular ".50 Pistol" meaning it will not act as an attachment you can take off and on. This item could indicate wealth to the person and might come in handy as extra flavor if you're roleplaying a mob boss or something along the lines. They should be unique and identifiable so when you lose it there is a chance to find it again in the future.

The way these items should be obtainable is with 2 measures:

1. You import it directly. The opportunity to import this should be rare and be like a special event meaning that at random times you are able to select import this from the laptop and only 1 will spawn when it is imported. This process would of course involve luck and also patience to wait for the opportunity to arise. This should also be very much expensive depending on the type of weapon and type of decoration. For example:



An etched wood grip Heavy Pistol should cost less than importing a platinum pearl .50 Pistol.

2. You can find a craftsman able to make one for you. This is a tad more complicated as the person able to do so should be very scarce and maybe belong to one of the bigger gangs. He should only be able to modify a regular pistol into a special variant once every X amount of days and the materials needed should be gathered first. The materials should consist of things like Gold, Silver, some special rare things such as Pearls or Ivory, then after all of it is gathered the craftsman should be able to craft it. The more common things such as Gold and Silver should be able to be mined at the mine when they appear in rare circumstances, they can then either be sold at the foundry or sold to another person who is interested in crafting special weapons. The more exotic things like pearls and ivory should be imported. The menu for importing these should have them often and are able to import them like regular weapons, but they should be considered contraband or many law enforcement restricts them in some way. The reasoning for this is because obviously its an illegal import that skipped customs and also that ivory is restricted in some parts of the world. After all of these things are gathered and you have the person able to do it they should be able to make one.

This is really all I wanted to suggest, its not crucial but can be fun, adds flavor and something else to do. Please let me know what you think and hopefully this becomes a thing. On the end note, here is a picture of a golden AK.


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3 hours ago, kenichis said:

2. You can find a craftsman able to make one for you. This is a tad more complicated as the person able to do so should be very scarce and maybe belong to one of the bigger gangs. He should only be able to modify a regular pistol into a special variant once every X amount of days and the materials needed should be gathered first. The materials should consist of things like Gold, Silver, some special rare things such as Pearls or Ivory, then after all of it is gathered the craftsman should be able to craft it. The more common things such as Gold and Silver should be able to be mined at the mine when they appear in rare circumstances, they can then either be sold at the foundry or sold to another person who is interested in crafting special weapons. The more exotic things like pearls and ivory should be imported. The menu for importing these should have them often and are able to import them like regular weapons, but they should be considered contraband or many law enforcement restricts them in some way. The reasoning for this is because obviously its an illegal import that skipped customs and also that ivory is restricted in some parts of the world. After all of these things are gathered and you have the person able to do it they should be able to make one.

+1 for this idea here, I think importing it or being able to buy it seems a bit whack BUT having someone or a company specifically for this would be great, the city needs more jobs and more companies outside of the government owned jobs. My view on it would be you would have a chop-shop for guns, this would be a legal operation and would have correct certification from the government and the police. They will be able to customise guns, the same way mechanics customise cars and bikes. 


You could ALSO have an option to have illegal gun chop-shops, maybe you killed a rival gang and ended up with 4 of their coloured guns? What do you do with them? Break them down into parts and sell them for cash to illegal chop-shops.

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