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New GPS in Work Vehicles and Radio

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So, I am doing GoPostal, the first destination automatically updates with a route to the point, the others after do not, needs to be done manually.
If GoPostal doesn't have enough parcels in the truck, it does not automatically prompt you to go back to HQ to pick up more.

I went into GoPostal without a GPS or a Map in my inventory when this occurred.
After purchasing my own GPS the routes update with the tracker automatically.

When switching frequency the notification on top of the screen persists after the freq was changed.  But if you key-bind switch it few times it disappears. 


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Date and time (provide timezone):  Anytime you work in GoPostal or other inferior work companies.

Character name: Al_Lancaster

Issue/bug you are reporting: Built-in/Provided map and GPS in the glove box are scuffed and do not work proficiently. As it does not set next route or restocking the truck to it's destination if you do not have your OWN GPS in your inventory.

Expected behavior:  Rerouting should be automatic if you do not own your own GPS.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Steps to replicate - Don't take your own GPS and do a delivery. You'll see that icon on the map appears but no route is set.

Vehicle license plate number*: any work vehicle.



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