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[QOL] Clothing Toggle

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I find our current clothing system a little limiting. We can for example, take a mask off but to put it back on we have to first go through our inventory and select the piece of clothing.

What I'm proposing is adding a toggle for all the different areas of clothing, so you can put on or take off clothing items simply by bringing up a menu.

For example, you do /clothes and you'd get a basic menu and toggling the item of clothing off and on would be as simple as clicking a button.

Mask - [✅❌]
Glasses - [✅❌]
Top - [✅❌]
Pants - [✅❌]
Feet - [✅❌]
Accessories - [✅❌]
Watch - [✅❌]

Right now for most of those types of clothing, we can only swap, we can't remove entirely. I think you should be able to take off your hat yourself, rather than having to rely on someone punching you in the face to achieve this.

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