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Car Dealerships

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I feel like since this server stresses Realism that this would have been suggested long ago but it hasn't been.

I think dealerships should over trade-in value. Meaning you can take your maxed car and trade it in face to face with the dealership owner. Then can keep it as credit at that dealership. Obviously wouldn't be full value but would be something. It would add more RP and let things stay fresh. Especially with all the new cars and such coming in and out. Its super hard to sell anything older when the new cars are better.

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I sort of like this idea but also think it could cause an issue. Right now a lot of people who are new go straight to the low end dealership to buy a car. Most of the time they only do this because somebody else who was new earlier was able to move up and can sell their car pretty cheap. In my opinion I like the idea that you could get some of your money back if you don't like a car but that vehicle unfortunately would just go away and new people would have to spend more money increasing the chance they will become tired of playing or might even become a hardcore Criminal both increasing the crime rate and creating higher new user abandonment possibly. I think the only way this should be added is if one of two things is the case, 1 is if you would only get 30% - 40% of the vehicle cost back or if there is a low end cap basically preventing a vehicle of low value (less than 20k) from being turned in

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The way it should work is they put into a menu what vehicle they want to add in towards their new car, then the owner puts in how much he will pay for it from them then that vehicle goes back into the dealership for resale and they get the funds to buy a new vehicle

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