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Hayley Swan

Yoga Animation/Adding New Animations

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I would love to see the yoga animations added to the server. I play a medic in game and would love to be able to have my own yoga business. In order for that to happen, rp wise it would look great to have the running animation be added instead of only having the /anim praise which is a standstill animation. I dont know if its possible but just something that would add a lot more rp wise. Would also love to see some new dance animations and other animations added. They are used SO much from everyone on the server and I believe its time to add in some more and give us some new variety. Love using animations so much! <3

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Here's a full list of animations that are in GTA V (v1734):


Here's a list of animations given by the RAGE Wiki:


"There are 15674 animation dictionaries.
There are 156119 animation clips."

As you can see, there are a lot of animations in GTA V. Someone has to sit there and sort through each one in order to find good animations that fit the action. (albeit some are sorted, which helps a ton, but there are still a lot of animations)

If anyone knows how to make a script that can run through the animations (or has a script that does this), you could pick out specific ones and suggest them to the devs. You'd probably get your suggestion implemented much quicker this way.


Edit: After doing more research, there's 156,119 possible animations. You have to sit there and go through tons of animations just to find the right ones. (There's more than 9,000 results when you look for "dance" in the animations file).

Edited by Jason_Shen
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