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PF License Weapon Type - Shooting Exam

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(As far as I know this is not able to be done in-game, if it is able to be done then apologies)


I really hope that we would soon be able to request a change of PF License weapon type or even be able to add more types of weapons to the list of already allowed ones. For example: My PF License allows me to use a Heavy Pistol and / or a Combat Pistol, lets say at this time I am needed to use an SNS Pistol for roleplay purposes (smaller gun, better concealment), but I am legally allowed to do so as when I buy an SNS Pistol at a gun store they will allow me but if I am being investigated after acting on self-defense they will still charge me since the PF License only allows me to use two types of guns. I do hope they add a feature where we will be allowed to apply for extra licensing for other types of Pistols.

Another side feature I would like to be added is a more realistic PF License application. If only before our License could be truly granted we had to practice at a shooting range with an officer supervising us. Of course this would be harder to implement as actual IC contact would need to be made In-Game, but the PF License registration queue is usually already long enough before we actually get one might as well give us something to roleplay In-Game.

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I don't support your idea for any type of IC add on to obtaining the license. Since being implemented there has been 725 accepted applications. Its simply not feesable when people are already complain that nobody is at impound.


You already can change it in game. Its just not something that makes sense for you to turn up daily for different guns. Choose wisely.

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