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Mining rework suggestion - last update made it very unpleasant

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The problem:

Before the update you would have 5 ore spots in your inventory. You mine 5, put 5 in box
repeat until you have 25 ores, They are neatly stacked in groups of 5 and you transfer them
to the truck easily 5 by 5 same way with unloading right.

After the update you have 4 ore spots because now you carry a pickaxe
and you have to open the box not 4 times as before but 6 times instead, which wouldnt be a problem
if opening the crate didnt have a longer timer, this also leads to a new problem which is not
neatly stacked ore they are in random heaps of 40's making it way harder to transfer to the truck
not to mention you have to wait to open the crate, then wait to open the trunk and repeat this
process 5 to 6 times. Currently you can work around this by dropping all your ores and only having to open once
but this leaves you super exposed to stealing, unloading is also way harder because you have to
unstack and restack all of your ores again from the trunk. I timed a run and it took me roughly 50 minutes
to do 74 ore, which used to be under 30 minutes 75 ore.

As a new player this would throw me off massively having to wait for different uis to open so many times in a row


Pickaxe be equippable, it would be in the hand slot and when you take it out you have the drill model
in your hand fixing the 5 ore stacking issue. 

If you drop ores near a crate they automatically go inside maybe even change the crate name to display
volume of the crate (Ex. Create 130/250)

For unloading the crate maybe if you hold a crate near the trunk and press P it would slowly unload with
a timer (Possible VIP perk to unload faster?)

At the foundry you would just drop the ores onto the crate straight from the truck making the system even
smoother than it was before 

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+1 to making the pickaxe as a tool you can equip - I think this is a great idea

-1 to auto filling with drops. I think this would be incredibly difficult to implement as you can have situations where multiple crates/bags are around each other. It's also a bit lazy in my opinion.

I think a lot of this comes down to inventory management. It's a user sided difficulty that we just have to overcome and it's part of the learning process. Also please consider that if there is automation to loading/unloading, how would items get higher levels of importance (ie: having a crate filled with different items and not having enough space in the truck). How would this timer, which would need to be significant in length, make players any less vulnerable? If anything, it would make them more vulnerable as well as have increased potential for ending the timer early and having no items transferred over.

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+1 I think the biggest problem is two things, 1 the pickaxe making it so you can only hold 4 is cancer... pickaxe is a cool idea I wanted to suggest the same thing but you beat me to it.... the second thing is it should not take you 7 seconds to "look into" your box or "look into your car" the timer on that if there should be one at all which I would say no because there is none for your actual inventory and it just feels frustrating not realistic.... make the timer on "picking up" the box not on "opening the box" this would reduce theft and the amount of times you have to wait the timer. It would also get rid of the current bug that requires to relog because the "open box" timer started while your "mining" timer was also going causing you to be stuck with a jackhammer in your hands...

Edited by Wizzidy
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