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Neon lights bugged

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Date and time (provide timezone): 18:29 gmt +1 24/04//2019

Character name: marcus pheonix

Issue/bug you are reporting: neon lights

Expected behavior:  should show as green, but it doesn't. in /modview it shows as green.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: So yeah the issue is that neon lights seem completely bugged. Mine should be green, but there's always either nothing there, or it's red, or it's white. I don't think I'm the only one having this issue. I can get a video though I don't think it should be needed.

Vehicle license plate number*: r5206pte

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I have a problem with my neons aswell, they are ment to be orange but everytime I log on they are changed to red, everytime I look at /modview they show orange again, I have never had them red nor have i attempted to put then red, so idk why it's happening.

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