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Now really.

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One question. Does the development team have any list of more important things and less important things? We got the ability to control vehicle door, trunk, hood... That's cool. You're working on hunger and thirst system. That's also cool. Some bug fixes and all that... Also really good. But now tell me. What about the housing problem we have for months already? Will you continue ignoring it or are you going to do something with it. I don't know how the system on this server works, but back on SA:MP, when I was a Head Admin we had the ability to add houses and no coding, was required (ofc after the script was done lol). I also know that it's not that hard to do. If one or two head admins would get into it, start in the morning, they could add all the houses on the map in a single day. I know what I'm talking about GTA:SA map was bigger and it had a lot more houses. So can someone tell me. Is it you ignoring the problem, or there's a script issue? Otherwise I really can't understand what's stopping you from adding more houses available for players.

  • PogU 1
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That's SAMP in which case, codding is different in GTA V, if you want more in-depth understanding watch the rage:mp tutorials on how to script houses, maybe join the beta testers and corporate your skills and stop whining in General Discussion, learn to know where to post your threads next time, maybe suggestions will do

", when I was a Head Admin " that statement is irrelevant, you can go back to SAMP and enjoy your houses in there. 
"I know what I'm talking about GTA:SA map was bigger and it had a lot more houses" I don't think you fully understand the difference of GTA SA and GTA V, are you one of those "samp is better" kind of person only grinds and RP robberies? and can't speak in voice chat?

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