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Loans get taxed incorrectly

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Date and time (provide timezone): 16/04/2019 18:00 UTC

Character name: Brock_Olly

Issue/bug you are reporting: 

Loan companies are getting taxed incorrectly.


Red is how it currently works, blue how it's supposed to work.

Currently, the total loan gets split based off of the interest rate, instead of interest alone.  This makes it so too much is getting taxed, resulting in a loss of money.



Expected behavior: 

The loan interest alone should be sent to salary, which will then be taxed. 

So in the example, 1000 dollars should go to the bank, and 400 to the salary.



Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 



Here a loan of 40%, instead of 400 dollars going to the salary, 560 go to salary, which then get taxed and reduced to 449.

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