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Community Events

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All community events should be a NCZ unless otherwise posted.


Was at this rally event today and we had multiple people running from the police on the track forcing people to wait even longer then they already have. Then surrounded around 40 other racers some guy nabs my rally truck while I'm assisting the event coordinators. Spent 30m looking for it at local chops and missed my opportunity to race. I get criminal RP is a thing.. but why do something like that during an event that would clearly ruin someone's experience. So I just hung around for a couple of hours, payed the fee to join (which wasn't much) and then did nothing because someone wants to be an asshole during a community event and make a quick 3K. So if you were jacking cars and today's community event.. thanks for wasting a lot of people's time.

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Could this RP'd at all with more security? I'm new so still trying to get a feel for the server and how deep the RP actually is. Maybe this is an opportunity for more RP opportunities to arise. Could police possible attend the event and ensure safety for the crowd? Could a player ran faction handle this possibly? 

Any opportunity to increase RP opportunities is a good thing as the server in its current state has limited mechanics to push RP to the next level. 

Let me know if this could be done. Maybe just 20 people, separate faction ~(Event Staff) doesn't matter on the personal background as its a community event and cops and criminals or citizens just want to ensure the event runs smoothly. So anyone from any gang or anything. Make rules so all past grudges cant be settled here and there is to be no violence. There will be a man on the door on the way out who will take player donations from guests who enjoyed the event. This will help pay staff for the event and ensuring the safety of guests. Funds could towards Police donations and medical crew that ought to be in attendance anyways as due to the nature of the event. 


 -1 for the NCZ implementation from me although. 

+ 1 for raising it as a concern though and something that ought to be seriously looked into, if the problem is as dire as you state. 


Maybe default to an NCZ, I for one would be happy to attend an event as support staff and collect 1k or 2k on way out for being staff. 🙂


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