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Mechanic Faction Suggestions

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Hello all, just a list of suggestions that I have been building up related to the mechanic factions in the server. It's been a while since these factions have been given some love.

Ability to place barriers/cones

  • This would be nice to have so that on roadside requests mechanics can place down scene management, and have more things to do.

New /mechoffer command with no base price

  • Example; /mechoffer 4 [labour]. There is no base price.
  • This can be used for requests like towing where mechanics can only charge for labour.

Option to deny mechanic requests

  • Add a command to deny a mechanic request with a reason, for example, /dmr ID [reason]

Temporary Keys

  • Currently, mechanics get temporary keys to a player’s vehicle after /mechaccept is used, but this runs out after /mechservice is complete.
  • Change it so that temporary keys last 5 mins after /mechservice is completed so that vehicles can be driven out of the garage etc.

Distance to arrival

  • Distance is shown for how far away a mechanic is when responding to a request.

Vehicle Blips

  • Allow both mechanic factions to see each other on the GPS.
  • Different colour blips too if possible for each faction

Mechanic App

  • An app would be cool (Like DCC’s).
  • Players can select from a few options; Roadside, Tow
  • Maybe have the ability to send mechoffers through the app to player's phones.

Incident-like scripted cleanups

  • Random “oil slicks” spawn inside/around the mechanic shop that need to be interacted with to clean up, Mechanics are expected to RP the cleanup.
  • Add random vehicles that need to be towed around the map, or repaired.

Mechanic Part Stock System

  • Create a stock system like Burgershot, where mechanic parts are delivered to each mechanic shop.
  • Mod Kits - Modifications
  • Repair Kits - Repairs
  • Maybe depending on how damaged the vehicles are, more kits are required.
  • If wheels/doors/hoods/engines are missing, it is required to add these parts back in.
  • These parts can be installed onto vehicles using the car lift, jack, tools etc.
  • Stock can be delivered by truckers, giving players more locations.
  • Stock can be restocked by the faction, with the faction being charged to import these parts.

Order System

  • Have a counter within each mechanic shop where a player needs to walk up to receive their invoice for the service.
  • This will enable MLOs to be used more and to create more player-to-player interactions.
  • The modifications selected by that player would be able to be viewed at this spot. Maybe through a WI UI where a list is displayed with what they have ordered, or just the total cost.
  • A bit like the counter at Burgershot where an order and be accepted or denied.

Vehicles under 300 health

  • Bring back if a vehicle is under 300 vehicle health then it can only be repaired at a mechanic shop. This was removed because flatbeds and tow trucks were both bugged. Provides more roleplay and interaction.
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I like these suggestions.

Mechanic App

The Ability to select what is needed is a great suggestion. The number of times I've arrived at an MR and had to change the vehicle because they needed their vehicle to be flipped/towed becomes more common than not. WE NEED THIS.

As an additional feature, though it might seem unpopular, I believe the ability of Management members to cease services for some time when no Mechanics are available, i.e General Staff Meetings, events, etc.  The reason I suggest this is because in the past players would spam MRs despite Mechanics being unavailable due to meetings, events, etc, I understand why though since it says 'x Mechanics are online'. If there could be a way to combat the spam of MRs during these times, it'd be great.


I love this idea, it creates much more immersion and can be a reason to give additional training to Mechanics.

Deny Mech Request

I can see this one being useful, however, depending on the shop there could be different reasons to deny it. For example, if LSC denies it for 'you're blacklisted', would this also cancel it for Benny's and Bayview? Perhaps the Mechanic app could have the option to select the Mechanic Shop you want to receive a service from, as well as how many Mechanics are online for said Mechanic Shop.

Vehicles under 300

Yes, need.

Vehicle Blips


Incident clean-ups

Yeah, gimme more to do, I want it. I already see Mechanics doing cleaning RP so to have an actual scripted event just gives more immersion. As for scripted towing, I believe this should only happen when a certain number of Mechs are online. Don't want mechs to abandon the shop or player MRs for a scripted event.

Order System

I believe with some testing as well as procedure changes, this would be viable.

New /mechoffer command with no base price

This I can see being useful when the game bugs out and doesn't apply mods/repair, as for towing, afaik (at least in LSCs case) no Mechanic shop charges for towing. Having the option would be welcomed though.

Temp Keys



Overall I like the ideas, Denji Deveel out.

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