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Bring back Classic Poker script

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Hey all, so as some of the more prominent poker players of Eclipse RP may have noticed, I think the casino update basically killed poker in the server. This sucks as for years it was the main source of income for myself and several other players that allowed us  to make millions and millions over the years to buy businesses, high end cars and houses,  which not many other jobs/money makers in this server can do (at least not without having to be a 9 year veteran grinding 24/7 or win a auction) all while having a great time chatting in tequila la (and in many ways let us focus truly on the RP in the server) , and I would like the devs to consider bringing back a classic poker table with the old script (without removing the new ones), and I don't see the harm in doing so.

Now, I know people may say it's because roulette and blackjack are what have taken over poker's popularity but I don't really think that's why it's dead, (it's impossible to really win money long-term in blackjack or roulette, unlike poker which is player vs player and of course you can win with a "losing" hand in poker in a variety of ways, and just generally have a lot more control of your game unlike vs pure odds like the other games). 

The reason why I think poker is dead, especially having talked to many prominent poker players I have played with over the years, is the new script is rather restrictive and clunky, as opposed to the more free script we had before (which had it's cons, of course but overall felt a lot better to play than this script when it comes to raising and folding etc.) I don't need to go too into depth because I think the devs made it this way due to user request as a lot of us high stakes players wanted a table where the preflop was higher due to a lot of scammers, but I think this just ended up killing poker. I think the return of the old script would be really nice and bring a lot of us back and overall I don't see the harm in this.

You can call it "Classic Poker" or something, and of course if the devs want to center all the gambling into the casino they can put the old script there but it'd be nice to see it return to where it was in tequila la, (and it kind of makes sense as a run down old bar would have more laxed, chill poker). It's kind of sad seeing tequila-la, a place I've spent countless hours over the past few years in that always had dozens of cars parked outside and crammed to the bone, now being so desolate and dead.

Overall, I don't see many downsides to this as people would have the choice of being able to play the new poker script in the casino or if they prefer go to tequila la for the classic script. It's just a shame that poker is quite literally completely dead and has been for months now since the casino update, whereas before there would never ever be a day where Tequila la didn't have a packed table at least once or twice, and at the very least a few people playing, and often times it would literally be filled to the brim with players (especially because there is far more room for actual RP/player interaction with poker and tequila la than there is with blackjack or roulette for obvious reasons).

Hell, I didn't even mind having to plot a damn escape route for the bank every time I won big cause I knew vultures were going to come after me, didn't think I'd miss that LMAO.

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I honestly like the existing script. but this will always boil down to efficiency. this is why online poker rooms (gg poker, partypoker etc.) dont simulate dealers giving you cards etc. they just bang out all the cards asap. because it looks cool maybe half a dozen times, then it gets tedious, its just slowing down the process of actually getting to play your hand. speeding up the dealers maybe 20% would go a long way to fixing the issue, whilst retaining the script. 

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Yes, please. keep both scripts, the poker scene was so alive at tequilala now its nonexistent. Please bring it back. I miss the all in 1m bingos that we used to do. its how a lot of people had fun and did something different than shooting and doing the mundane criminal things

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On 5/24/2024 at 6:06 PM, Quietthecutie said:

I honestly like the existing script. but this will always boil down to efficiency. this is why online poker rooms (gg poker, partypoker etc.) dont simulate dealers giving you cards etc. they just bang out all the cards asap. because it looks cool maybe half a dozen times, then it gets tedious, its just slowing down the process of actually getting to play your hand. speeding up the dealers maybe 20% would go a long way to fixing the issue, whilst retaining the script. 

I think overall the script is just too polished. It's not as casual friendly to actually whereas before you can clearly see how the hand is moving, it was very simple and clear poker script before. You start at a super small buy in 1.5k, blind 200 and a very barebones UI as well as functionality allowed people to have fun and easily play poker and easily know what they'll be able to raise next hand and how the betting works. This is not meant to bash the new poker script, I know the devs may feel this is unfair because we asked a lot for high stakes poker table, but not a whole rehash to the script. It would have been better if they kept it exactly the same, and simply increase the minimum amount of cash you need to sit down with. That's all. Another thing, this is pretty minor before you had to type out /leavetable to leave the table, and it's a lot better than accidentally pressing E and losing millions.

Regardless, the new poker script as we said can stay in the casino and the old one can come back to tequila-la, so there's no harm to the devs to bring it back.

Also want to thank all the support that this has gotten, like others have said it was what made poker great and tequila-la was such a fun time for all of us back in the day, hope the devs can bring it all back.

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5 hours ago, Victus said:

I think overall the script is just too polished. It's not as casual friendly to actually whereas before you can clearly see how the hand is moving, it was very simple and clear poker script before. You start at a super small buy in 1.5k, blind 200 and a very barebones UI as well as functionality allowed people to have fun and easily play poker and easily know what they'll be able to raise next hand and how the betting works. This is not meant to bash the new poker script, I know the devs may feel this is unfair because we asked a lot for high stakes poker table, but not a whole rehash to the script. It would have been better if they kept it exactly the same, and simply increase the minimum amount of cash you need to sit down with. That's all. Another thing, this is pretty minor before you had to type out /leavetable to leave the table, and it's a lot better than accidentally pressing E and losing millions.

Regardless, the new poker script as we said can stay in the casino and the old one can come back to tequila-la, so there's no harm to the devs to bring it back.

Also want to thank all the support that this has gotten, like others have said it was what made poker great and tequila-la was such a fun time for all of us back in the day, hope the devs can bring it all back.

Honestly i think they would have to scrap both roulette and blackjack before poker actually gets as popular as it once was. the thing is, the UI isnt the reason poker became unpopular. poker became unpopular because easier ways to flip a coin and gamble became available, that's what most "poker" players at tequilala would do. get all the chips into the middle of the table asap and just roll the dice. if they win, great, if they dont, well its back to holding labs. changing the UI wont fix this.

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On 6/5/2024 at 9:57 PM, Quietthecutie said:

Honestly i think they would have to scrap both roulette and blackjack before poker actually gets as popular as it once was. the thing is, the UI isnt the reason poker became unpopular. poker became unpopular because easier ways to flip a coin and gamble became available, that's what most "poker" players at tequilala would do. get all the chips into the middle of the table asap and just roll the dice. if they win, great, if they dont, well its back to holding labs. changing the UI wont fix this.

With all due respect, that's really not how anyone who knows how to play poker plays. What you're talking about is more in line with bingo and there were definitely a few guys who don't know how to play poker who can just go all in like that, the people that actually know how to play poker would actually play poker. (Some may just fold and wait for good pockets,  others  with lesser pockets going for a turn or river for trips, straights, flushes etc and so many more playstyles etc). Only the people who literally don't know how the winning hands work (like what straights, flushes, trips, fours, suits etc work) would go all in like that lol.  To your other point about the script, it's not really just the UI that's the problem, but like I said rather how it plays, it's just a lot more clunky when it comes to raising and folding and seeing where the rest of the hand is at, and this is a conclusion I've come to not only from mine but by talking to several poker players.

You got to see where I am coming from here, Tequila-la was literally active pretty much every day and filled to the brim with players for YEARS on end, and then suddenly the casino comes, and let's be honest the casino is definitely not even close to that level (there are some times where the casino can be popping, but generally it won't have 20 people on a random weekday just going ham on poker for several hours straight, with tables filling up every day).  If the casino was even close to the level of tequila la of popularity it wouldn't be a problem for us poker players. Like I said, blackjack and roulette are not games you can win money in the long term, whereas there are several mainstay "poker" players, like myself, who would sit in tequila la hours at a time and just have a great time playing poker and making millions throughout the years, you just can't do that for blackjack and roulette. I love the RP of the server and going out to talk to people, doing crime, and legal activities alike, but a lot of time there's downtime in Eclipse RP and poker was such a great place to fill that downtime.

Overall, there's no reason I feel not to bring it back to tequila-la with the classic poker script, there's no harming anyone there and it just gives people the option to enjoy poker like we always did.

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