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Fake Licenses

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So I think most criminals hate their license being suspended for 24 hrs.

What if there was a local that you could buy a fake ID from? Just like the house guy. You bring cash and can purchase a fake ID. The fake id would be a random person in the city or random person that has a criminal record or just a random name. I also think your fake license should disappear upon death.

The command could be like /showfakelicense or something along those lines. 

I think this could lead to great interactions between cops if they pull you over with a suspended license. As well as being able to show someone a fake license when they use the license commands to confirm your identity. 



Edited by jdotmo
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I'll just put "/alias" here.
Yes, you can argue that you changed your name but then again, if you were to change your name legally, you would have to go through a complex process with JB or GOV not just press F6 and type in the new name for 5 buckaroos.
If a cop would put your name into the system, it would not show up and you're again in trouble (I'm talking about background checks, traffic stops, etc...)
Additionally, license suspensions should be visible in the system, not only when you show licenses but here we are.
There's just too much work for almost no benefit.
Overall, -1 from my side.

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3 minutes ago, babx said:

I'll just put "/alias" here.
Yes, you can argue that you changed your name but then again, if you were to change your name legally, you would have to go through a complex process with JB or GOV not just press F6 and type in the new name for 5 buckaroos.
If a cop would put your name into the system, it would not show up and you're again in trouble (I'm talking about background checks, traffic stops, etc...)
Additionally, license suspensions should be visible in the system, not only when you show licenses but here we are.
There's just too much work for almost no benefit.
Overall, -1 from my side.

In general agreement with this. 

I appreciate the outside the box thinking to the license suspension problem, but i dont think this would work. it would create a ton of metagaming issues as the circles of LEOs and Crims are simply too small. to a certain point most LEOs know most Crims, this would create a ton of "hang on, i know this isnt your name" scenarios we could do without. things would just get messy.

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Although I think this could be somewhat interesting, the implementation would not have the results I think you're seeking. Since you already have the ability to RP hiding your ID and fail to provide ID. However if you have prints on record, or a phone. They can find out your name through either of those methods and suspend your license regardless. If we had a fakelicense, LEO would simply run the fake name in the MDC and find no match to you, or your vehicle and it will be no different from hiding your ID

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I like the idea but idk how it would work on this server.

Like mentioned, alias already defeats this and the fact that everyone kinda knows each other except for newer players.

Also, if it gives you a random name that has random charges then that "random" user would have to have charged placed by real people on the server or else it's too easy to conclude that's a fake name. You would also be driving a car that has a different name than the license which automatically raises suspicion.

If you get a real persons name on it, that is again very to easy to identify and that can seriously screw people over if you do manage to fool an officer to place charges consequentially putting warrants out for the wrong person.


Edited by Jett_J
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