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Boris Makarov

The Bratva

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The Solntsevskaya gang was founded in the late 1980s by Sergei Mikhailov, a former waiter who had served a prison time for fraud. Based in the Solntsevo District of Moscow, the gang recruited local unemployed, aggressive young men as foot soldiers and also made use of thief in law Dzhemal Khachidze to enhance their reputation amongst established criminals. The Solntsevo District was also strategically located near the M3 highway leading to Ukraine, the MKAD, Moscow's ring road, as well as the Vnukovo International Airport. Controlling these transport hubs allowed the Solntsevo group to muscle in on the car import business.  But by the early 1990s, the Solntsevo's dominance was challenged by the Chechen mafia. Together with the Orekhovskaya gang and other Slavic mobs, the Solntsevo made an alliance to drive the Chechens out. The gang war claimed many casualties, such as a gun battle at the Kazakhstan Cinema where six Chechens and four Russians were killed. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the gang utilized the chaos to empower themselves by establishing relationships with politicians. They were now able to influence the Russian state for their own benefit. They also bought several legitimate businesses to launder their money including banks, casinos, and even the Vnukovo airport.

The gang was at one point linked to criminal mastermind Semion Mogilevich, through whom they laundered money. But a 1995 party at a Prague hotel, attended by Mikhailov as well as Uzbek drug trafficker Gafur Rakhimov, was raided by Czech police who received information that they were planning to kill Mogilevich there following a dispute. Mogilevich himself was nowhere to be found, having received advance information about both groups' intentions.

By the end of the 1990s, the Solntsevskaya gang started moving into the banking sector, a move which enabled them to launder their money as well as get closer to the oligarchs.




In the 1990s, the Solntsevskaya dispatched Vyacheslav Ivankov to Brighton Beach, New York City, and Boris Makarov and Vladimir Zhilkovo to Atlanta, Georgia, to take control of the Russian mob activities there. The FBI was alerted to Ivankov's presence, however, and after a long investigation he was arrested and convicted of extortion, becoming the first thief-in-law to be convicted in the United States. While Ivankov was not as successful, his counterparts Makarov and Zhilkovo have  been controlling Russian organized crime in Atlanta for over 20 years with the help of the table that they have established when seeing it in action by the Italians, but due to FBI they have been recently  forced to escape to Los Santos, California. They brought an army of killers to back them up and are looking for new recruits while starting to settle themselves in the city, mostly eying Vinewood.




Pakhkan - Oversees and controls all operations of the organization.

Sovietnik - Pakhan's right hand

Two Spies - Personal security guards for the Pakhkan.

Derzhatel Obshchaka (The Bookkeepers) - Responsible for collecting money from the brigadier and delivering it to the Pakhkan and Sovietnik, who then distribute it among the gang members. They are also tasked with ensuring that police officers remain on the payroll.

Brigadier - Holds command over the lower-ranking members and is responsible for ensuring that they generate profits for both themselves and the mafia.

Bratok - Assigned to manage small jobs within the mafia, exercising control over the shestyorka's (lower-level enforcers).

Shestyorka - The muscle of the mafia, carrying out enforcement and violent tasks.

Associate - Individuals connected to the mob but have not formally pledged loyalty to the Bratva.


Auxiliary Positions:

Boyevik: The Chief Recruiter, responsible for bringing in new members to the organization.

Torpedo: The Marksman, skilled in precision shooting and long-range weaponry.



1. The crime family is your new family. Distance yourself from your real family.

2. Do not have a family of your own. No wives or children allowed. Girlfriends are okay.

3. Have another source of income, a real job.

4. Help other members with support, but material and otherwise.

5. Never reveal anything about your cohorts and associates.

6. If necessary, take the rap for a fellow thief.

7. Hold meetings to settle disputes.

8. Freely participate in these meetings.

9. Punish the guilty parties as determined at these meetings.

10. Do not flinch from performing these unpleasant duties even though the convicted party may be a friend.

11. Learn the "Fehnay" or Russian Mafia Slang

12. Never get in over your head with gambling debts.

13. Coach and mentor younger hoodlums-in-training

14. Always maintain a network of informants among the lower echelon of criminals

15. Be able to handle your liquor

16. Do not mingle with the police in social situations or join any social or community clubs. 

17. Avoid military service, stay out of the draft

18. Always keep your work to another member of the Russian Mafia

19. People who can't be part of Bratva: anyone who has a close relative in the police, anyone with a two-timing relative in the family, anyone who behaves badly and doesn’t hold to moral values. 



Bratva members drive in luxury cars, mostly german. They drive in brands such as Benefactor, Pfister, Obey, Übermacht, Enus

Here are some examples:








Oracle XS


Schafter / Schafter LWB




Schafter V12


Tailgater S









Super diamond






The Bratva handgun of choice is the pistol .50, or a Heavy Revolver


Staying true to their roots when better firepower is needed members use versions of the AK-47 such as the assault rifle and the compact rifle. For close quarters they also use shotguns and SMGs. When it comes to intimidation the preferred melee weapon is a baseball bat or a knuckle duster.



Short term goals

Establish a base of operations somewhere in Winewood. Most likely a bar or a nightclub.  

Establish a good relation with at least one of the official gangs.

Recruit new people.


Long term goals

Have control over the north of Los Santos, mainly Winewood and maintain a good business relation with as many gangs as viable. 

Gain and maintain a professional reputation among civilians and other gangs.

Get  high ranking Cops on our payroll, either through blackmail or bribes



More coming soon!


Edited by Boris Makarov
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It all began with a gun deal at around 10:15 am. Two of our members Boris and Billy went to meet with 2 people wanting to buy a pistol .50. The deal was going well until one of the customers decided to not pay his half, so he grabbed the gun and jumped out of the moving car. Shortly after the person who paid did the same. A chase ensued. The non paying person was quickly dealt with and put in critical condition. The person who paid was interrogated by the 2 members. He told them that he knew the other person for only a few days and that he had no idea he was going to do that. The 2 members photoed his ID and made a deal with him that will be very beneficial for the mafia. They found out he was applying to become a LSPD officer and since Bratva now has him on a hook he will be a good asset. When the 2 members went to check on the dead body he somehow called EMS. ((He disconnected before we could kill him off, then connected back and said his game crashed, but while we thought he was gone he loaded back and called EMS.)). Ems had arrived while the 2 members were dealing with the now fully dead body. The EMS had enough time to memorize the car plates. Boris told the EMS member: “You forget a thousand things every day, make sure this is one of them”, unfortunately this didn’t work because some time later the car was pulled over. 

Vladimir Zhilkov and Donny Do arrived at the house around 7:38 pm. As they were about to park, six police cars pulled up with sirens blaring. Vladimir and Donny both knew that Boris was inside the house cooking up ecstasy and cocaine. Consequently, they followed the orders of the police, reversed slowly out of the driveway, and pulled over on the sidewalk. Neither of them was aware of what Boris and Billy had done previously that day. So, when they were questioned, they decided to take the blame to prevent the house from being raided. They were taken to the police station, where they had to write a fake testimony placing the blame on themselves. Vladimir and Donny were both charged with murder and kidnapping. After signing the testimony, they were taken to the Department of Correction to serve their sentence.  Vladimir successfully achieved his goal, thereby preventing the organization's collapse. 0gOzJgLNHYkSKA_ZDN33jlNGnfMMlOndCDU2prg5xQgEIAwsate2n2d_4xWucNgbImeJ_ozjDXRRA_awcVR12ggvYrgJjfcXO1cU5ETuHxgxfcteD8BLT52R1PE7MVauaXj9vktITxODAttNIPnQxfM4BRHy-8O8wCUPQCtM7FaAa4UrW1ULUnpObviwlgnEZQWa5PviHeRSAH5R2VQnqmR_VkglNEc1Xoz9E2muj4VfLssBTmUhImWHErSpvez310CJmSvMBb0FnOYJ7y3ztt28QCY7xQdn3GwzVEHh1VlvrY0iLxIGZKZ18vfJFZtPbIYRawSRFoloB2D062gGe9H1mHduicXhA5PwJIul_P98Eyu_j_ZNmBD0ygMPJjGpMUvFZCg8hTOJTgjARSJ3CQeQLmm32Vd6Z5665aJ7bzy4UUtnOOEuqlOI0oMOU2OaAAzQE2ZF4c70oAlzL5vsUexaizvdiDi_QnjlHFjj9P_FurqqMvGfamw-ZTxOKWqU3PEALTxmC4iwwtC-iEXSCN1bwKrVAn_s-kK9Cno3JhuZA_zzZ0GoRA3YuQJXKuQdUiP0k2xZ0iULbokE7SJaaEUBohbY


Edited by Boris Makarov
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It was on 23th of July, a rather sunny day that Klaus decided to do something different than the usual laundry work. He applied to work in construction and use the skills his father taught him. It was during a normal conversation with his college that a rather funny looking fellow drove up to him.


This mysterious masked fellow liked to ask a lot of questions. Klaus noticed that he did not like Russians particularly much. The funny guy tried to be witty and trick Klaus to follow him to a poker event. In which Klaus responded that he will not go to the event if there is no Vodka. The conversation dragged on until the funny man said to Klaus to watch his back. In which Klaus did not respond and instead ignored the crazy fellow and continued with his work.


While Klaus was in the middle of work, the same crazy fellow appeared at the construction site. Without warning went straights for Klaus.


After the clash ensued Klaus managed to get on his feet. This fellow messed with the wrong Russian.


After avoiding a swing Klaus got the upper hand and finished the crazy man off. Looking down Klaus felt sad for the person. Unnecessary blood has been spilled. Klaus realized that Ignorance and prejudice will always follow.




Edited by Klaus Winter
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Bratva are always looking for alternative ways to bring in funds for the business. Members tried their hand at holding up multiple stores which the result was only successful every time. 

These events took place on Aug 27th and lasted most of the day. The sum of money brought in will not be disclosed but they can only say that this won’t be the last time. 

The members and associates planned each robbery before executing the act. Everyone knew their roles and responsibilities in the task and this is what lead to the great success Bratva had. 

Everyone knew about the risks this came with but you know what the old saying is “high risk high reward”.


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A group affiliated with the Russian Mafia has been tasked with the act of bringing the San Andreas Government to its knees. To rip apart the foundation that houses state corruption and conflict against the people. A rebellion that would see the kind of bloodshed, conflict, and loss of life. that we remember so clearly, from the War.

As numbers are growing, so is the heat. We are starting to notice a growing conflict between Bratva and the San Andreas Government.


The three Table members arrived at Bolingbroke Penitentiary to collect an Associate who had just been released. When they arrived, an ex-inmate released on parol, not affiliated with Bratva, decided to disrespect The Table members by damaging their property, he got what he wished for, and paid for it with his life

The Prison CCTV managed to catch the plates and description of all four members. Not long after being on the road back to the city, the Schafter V12 was pulled over, and informed to remain seated until further notice.

Bratva were unaware of the CCTV footage so they remained seated to figure out why they were being pulled over, but by then, another 2 heavily armed units pulled up to assist in the situation.

The members decided that it was best to surrender now but to never forget those who had crossed them. It's the start of a war.



To instill fear and dominance in the city and its government forces, The Table thought to set an example for those who cross them. They met two men in the jail who happened to be connected to the first man they had encountered. Two men who wouldn't see their wives or children again, let alone another sunrise. All could have been avoided, had they just shown a little... respect.


When you think you have it all, and that is lost within 10 seconds, it makes you think to yourself: "Should I have done things differently",  "Should I have said something else". Those last few moments you have before your death, those last thoughts before it's all gone. Those are the moments that you need to think the most. Think about every single word that comes out of your mouth from that point on. Those are the moments you need to remember:




Edited by Joey_Galati
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The Bratva are known for their professional approach to business. Be it the mundane task of cleaning the streets of rats that plague the city, or helping out the brothers and sisters who show respect to the values that we uphold. Respect and loyalty are top priorities for the brotherhood. The Bratva strives in making business a painless task, no matter the risk. If business brings reward, you can count on The Bratva to bring you success. As with all things in life, nothing is free. Present The Bratva with rewards, and you can find comfort in knowing we will be there to assist when things go south.



When our associates need something, they know they can count on The Bratva to get it done right. We strive to secure long lasting connections with people who see eye-to-eye with our brotherhood and its values. Without it, what is there to live for? 


It should be known that anything our associates desire, we have the right people to get them to the place they wish to be. It is this kind of mentality that has built strength amongst our family and our business partners. If you think you can cross us, you are mistaken. We don't take kindly to traitors and snitches. You may know the age old saying "Snitches get Stiches", with The Bratva, it's more along the lines of "Snitches get Ditches". Be careful what you wish for, because The Bratva can make anything possible.


When you're out there on your own and you think this world has nothing left for you, know that The Bratva will always have something for you. Know that you can create a new destination. Prove to us that you are devoted to our ideas, committed to a life of discourse that pairs with trust, loyalty and reward. Join the brotherhood and show your dedication to our family and it's values, and you will quickly realize what we mean when we say "The Bratva will always have your back".





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With a goal set to overthrow the San Andreas Government, The Bratva are working towards growing their database with intel on the Government and its Police Department. Intel of this caliber can only be gathered through real world experience, to test the capabilities of the San Andreas Police Department. Some may consider these exercises as "petty crime" or "low earning heists/robberies". To us, it is considered paid knowledge. We do not commit crime for the sake of committing crime. We take every bit of information as value to the family. We note down every aspect of the Police Force, their strengths, their weaknesses. This intel will come of use when performing high-risk; high-reward tasks, such as bank robberies, prison breaks and extortion.



The soldiers of The Bratva have been tasked to gather as much information on response times, response tactics and preparedness laid on by the Police Force in different areas of the city. The team have been extensively testing the abilities of the San Andreas Police Force, noting their time-of-day responses and how they adapt to the varying levels of crime being committed. This intel will be stored in The Bratva database and will be vital information for future heists. We are constantly staying up-to-date with the ever growing use of technology and communication amongst the 'Pigs'. Every detail takes us one step closer to success in the future.









Every single step we take, every reaction that is laid on us, every mistake, fault or mishap by the Police Force is noted and stored in our database. It does not stop there. We know that with crime, comes risks, and with risk comes failure. Failure is not a loss. Failure is just as important as success. Information and intel can be siphoned from anything, even failure. We are taking note of the steps taken from start to finish, when an arrest is made. The training process for cadets are a vital key into the knowledge we are gathering. This information is free and of utmost importance. Training cadets will always have someone talking over their shoulder, making sure they are doing their job correctly. It is with this knowledge, handed to us on a silver platter, that we learn the most about how the Police Force operates. This information can only be gathered by being caught, and so sometimes we intend on getting caught, for the sake of the family.

When we are caught red handed, we always make sure our bounty is secure. However, our priority is knowledge, and knowledge is the key into the mind-map of the San Andreas Police Department.




Edited by Roo Lestrange
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The Bratva has been expanding for a couple months and now has a group of associates assisting the members. Some of these associates have proven themselves in these past weeks, so the leadership has decided to welcome them to the family and brought to potential associates along to see if they would be good associates. The selected were invited to a discrete location where a meeting was held. They were questioned about their loyalties and their ideas for the future, the 2 potentials were officially welcomed as associates and the potential members were then questioned on the code of thieves and when they passed, they were officially welcomed to the organization as Shestyorkas. As official members they then had the Bratva star tattooed on their chest. After that the table met to discuss a member joining them. A vote was held on weather he would be welcomed to the table or not. Joey personally vouched for him, as they have worked in the past, so the vote was passed, and he was welcomed to the table. After that the meeting was concluded and everyone returned to conductingbusiness as usual.


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Bratva is an organized crime family not a street gang, so we prioritize business and diplomacy overall. For that reason, Bratva has been trying to establish business relationships with other factions since day 1. During that endeavor we have met a lot of organizations, but TLMC stood out. We quickly started doing business with them and realized that we had made the right decision. We started ordering from them and selling illicit items to them. Each time we went there we conversed with their members and have gotten to know a great many, all of them friendly and professional. They have also given us a lot of insight into the criminal underworld. Meeting after meeting with them and we have slowly grown from regular customers to a recognized organization to allies. We have also encountered OTF and while they are friendly, they didn’t seem as organized and while they were open to business they werent as customer friendly as TLMC. We have also encountered what we took to be Rooks but are still unsure. A month or so ago our chop shop was attacked by people wearing black attire driving Scouts, so we believe that it was Rooks, but we were also informed, that people tend to dress up as them. We had managed to fend off said attack, but it was a pyric victory as all the members were arrested, but at least we didn’t loose the chopping equipment. About 2 weeks ago a similar situation with people wearing black attire and black towel masks happened at a different property where we had our chop set up and we once again managed to save it. We have been trying to ascertain weather the attackers were indeed Rooks or just pretenders, beacuse as mentioned before we are first and foremost businessmen and aren’t looking for unnecessary fights but haven’t been able to figure it out just yet. We have also met Crime scene boys and got some information, that could prove useful if we ever get into beef with OTF.





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A few days ago, we decided to gather intel on police response times with store robberies, as it was the most raw experience we could get without attempting an entire bank robbery. We covered our tracks with all the necessary tools to keep our identification hidden throughout the process. We had to make sure our car was not registered to anyone so Rychie came up with a plan and made a deal with the scrap yard. He had a car set aside that would suit the job, and paid the dealer in cash from the previous week of ATM robbery test runs.

This cash would be untraceable as it was laundered through a good friend of one of our Table members. With all the robberies being a success, and the loyalty of our two new associates had been proven to be remarkable, we treated ourselves to a few bottles of Vodka from the family bar as a celebration. To growth, unity, power and knowledge, we made a toast! To the future endeavors, the tough times and the good times, the times of war and the times of diplomacy. We could see our future taking shape right before our eyes. 





In due time, and classic Russian fashion, we ran dry of liquor. The Table was thirsty and decided to send Rychie and Jay to fetch a few more bottles. Rychie took his personal car and the Table members went for a joy ride with the scrap car, taking bets on when they'd get pulled over, though it seemed the police of San Andreas were a bit pre-occupied, eating donuts and sitting on their arse doing f$@% all. No surprise there.




Irresponsible drinking persisted and the numbers were fading. The last two remaining drunks decided its best to sleep at the family bar. They were wasted, without a care in the world, leaving the empty bottles laying around, lights on. They passed out within seconds of laying to rest. All that could be heard was a deep growl-like snore and the occasional gastric movements. The place was a f#$%ing mess.





The next day, Rychie could not find the scrap car. It was no where to be seen. Upon waking, the Table members couldn't syphon any information about their drive they had the previous night. Rychie decided to follow the skid marks on the tar mac to try figure out where they had ended up parking. As the investigation pursued, it clicked in one of the members heads that they had ended up at Bennie's Auto Shop. Unfortunately, the car was f^@#ed. We couldn't get hold of a mechanic so we decided to ditch it there, and deal with it later. 

That is where the story takes a slight turn. Rychie was fed up with the service in the city, and decided its best to ditch the car in the ocean and not have to deal with the crimes linked to the vehicle. He began pushing the car down to the freeway, and off into the harbour. He was met by some interesting characters with monkey masks. This reminded Rychie of a conversation he had had with another person who had claimed to be part of the same family. Rychie confirmed the validity of the claim by mentioning the person's name. This is where a conversation started. One of the members decided to help him push his car. He told them he needed to get rid of it and they said they would assist in pushing it to the harbor, but because they are a legal family, Rychie was instructed to finish it off.


Whilst one of the members dealt with the scrap car, he called in one of his lower ranking members to chat with Rychie under what we have now claimed as "The Monkey Tree 3". Next to it you can see "The Monkey Tree 2" and "The Monkey Tree 1". It was never intended to be their tree, it was just at the right place at the right time and now its stuck with us. 





After vigorous discussion, both lower ranking members exchanged their core values and what they are looking for in the city. A pairing of legal, and illegal dispositions. This could be a long lasting alliance for both families, as they can both provide one another with incredible value. Phone numbers were exchanged and Rychie introduced himself to 3 of the members. A meeting was set up for an appropriate day where the High Ranking members of both families would sit down to discuss business. The allegiance would benefit both families, helping them achieve their goals faster.

Edited by Roo Lestrange
minor tweaks
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Two table members and their two Bratoks took the opportunity to collect an order from the brothers and sisters at TLMC. Upon arrival, they were met with two new faces who were not affiliated with any gang. The two friends had happened upon The Bratva through word of mouth and had shown keen interest in joining the family. The Table members took kindly to the interest and sent Rychie to find out more about these two new faces, whilst they dealt with TLMC and the high-priority order. 






The two new faces were, in fact, pretty old faces. Rychie approved of the members and their mutual acquaintances they claimed to have. They were involved in some underground work and were good at keeping their names under the radar. This sparked interest through Rychie and he decided a more formal meeting should be set up to discuss association and values. Rychie exchanged numbers, gave the two friends a location and time, and they would proceed to the discussion once the priority order was complete.



The order was ready for collection but the payment was due to be made. Due to a long lasting relationship built on trust with TLMC, the order was handed over before payment. The Bratva members proceeded to the City Bank with one of the valued members at TLMC, a good friend of all of The Table members, and a key contact for the family. In convoy, the team drove lawlessly, in true Russian fashion. Once reaching the bank, the money was exchanged and the purchase was deemed complete. With both parties satisfied, The Bratva table members parted ways with the TLMC member and agreed to meet with the two potential associates before their next important meeting.

Rychie gave the new faces a call, to confirm he was on the way to meet them at their planned location. He travelled with his personal vehicle, unaccompanied, to a special meeting point. He bought two blindfolds along the way. He met the two potential associates, blindfolded them, and proceeded to drive around the city in an untraceable pattern to hide the location of The Bratva's temporary HQ. Upon arrival, the two new potential associates were escorted onto the property and into the building. Their blind folds were removed, and they were seated in the office of ANON (Table member). The Table members began their routine, as with all new potential associates, accompanied by the two Bratok members, who were taking notes for future recruitments that will be required of them. 





After vigorous questioning and testing, the Table started realising the value of the two new potential associates. They were experienced thieves who had knowledge that The Bratva was trying to syphon throughout their time in the city. Liking what they were hearing, The Table members left the room to discuss the matter.



After some discussion between the two  table members, they re-entered the room. The new faces were invited to join the family as associates, to later prove themselves and become loyal members of The Bratva. They accepted the invitation. They were asked to revise the laws of thieves and accepted the fate that had been bestowed onto them. They celebrated with a bottle of Vodka. Introductions commenced and the new associates were welcomed by the two Bratok members.

The two new associates were sent off to purchase some appropriate clothing, as The Bratva was about to have a very important meeting. This meeting would be a turn-page moment for The Bratva.


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:953_musical_note:Press Play:953_musical_note:

Another day on the streets, The Bratva were on the lookout for brothers and sisters from their home region. To band together, blood and soil. We take pride in our culture and try to help our Eastern European comrades in Los Santos. We help each other. For generations, this has been standard practice, since the day of the Soviet Union. We will never forget those valuable lessons our ancestors have instilled into us. Loyalty and togetherness. This is what made the Soviet Union so powerful.

Though he is new to the city, we met a fellow brother on the streets. He moved to the city to escape the chaos that ensues back home. With no place to go, no money to make, lost and hopeless, we gave him a chance to prove himself, prove his loyalty, and in return he would receive a new family. One that has his back. One that sees his goals and mission. One that could provide a home, a place to be, a purpose. 



After long discussions ensued, Boris, Joey and Rychie were satisfied with the desires of the new associate. He was briefed with the Thieve's Laws and asked to pledge to them for life. He agreed. He was given two options. One was to remain legal, have a clean slate, maintain a gun license for family protection. Two was to forfeit his life for the cause, a life of crime, danger and risk. He was smart, and decided it is best to choose both options, to remain inconspicuous, but would not mind getting his hands dirty, so long as the evidence was erased and he was guaranteed protection from the Pigs.

Rychkov and Boris discussed the pro's and cons of the choice and agreed it may be beneficial. They allowed the choice, and would watch the new associate go about doing this to test its viability and possibility. We are adaptable and we do not force anyone to do something they do not want to do. With the risks laid on the table, the Associate agreed and pledged to The Bratva.







With the associate pledged, and a round of tequilas passed around as a welcoming, it was time to head to PONSONBY'S - the family's most favorited clothing store. The Bratva decided to invest in some clothing for the new associate, as he was new to the city and already struggling to reach month end. We uphold a high standard when it comes to formal attire, and everything has to be perfect, as we have to look presentable when doing high-end business. A set of the best fit shirt, pants and shoes were bought for the new associate. Boris took the opportunity to grab a new suit, as someone in the office decided to borrow his for an unknown amount of time.

Rychkov took the opportunity to demonstrate the level of preparedness when rolling around with The Table, or one of their members. We stand guard for any situation, no matter the location. The city if full of rats who want to eat at the toenails. The soldiers of the family have to keep three eyes open at all times, to protect The Table from any incidents. A soldier should always take the rap for a fellow thief. This has been a motto for centuries.




Edited by Roo Lestrange
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Trouble is brewing back home. With the war ongoing, and families being separated, it is with great sadness that we see off our two brothers for some time. Two valuable Table members. The Bratva would not be where it is right now if it was not for them. A priority of utmost importance is awaiting them back home. Till we meet again brothers! 

До свидания






With the brothers sent off on their way back home, it was time for a new face to enter the Table. Rychkov has been a valuable member to the team and has proven his dedication to the family in countless ways. He has exceeded The Tables expectations and it was only a matter of time that he would get a golden ticket into the most prestigious Russian Crime Mob in Los Santos. An invitation to become a Table Head member. The honor of holding such a title comes with great responsibility and risk. Though the rewards far outweigh the risk. A new chapter for The Bratva has begun. 



Though two valuable heads of The Table have taken leave temporarily, Rychkov is not alone. His old boss, now co-partner in the family, Joey Galati, is still around to help him create an empire. Their goals are aligned and their mission is set. To become the most influential mob in the city. To control the inner workings, run the blood through the veins of Los Santos. This has always been an end-goal for the family. But cautious steps need to be taken from here on out. Without trust, you have no control.





Edited by Roo Lestrange
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However, weed grows on trees and weed can make you money... lots of it. We use it for many things in this city, making it a staple source for many main course dishes. Its quick and easy to grow, simple to handle, but hard to sneak past the Pigs. The only thing that can set them off the trail is a 12 pack of donuts and some coffee. We always try to keep a box of donuts close by, incase we run into any issues with the hoof toes. You never know when it might save your ass.




Rychkov is hard at work, maintaining a steady income to build capital for the family. With this cash, he plans on setting up an entry package for all associates that wish to be apart of the family for life. The package will include a standard Pistol .50 with ammo, some formal clothing specifically picked for associates and lower ranks. This will be the trademark outfit for our soldiers. We will also provide a radio set to the family channel. These tools should help our associates achieve what they want, with a little bit of force behind them. They are expected to take care of these assets to the best of their ability, as the next one will have to be paid for by them.

Associates and soldiers are expected to invest in themselves, to become a more valuable asset to the family. They are expected to hold at least one firearm at all times, so that when it comes time for assistance, they are ready, loaded and prepared to take out anyone that crosses the Table wrongly. This trait is what we test extensively throughout the association phase. 

After a long days work, Rychkov decided to hit the pier for a beer, watching the sunset. Gold skies and cash in the pocket, it doesn't get much better than that. Things are looking up. The flame is still burning. We won't stop till we get what we want. Respect is an interesting thing. Hard to obtain sometimes, but a valuable thing to possess. Each step is a step closer to the top. Things will run differently in this city, so long as The Bratva hold their presence.


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After an incident in the families property caused a fire and a major loss to the business capital, it is with great sadness that we have to let go of the property until funds are managed properly. We sat with a debt and it was holding us back from growth. Rychkov has decided to take a hold on obtaining a property, to rather focus on the basic needs for the family to thrive. An operating economy within the ranks of The Bratva, each contribution to the family can be rewarded in certain ways. Ingredients for drugs can be bought, and sold to the family for a small mark up. We want to be able to offer more than just a family, but a career too. A career in crime, or legal work to hold the front. 


We are in the works with all the backend paperwork, once that is sorted, we can finalize a plan for constant availability to drug ingredients. These ingredients can be sourced by the associate themselves, leading to greater incomes, or they can stock up the family supply for a small income, and gather other materials to which they will be compensated fairly. In order for a system to work, there needs to be structure. Structure keeps you on the right track, in line with your destination. 



Edited by Roo Lestrange
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With the arrival of Boris, and the old business taken care of. We are one man short at the Table, however, something feels different this time. There seems to be something different about Boris. No one knows what happened between him and Vlad. No one dares to ask, but by the look in Boris' eye, we all know what he did. What he had to do. Any one of us would have done it for the brotherhood. Boris had known Vladimir all his life. It only seemed natural that he was assigned to the task.




With Vladimir out of the picture, business will always continue as usual. Boris brought with him a to-do list. A list of tasks that need to be fulfilled before we can officially make our presence known again. Our priority was to buy property. This time, without a loan. Straight cash deals only. Vitaly still had some stock remaining, though he had been robbed of every single possession he had built up for the family. A group of people held him at gun point, forced him to open his RV, along with all the safes. Every. Last. Cent. 

Its a frustrating thing, starting from the bottom again. Though, we are Russian. We are used to this lifestyle. It happened a lot back when we were growing up. Something we have all gotten used to. Life is not fair, neither is the laws and rules put in place, but we stride on to deal with the fact. 






It has been a while since our presence was known in the city of Los Santos. We had some good connections and a great start to valuable connections that would see Bratva taking a new step. We decided to re-kindle our relationships, particularly that of The  Lost Motorcycle Club. We were close, and considered them our priority in every regard of business. We will continue this relationship as we hold a high respect for the way they do things.

There were another handful of gang members and friends of friends, who we could really put our trust in. We want to make our presence known again, so business can continue as usual. We decided to hit up Stab City first, to visit our old friends. We discussed the dramatic changes that were taking place. Boris pulled a high ranking member aside to discuss the killing of Vladimir. His return is no longer a threat to the firm, or TLMC.

TLMC is one of our longest standing clients who we bring all of our product to. We do this out of respect, and to maintain a good relationship of business. We don't just bring them drugs, but also other items that can keep their dealers in business. We understand this importance and are doing everything we can do maintain that. 




With connections settled, its time to get the fucking ball rolling. We are building up our arsenal, slowly. We have a new place to call home with a large amount of storage for old and new comers. We will be issuing a gun to dedicated recruits, and expect them to utilize it whenever the Bratva need an extra bullet.




Vitaly has prepped all the guns, erased serials of "reported missing/stolen" firearms, and left the ones that are still registered under a legal license. The "still legal" guns will be used for executions, and to arm our higher ranking members. 


Once every member has at least two firearms supplied by the firm, we will start to invest in bigger rifles, compact rifles or AK-47's as well as a few micro SMG's depending on everyone's preference. We are also looking into buying shotguns for standard issue of members that have truly proven themselves out in the field.





Edited by Vitaly Gorbachev
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