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HugeProblem Introduction, information, and farewell.

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HugeProblem / Mack Harley / Jordan Smoke


Hello everyone, for those of you that do not know, I would enjoy giving an honest, from point "a" to "z", opinion/experience of my time here at ECRP. To begin, I originally created my first character close to a year ago named Mack. As all new players, I took some time adjusting to the server and getting experience in different aspects of the server. After a couple weeks of figuring things out, Mack joined his first faction, "Lost MC". The content and RP within the faction and server in general was outstanding and numerous stories were made during these times. However, with prior law enforcement background, I decided it was time to create my second "legal" character and attempt to join the Sheriff's Department once available to explore other avenues of RP within the server. Jordan Smoke was created at this time and after some time, managed to join the Sheriff's Department faction and work his way through the ranking structure. Progress at this point slowed down due to balancing the time spent on each character, however, kept me always interested and intruged to come back the next day. To my suprise, staff applications opened and a notification was put out to the public. Due to my willingness to help others and honestly, the "want" for the individuals within the server, including myself, to have the best experience possible due to it being my "home" server! After getting accepted into a staff position, I spent time bettering my knowledge of the rules and regulations to better myself in the area in which others will be requesting that knowledge at points. 


Now, to the good/bad stuff... 

So, in the process of balancing everything I had on my plate, within and outside the server, I made a mistake. As Mack had recently moved up to High Command of the Lost MC, he was given permissions and granted access to multiple things and different channels within discord. During this process, I joined a discord titled Lost MC High Command on April 17th, 2023 I believe. After entering this discord, I was greeted with hello's and welcome's in which I replied! 🙂 After this, my activity in this discord was minimal at best until April 22nd,2023, In which I made a statement of "Wont be making it to the RP opps/ meeting today fellas, Im going out of state with the family for a birthday party". To touch base, I may bounce around a little at this point, being new to high command, I never made many statements due to feeling like the new guy... if anyone has ever been in this position! 


April 23rd, 2023 ... the end is near!

As I woke up and got ready to leave the house on April 23rd, 2023, I noticed I had a message notification on discord from a known admin, in which, I will be mentioning no names. The message was inquiring about a video that I recently posted onto the media channel of the Sheriff's Department discord showing a great interaction I had with another character within the server. During this video, you can see a discord message notification pop up in the top corner of my screen, originating from someone posting a comment within the Lost MC High Command discord. I stated to the admin that this was a discord I was invited to after mack made high command within this faction. The admin questioned if a faction handler was present within this discord, I stated that I was not sure, that I pretty much joined it and forgot about it due to the ammount of discord servers i'm in. The admin stated that he wished to receive an invite to this discord due to it being related to an official ECRP faction. Due to the individual being a my superior in staff and his previous statement, I sent him an invite to the server. After this, I continued on my roadtrip that I was currently on when, I was bumbarded with discord notifications of receiving messages from MULTIPLE individuals stating a variety of things... "I dont know what you intent was, but if it was to ruin everyone's fun, you succeeded", "You single handed killed the Lost Faction", and the list goes on... Keep in mind, these are individuals that we may not know each other personally, but have spent countless hours with RPing with one another and making friendships. During these messages, I was notified that everyone within the discord was "perma banned" for "metagaming". I was advised that there was "intense information shared" within the discord such as; safe codes, phone numbers, and names of individuals. Which, in my opinion, is metagaming for sure... However, I do slightly question how different this is from the websites, google documents, "website emails", and other avenues in which other factions use to transfer information from one individual to another... but that is a topic that I will not be getting into. I was advised that even myself was receiving the following punishments: Kicked from SD, Kicked from Lost MC, Kicked from staff, and "Permabanned". At the time, of course anger and confusion sets in, however, due to the claimed "severity of the rulebreak", was understandable from a staff perspective. Throughout the remander of the day, messages continued to roll in about this topic, in which, I answered to the best of my ability. That evening, I was advised to file an appeal to the ban, in which I did. The staff was quick to respond and review the appeal, however, due to the ammount of information needed to be reviewed, took 12 hours or before I received my final response from staff... Even though I did not commit the rulebreak itself, I was told that I was still responsible for which discords I join and should have reported the rulebreaks. Due to me being a staff member... I agree that a rulebreak of that nature should have been reported to admin, IF I was aware of said rulebreaks. However, after being in the server for over a year and never receiving a punishment, all the benefits that I have brought to the server, I feel is a bit excessive and not warranted due to not reporting a rule break... not breaking a rule, not reporting someone else breaking a rule.


April 24th, 2023... a sweet fairwell!

Regardless of your's or my opinions, the ruling has been made and is finalized and nothing at this point will change that ruling. So I would like to take this time to tell all of the individuals that I have had the opportunity to spend countless hours creating RP with goodbye and thank you! I imagine there will be another time where we will play again together, but now is a time that I cant thank you enough for all of the entertainment y'all have provided me with! I wish everyone within the server the best of luck on their future endeavors! 


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I’ll keep it short - you are one of the most down to earth, chill people I’ve ever played with on this server. It pisses me off that you got the short end for something THAT YOU DIDNT KNOW, how are you supposed to know something that you don’t know? It’s your responsibility to know what you join but is it your responsibility to read through the past messages of something you have no knowledge of??? I think that’s complete BS. Why was faction services not in this chat originally?? Seems like you’re getting the boot for something that wasn’t your doing, hopefully they are brought to their senses and see that you are one of the last people to knowingly break a rule. I will be on your side till the day I’m removed from this server, and even then I will still have your back. 

Chase and Mack, Gordon and Jordan, both will carry on a legacy. Thank you for being my friend.

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You have always been one of the most chill people that I have talked to in both an in-character POV and out-of-character POV. You've taught me a lot, and I respect you for who you are as a person. I will miss our DELTA patrols in LSSD, and I had lots of fun times with you. In the end, I am extremely saddened to see you gone from ECRP. You don't deserve this kind of ending, and I only hope that the staff will realize their mistake with your exceedingly unwarranted punishment.

Take care bud,

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So sad to see you gone Jordan the effect you had on me on this server was so much more then you could have imagined. I remember being a new player and meeting you, you were the first person to sell me a gun on my criminal character. Then when I made the switch to legal there you were training me at SD. You were always one of the most down to earth and fun people to talk to. I hope everything works out for you man, hope to see you again soon.



Edited by Undyingheart112
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