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Introducing Judges and lawyers + probation

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I think Judges and lawyers should be introduced. They should pass a law test or something like that to become lawyer, and every lawyer should choose his fee and they should have a Rep. or something like that based on how many lawsuits and cases he won. Judges should decide for how much someone should go in jail, depending on many factors, or even give them probation. Probation should be longer than the sentence in jail for the same crime [a 2hrs probation is nothing IMO, maybe one IRL day for each year], and people on Probation should be put back in prison even for speeding etc. Judges could be used when for example a Gov Faction's manager doesn't behave correctly.

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Was going to do a bit write-up on this some point in the suggestions.


The police read you your rights without reason, if you're going straight to prison, why read anyone's rights; "you have the right to remain silent bla bla"


A judicial system would allow for more dynamic roleplay in terms of lawyers, barristers and a potential jury duty for citizens, it could have some interesting effects and allow the criminals to become more wanted for getting away with things due to a good lawyer, meaning people could build up notoriety in the city.

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1 hour ago, TommyV said:

The police read you your rights without reason, if you're going straight to prison, why read anyone's rights; "you have the right to remain silent bla bla"


Yeah and after that they ask you questions and if you don't answer they threaten to give you a longer sentence


1 hour ago, Denni said:

+1. But know that you'd need someone to take people to court. 

Well for starters courts could be used to decide someone's sentence, or when an illicit takes place [for example when a cop doesn't follow rules you can take 'em to court], or when someone breaks probation rules

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