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Posts posted by AtlasOLimbo

  1. 14 minutes ago, IAmTurtle said:

    -1 to your change 

    but i think increasing the chop time to 10 min and and then allowing up to 2/3 cars to be chopped at the same time would make it more fair. 


    Huh, interesting proposition. I really just wanted to start conversation over it. I like this idea a lot!

  2. Chopshops can promote really awful/unrealistic roleplay. I think a way to get around this at least in some sense is stopping chopshops from being used in certain hours of the day, especially in city chops. Maybe from 11 AM to 5 PM? Don't know, just disallow chopping cars in the bright of day, especially for lower end cars, I can't imagine any chopper would want that heat on them.

  3. The Story Of Tom Mathers - Pt. 2

    Two Things Are Certain

    Everything was going smooth. Going well, going perfect. And then the dominoes began to tumble, piece, by piece. Firstly, a letter. The letter telling him the news he never wanted to know. Jay Mathers was dead. He had been executed. The cousin he loved so dearly, like a brother. Dead. April 18th. 2021.


    He called one of the only people he felt as if he could confide in. Roxanne. They opened the letter together, read it together. He tried to keep a straight face upon reading it beside her. Tried to be strong. She told him that Jay would always be there. And that might have been true, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it. He wasn't even given the chance to see him in his final moments. Hear his final words. Jay wasn't a bad guy. He didn't deserve this. No one did. Not ever again. As soon as he got into whoever's apartment he was spending the night at that time, he wept. Tears streamed down his face further than they had ever ran before. The city had desensitized Tom to most things. But this, this was the first domino. The first blade to penetrate his titanium skin he had developed from his time in the city. Roxanne told him to take a break. To mourn. Asked him if Salvation was even worth it? But why would he do that, quit? Take a break? There was work to do. Something had to change. He wasn't going to sit in bed and let all his hard work for Salvation go to waste. So Tom got up. And he worked. As always, making connections, making trades. Hitting stores. Anything to help. Even if he could feel the blade sinking into him every time he stepped foot on the pier. For Jay. It was all for Jay.

    Her Domino

    A Hostage In Blue

    A single cadet sat towards the end of the pier, slowly but surely a crowd grew. The cadet was outnumbered maybe 10:1. Tom hesitated. He thought to himself. This was his chance. To finally send a message. To break through to the LSPD. Once and for all. He reached into his glovebox and putted out a .50 caliber pistol, working his way into the crowd. Tom's hand gripped the gun firmly, toggling the safety. Do it. Do it. Do it. For Jay. For what they've done. A gnawing in the back of his mind that wouldn't leave. It had to be done. Someone, had to do it. That someone would be him. He raised the pistol to the cadet and pressed it to the back of his skull, instantly barking out orders as adrenaline swept over his bloodstream. He was really doing it. This was it. After having the cop frisked of his belongings, the hostage situation went on for a good while. It ended with Tom receiving a bat to the skull and stumbling, misfiring his gun and being taken down by an undercover cop. As he hit the ground he faded in and out, trying to resist the initial treatment from the officer. He woke up on a makeshift stretcher and felt blood trailing down the back of his skull to his neck and back, his chest in overwhelming pain from gunshot wounds. An innocent cadet. Almost lost his life to Tom's hands. Purely because of the colors he was wearing. This couldn't be the path for Tom. No. When he woke up he confessed and complied with everything, Tom was going to change. He had to change. For Jay. For Roxanne. For Joseph. For Salvation.

  4. The Story Of Tom Mathers - Pt. 1


    Tom was pretty lucky to be in the situation he was. He was born to a nuclear family of middle class in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Nov. 8th 1998. Shortly after moving to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His childhood was pleasant, his parents were lovely. Although he was an only child, he had a cousin who he loved like a brother. Who he treated like a brother. Jay Mathers. There time together was only enhanced by the fact Jay became an orphan about halfway through his childhood. They grew up together and eventually, like anyone else- parted ways. The two still kept in contact, Jay went to university and majored in Political Science while Tom bounced from school to school, eventually landing himself in the United States. Jay moved to Los Santos a couple years later, the now orphan looking for a new start. Los Santos was fabled to be a great place for this. But after just a few months, Jay had turned to violent crimes and became a ruthless criminal who would get into altercations with anyone who even looked at him funny. Tom moved to the city to find out what happened once he stopped texting and calling. Find out what happened to Jay Mathers. He quickly got in touch with many of Jay's old friends, slowly piecing together the puzzle. Joseph Stones, Josh Vex, Arthur Campbell. And people that, weren't too much a fan of what Jay did to them. Tom would try and clear his family name, to a pretty good degree. Some people still mistook him for Jay for a few weeks but he eventually made a name for himself.


    Sooner rather than later, Tom realized basically Jay everything said was true. Especially when he said you're going one of two ways, Criminal or Government. And well. Tom wasn't too much of a fan of the feds. So, like any other attempted law abiding citizen, he turned to look for a group. Reneging a recruitment from The Firm, he decided to join his closest friend Joseph Stones in Salvation. Going by the "reborn name" Eris. The goddess of strife and discord. He was one of the first to join, being apart of something they titled "The Core".  Within a day, Tom was fully integrated into the organization, assuming the rank of Saviour. Tom would soon realize the gravity of what they were doing. How important this was to him. Tom was about to show how much he could do when he put his mind to something.


    Tom was determined, dedicated to the cause of Salvation sooner rather than later. Rehabilitation. Purification. Making the city the city Jay thought it was when he came. The city it should be. And he worked. He talked. He negotiated. He gained friends and foes. He killed and saved. Tom took a tactical approach to every situation he found himself in. Drawing the fine line between business and personal, formal and casual. And as he grew. So did Salvation. Within a couple of weeks, there numbers had doubled. Tom felt that if Salvation played the cards right, no-one. Not even the Irish he hated so dearly, could stop them. He was even in talks for setting up a meeting with the Rising Sun. What could go wrong, he thought. And yet, he could still imagine Jay with him. Every day at the pier, the story that he was told playing out in his head. Jay taking a swing at the cop and the cop whipping around with a shotgun, putting it straight into his leg. Every day, he thought to himself. "Never again. Never again will someone be put through what you were put through. Los Santos needs to be better." No matter where he was, Tom would try and bring something of value to Salvation, person, goods, whatever. And then he fell.

  5. 29 minutes ago, DrPathetic said:

    Laundry room and Kitchen RP is stuff you can get going currently, you just need to take the initiative and do that sort of RP. We even highlighted in press releases inmates who have been using the kitchen to RP making food and doing things to give people the hint that it's an avenue of RP they can go down (even got a recipe of the month section).

    Whilst I do think it'd be neat for these to be scriptly implemented for sure, not everything requires script money or reward for RP to happen and I wish people would get out of that mentality, RP is it's own reward after all we're on an RP server. DOC guards facilitate to anyone who shows interest for that stuff pretty much any time. 

    You don't get any salary for being in prison and mining gets absolutely draining. I've asked to do laundry and kitchen multiple times and have been denied it multiple times. I've only gotten laundry RP once. Especially at later hours it'd be much easier for these things to be a free money-making method compared to mining when you lose your pickaxe from your OOC death in the medbay.

  6. Introduction/Why

    DOC sucks for entertainment. I understand that "crime doesn't pay" but you're expected to actively be on the server and sit around for your sentence, this isn't ajail. And it's still a video game. The things you did are IC and you shouldn't be punished with absolute boredom and pain by sitting in there, literally all there is to do half the time is get robbed or rob. Especially on lower player counts, alt RPs are rarely approved. I propose we change that for some prisoners to slave away to the system with a small reward in return! I'm going to list a couple of jobs I've had the pleasure of roleplaying out a couple times with some very immersion enhancing guards. 🙂

    Laundry Room

    The prison has a laundry room, why don't we use it? Things get dirty. Blood, urine, etcetra. They need to be cleaned one way or another, could even wash the guards clothes. Prisoners could retrieve dirty clothes from the nearby bins and begin working at them whether it's washing them by hand or in the machines and then drying them/ironing them. Every clean set would give a stamps reward. It could even create more alt. roleplay for prisoners to partake in if the laundry was actively used.


    The Kitchen

    You think the Los Santos government want to pay someone an actual wage to prep meals?! No way Jose! Just give the prisoners some stamps and I'm sure they'll be happy! Prisoners could prep and cook meals at a campfire-like system and be rewarded for every prepped meal they put into the fridge or something. Anything to make things more interesting!


    I hope you enjoyed reading! I plan to make way more detailed suggestions in the future but without having access to these rooms actively it's hard to take screenshots or more properly describe what I have in mind for these places. Please give feedback down below!

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