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Posts posted by XeV

  1. My favorite is when I enter to check timers or use an atm near it, they will circle that bank 10+ times cause someone walked inside, almost Metagamey knowing that scriptly I cannot use these bank to withdraw or deposit cash so I can ONLY be checking timers.

    Cannot try to get the cop near the bank to chase you away from it as that NRP cop baiting, only solution we actually have is to sit there and wait for them to leave and use the small window to hit it or just call it off and try again another day cause this cop has been ((Tabbed out)) for 15 minutes.

    I can see the "Ic issues" already along the lines of "well there is no IC protocol that say anything of the sort" seems to be the common response to most complaints, but this is just about having shit to do and this limits a fun and rewarding activity people can do and has a 0% Success rate nowadays due to the aforementioned complaint.

    Is there much RP to be had at banks from a PD or SD side, VERY little unless its a hostage bank, but banks the one thing that is fun to plan out and make routes and plans and give people certain jobs and execute it.

    • Like 1
  2. I have 0 idea when this was implemented as it is VERY rare at least for me to see no mechanics on duty in recent times, sure there was a period of time where it was common that no mechanics were on duty mid day for me, but now there is ALWAYS at least 1 until about yesterday when I went to LSC and Bayview and saw none, so I check the auto repair and not only did it take about 5 minutes to repair it charged me 2.5K FOR 200HP 781-1000 Cost me more then a normal repair from 1-1000.

    I am confused why this was added as all it does is punish players for the lack of mechanics on duty which is no ones fault but LSC or Bayview as certain parts of the day just have no one or 24 mechanics on duty. Time zones play a part maybe hire or look for people specifically in certain time zones to fill vacant slots. 

    Saw a bunch of low xp people complaining at LSC in /b that the auto repair cost them like 4-5k for their repair. 

    As Top shotta @Fupii would say. Who Asked For This?!

    Suggestion- Please just go back to the old whatever system as at least nowadays it is rare to have literally 0 mechanics on duty. 

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  3. when these vehicles were first added we did some IC testing on a mountain. shit was like 11+ .50 shots to completely break the window and do damage to the person inside. Now add someone driveing around and shooting back at you hitting those solid 11 shots on the same window to break it to then be able to do damage to the person inside IS insane. Never understood why this was never addressed as importing a buffalo or patriot is essentially P2W as you get bullet resistant windows.

  4. to me its always been DM bait ruleplay, as I am always hesitant in shooting people that are off to the side or some shit and not in the "color" of the people we are shooting because NO ONE wants to get a DM strike.

    I understand fully out of colors for like banks,stores or any preplanned  thing of that nature as gang supression go brrr, But having gang shootouts and purposely swapping out for "tactics" is a play to win mentality and is just cringe. 

    • Like 3
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  5. 17 hours ago, Thommy said:


    Yeah. Maybe because banks are not supposed to be robbed often. You should not try unless you have a really good plan. And also, yes, you are going to get blasted the moment you try to flee when the hostage is clear because that is how it works in the United States. Per United States case law Tennessee v. Garner, lethal force can be used to stop a fleeing suspect if there is a probable cause that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or severe injuries. You are an armed criminal who has just aimed a gun at someone's head. Who knows what else you are capable of?

    If you want a PD that lets you get in your car and flee with your friends while you have a handgun in your hand, maybe you should go find a FiveM server.

    seeing as your whole entire persona is around the video game of being a PD officer your comment holds 0 merit as you fail to recognize the other side and the hardships to even come up with a fair comment.

    Also after reviewing your profile and your comments towards other forum posts I can see where you lie in terms of trying to balance things. you just will not see the other side of things and are stern in terms of never removing or balancing anything towards PD. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, lSpixsy said:

    Minimum per car is like 15k but ok

    Definitely not, chopped cars multiple times 15k is 100% not the “minimum” lowest i got one time was like 2k and most i received was around 8-10k, obviously the vehicle type and what not depends on price but all in all, just not worth it. 

  7. It was a cool idea in concept, but not in action. paying 150k-200k for the bench to then spend 60k+ to get the tools (Engine hoist, Vehicle lift,) to chop cars that equate to like 2-5k per car it is just not worth it as a money maker or even as an activity at all.

    Just bring back the old chops (even make them rotate or cycle through) and leave the bench cause at that point your atleast a LITTLE safer to do it now cause people might "rotate chops" again if they are active

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jett_J said:

    I'm pretty sure headshots do ignore bodyarmor because I can clearly recall multiple instances where I have taken lots of damage to my health without the armor helping me from shootouts so I'm not sure if this was a desync issue or what?

    I would like to get some clarification too if headshots ignore armor or not. 

    yah to ALOT of people we assume armor is just completely ignored with headshots as I believe that stems from GTAO i have no idea, I assume this is desync but if thats the case then desync is a pretty serious issue if this can happen, its make or break shootouts

  9. On 8/17/2022 at 9:21 PM, Ranger said:

    Personally I wouldn't be opposed to this, I believe that due to the scarcity of criminal role players ordering and using armor it may show beneficial to lower the armor points for PD/SD whether it's a 'for the time being' change or a permanent one. However, if LEO armor points drop, I believe that weapon prices should NOT lower/raise, because then after a few weeks it will inevitably be the "LEO don't have enough armor to combat the amount of armed criminals that are running about!" argument.

    Below I will touch on each point raised by OP, and (I don't think I need to say this but I will), this is my solo opinion as a community member, not as a staff member or member of the LSPD.

    SWAT/SED Armor:

    Speaking as a member of SWAT myself, I do still believe that divisions like SWAT and SED should of course have the highest armor option(s), as out of anyone in any department, as those are the divisions that often insert themselves into situations where they may face high lethal force and be outnumbered. Naturally, they should have higher AP armor paired with their weapons - they are meant to be the division(s)/unit(s) to end situations like that (to the best of their abilities of course).

    (To preface, for those who don't know, SWAT and SED have two (2) 'versions' of patrol, PASSIVE is when they are on standard patrol and ACTIVE is when they put on 'their gear' for operations for situations that call for it.)

    SWAT/SED Passive (current): 150 AP
    SWAT/SED Active (current): 150 AP

    SWAT/SED Passive (suggested): 100AP (highest AP a criminal can order armor for)
    SWAT/SED Active (suggested): 125AP (25 AP higher than above)

    The reason the "Passive" uniform should still be 100AP, is due to the fact that whether they are active or passive, they will still respond to high threat scenes where high lethal force may be present (and we don't consider every situation (such as a bank robbery) to be a situation to go 'active' for), so they should of course still have somewhat of a higher hand, being that 'team' that trains for situations such as those and inserts themselves into it if it makes sense.

    The 'Active' armor should be 125AP, because if we put those uniforms on, we are 85% of the time inserting ourselves into 'one of those' situations.

    General Officers:

    Speaking for standard patrol officers, they may find themselves in some situations such as those more scarcely (as they of course do general duties as patrol officers and not big bad SWAT bois), I don't see a reason to patrol in anything higher than 50-75AP armor. If this is done, three things may come of it;

    • 1: GOB (General Patrol) officers will need to be more careful of which situation(s) they insert themselves in due to the possible threat of life (i.e waiting for SWAT to arrive at a Bank or Store Robbery before 'going in')
    • 2: GOB (General Patrol) officers will implement calling units such as SWAT/SED more frequently - giving people in those divisions more 'action' and RP interaction(s)
    • 3: There won't be a constant predicament of 'every' officer running around with the highest AP number that criminals can order (again, doubling back to #2)

    Regarding SWAT & GOB armor, there will be times that MANY officers even go on patrol without ANY armor on at all, including myself.

    It's hard for me to put a decent 'balance' in my opinion, as there will inevitably people who disagree with SWAT/SED's use cases and armory (armor, weapons, etc), but heyho, it's worth at least hearing the opinion.


       - I do not know the exact weapon damage values as per the server defines them, I'm just doing math with the calculator app with knowledge available to anyone :^)
       - References are linked in each weapon name.
       - I will not talk about Pump shotgun, Pistol(s), or SMG & Micro as those are available to anyone.

    I do understand the 'issue' with weapons available to LEO, but, (and I hate to be cliché), it's what is realistic for the department(s) to have and I don't think there is a large-scale / game breaking issue with the weapons allowed. I'll briefly go over a few weapons;

    • Carbine Rifle
      • 32 Damage, 65 Fire Rate, and 55 Accuracy. Looking at the AK, it's 2 damage points higher than the AK (AK fire rate = 60).
      • Looking at the damage numbers POST weapon damage update, the AK was boosted by 50%, and the Carbine by 20% (AK=45 DMG, Carbine=38.4 DMG)
        • The reason it seems like carbine is better than the AK, is because you are shooting an AK at someone who has armor, compared to LEO shooting at someone with (normally) no armor, so inb4 "4 sHoT cArBiNe", think of the differences with armored v non-armored.
    • Marksman Rifle & Sniper Rifle
      • It's hard to put these in comparison of another weapon, as there are about 2 (that I OOCly know of) sniper rifles (Heavy & Standard) on the server owned by non-LEO.
      • The use cases are restricted, and only members of SWAT/SED can use them - even at that, it's restricted as to how many can be out at once, and the proper usage in non-hostage related situations is rare.
        • The usage of the sniper rifle actually being used is the rarest I've seen in PD, I've only seen it used ~4-5 times in my year in the faction.
    • Special Carbine (G36C)*
      • To make this next statement abundantly clear, this is not meant to be a "yOuRe WrOnG" to the OP comment --- the LSPD/SD/DOC does not have access to any MK2 weapons what-so-ever.
      • I won't go too into details, if you click the hyperlink you can see it's ranked higher than the AK by 3 weapons. I personally hate having the Special Carbine in our armory, not because of it's power, but for immersion purposes (it's damage can be argued, but so can 30-man banks and lab shootout scenes which we involve ourselves in from time to time and us needing to escalate our end for those).
        • To those who don't have knowledge of OOC ATU (Anti-Terror Units), the G36C is used by the GSG-9 (a German Anti Terror Unit). I despise being a representation of the LAPD using a weapon utilized by a German ATU. Personally, I'd like to see the Carbine Rifle MKII be implemented, and have the damage dropped to the same level as the carbine mainly for immersion/aesthetic.
      • At that, we also have heavy restrictions on using the Special Carbine - we do not allow members of SWAT (I cannot speak for SED as their protocols are different) to carry Special Carbines on standard patrol due to it's statistics. 


    I don't have much to say about the vehicles, SWAT/SED have protocols in place relating to when a specific vehicle can be pulled out or not. Additionally - the Insurgent (no gun) is the only vehicle with bulletproof tires (no bulletproof windows), and the TARV is the only vehicle with bulletproof windows (non bulletproof tires). Normally in most situations, those vehicles will be pulled out for operations such as drug lab raids/explosions or DOC HVT transports, where even at that, people won't try to intervene due to the chances of breaking their friends out < getting caught doing so.

    The only personal PAST distaste towards vehicles (and this is the rarest vehicle that gets used, I've seen it 2 times in my year tenure in the LSPD and one other time outside of being in the LSPD) is the usage of the Insurgent 50 cal. It's not used a lot, and we require heavy permissions, so the use case is EXTREMELY I cannot stress this enough EXTREMELY limited (you'd have a higher chance to see 12 different 1 of 1 supers in a day than to see this). Even with it being pulled out, it's meant to only be a deterrent and 'persuade' people to leave an area/not get involved. The TL;DR, is that in my opinion LEO should ONLY use what is accessible, nothing where only one/two ranks in the department can pull it out.



  10. Regardless of the nature of the said shooting. obvious clear rulebreak

    What  are the LEO's made of inside of this server, I knew the armor situation was like a problem brought up, BUT this is actually insane the whole "just do not fight the police" meta is clearly true. 

    I was under the impression armor did not negate headshot damage, but I guess it does which is just sad

    Im all for PD and SD being better in terms of like access to better guns and armor, but this is ridiculous at a balance standard

    • Upvote 3
  11. when it first came out it was perfect IMO, sure it was just ONE long line of text but I liked it the way it was, but if we go the route of trying to shorten it like so then yah +1,

    I also am not a fan of how transparent it is now compared to on release 

  12. yah I have been in your shoes, dude in street clothes pulled a shotgun on my boy behind mors one time and we engaged in a fire fight only to find out the guy who pulled the shotgun was a cop and made the same "shots fired" call in which multiple officers pulled up and we were forced to dip. I actually have not seen a cop/detective do it since, till your clip today, but if I was in your shoes I know who that voice is and I would be just as confused as they also have a criminal alt on top of their cop alt. 

    Regardless you would be charged with attempted murder either way only issue I see is if they gave you attempted murder of a gov. Cause then how would you know it was a gov employee.


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  13. 11 hours ago, Mikazuki Ueno said:

    If every person who said 'I miss the pier' 'The pier was great' 'It was a place to meet people' went to the pier and stayed there for awhile so when other people go there they see them.. and just keep doing it.. it will come back.

    Bored? In between big criminal activity? Head to the pier. Just have it be the default 'welp, let's try the pier and talk to people there' and we have a good shot.

    Even with 'the fishing gang' moniker we do not mind, I'll be telling my faction: Spread time between hanging out at HQ in between ops and roleplay scenarios with time on the pier. We'll see how it goes.

    like honestly what killed the pier was crims being afraid of being labeled "pier gang" off rip, but like I rather be social active with the community and called a pier gang then be isolated to only talking to people within my group

    Cops killed it as well writing parking tickets as paying for parking is just not worth it (paying per x amount of time and the amount of fish caught per hour was like profiting like 20$) 

    Also getting your car stolen 24/7 but with the new update of having to HOTWIRE AND PICKLOCK, if you car gets stolen its deserved so no fear of getting your shit yoinked anymore


    WE AS A COMMUNITY MUST POPULATE THE PIER AND MAKE IT ACTIVE AGAIN, and I myself will be spinning the pier more in-between my down time and chatting with anyone I see there and inviting more people down. I PERSONALLY want the pier back as I miss the social hub and theatrics of the locals 

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, TheOwl said:

    @Bala Your feedback, as always, is greatly appreciated within the community. It certainly fills some of us in on how certain decisions get made behind the scenes. 


    That being said I can't help but feel like there is a strong bias against Crim RP.


    We as a community are far off from the Council days when Triads used to run laps at the Lake north of Bank to farm legals for fish and 50s.


    We are far removed from the days when Zetas would tax small groups into oblivion or wipe them until they disband.


    Legals can buy a drink from a store, fuel their car, or enter and exit a 24/7 without being robbed and shaved.


    There are rules that ensure proper escalation is needed before robberies can be attempted and they are in place for a good reason.


    But crim activities are designed in-game to be a grind. They are to be done consistently. They are not one-off events designed to maximize RP creativity. Stores, banks, chopping and even drugs are meant to be repeated on a loop in order to net a player any substantial reward.


    But there is a ridiculous circular logic that exists on the legal side of the community that is continuously blaming crim RP for the state of crim RP.


    It goes as follows:

    -Crims hit a bank with no interaction with PD or in a typical fashion that ensures they get away with the money.


    -LEO's complain there is no RP or that the RP is stale and done only for a win and some quick cash.


    - Crims try to hit a bank in a way that is fresh and inventive but lose because either a) you get shit on for RPing over the win or b) because LEO's are over powering.


    - Crims complain and LEO'S claim crims just need to play smart.


    - Repeat step one. Crims go back to the meta.

    - LEO's complain crim rp is shit and need to be more creative.


    The payoffs for these scenarios in any fashion do not warrant taking a large risk to provide LEO's with the types of creativity they want to see. That isn't because "crim RP is shit and needs to change".


    It's because our activities are shit and nobody's happy unless we're being caught almost immediately for a 5k split between two people.


    It's not fair to say that Crims shouldn't finger point when there is a finger pointed at them almost exclusively.


    In Royals when we started I LOVED planning bank heists with Drake, escape route, drop offs, bike set ups, Plan A's Plan B's, Bait and Switches. IT was so good, especially when we got the RP AND got away with the money. But you put EVERYTHING in the Leo's hands PRAY they do not blast you when the hostage is cleared, PRAY someone on radio does not need a coughdrop at a key moment, PRAY the game does not bug out or desync something. 

    BUT boy when you get caught does it fucking HURT your bank and IRL time. The main thing is why would I not take the option of mass zerg get in get out disperse into 30 bikes and get away for free? ECRP's economy is fucking awful, money rules all and shit is just SO expensive. You quite literally have to play by a mindset of "can I afford to do this?" I do not cook nor do I ever plan too cause I find it boring but to get a lab started I did the math in this thread or another but from the ground up its easily like 600k+ and there is always room to "min max" it and work your way up that ladder to getting a stable thing going.

    IF stuff was not as expensive as it was or making "comfort" money as a crim was not so bleh. People would report less and Not be afriad to take an L once and awhile for the sake of some funny RP or good RP.

    99% of reports nowadays are "just incase". huge shootouts 9X out of 10 is getting a just incase report just to see if MAYBE someone did something a little rule breaky so then the refund requests come in cause dude spent X amount of time getting that AK and Kevlar.

    • Like 5
  15. 1 hour ago, TheOwl said:

    Exactly. Rotating chops would be preferable so that it still gives PD/SD a chance to catch them. Otherwise that's just too many chop shops available at any given time of the day.

    in terms of the rotating chops, are we talking like 1 at a time or multiple cause then it still just leaves the big bored gangs just camping it and thus "controlling" it and possibly even "taxing" smaller crims to use it.

    My biggest grip is I try to be ALL INCLUSIVE I want everyone to have access to the same thing the same way as this is a video game at the end of the day and people wanna enjoy their time and have fun, but sadly a lot of people on this server are in the "play to win or play to gain" mindset and leave no room for anything else (also E-Thugs and E-Gangsters exist probably the most cringe part of crim rp tbh) BUT I digress  

  16. I mean -1 I am a firm believer in the 2-3 tazer rule as at the end of the days this a video game and I think everyone should have the opportunity at least to do their own thing like for me I am tazeing someone 3 times before i go /pm 243 like bruh come on anymore and I will have to report for NONRP.

    And with the system you suggest it does not change anything as now I just run slower and will still have to report. If the tazer was not just a aim and click but had some sort of hard to hit but if you do hit its like a 30 second stun instead of the small window I would be down.

    As tazer effects effect people in different ways for a variety of factors, Some people just are "immune" to tazers and some people will literally seize up and become stiff as a board while tazed. (Hence why I believe in a 2-3 tazer rule).

    Also just taze someone and then pull out your gun and aim it and put them under actual fear rp.

  17. 3 hours ago, TheOwl said:

    Revert chops back to their former state. This was not a side effect of the update. It was the entire purpose. 

    The legal side of the community hated having their car stolen and LEO's hated that crims could hide and collect the money from the chop. There was a forum post opened about what possible changes could be made to chopping and the only suggestions listened to by staff were from the legal side of the community.


    It's not a surprise that the entire criminal activity is complete trash now because of it.

    Someone brought up a good point in discussion towards the main issue really is chopping car.

    DAMN is it nice to leave my car out in the open and not have to have it be in eyesight 24/7, but thats not because chopping is now harder and you need the bench its because of the AMAZING feature of hotwiring, So now you have to skill check lockpick and skill check hotwire instead of just wait X amount of time and be lucky you one pick it honestly making it 100% more realistic.

    I am on the side of bring back old chops as a means of quick and reliable small income for crims as if someone has time to SKILL lockpick your car and hotwire in one go without fail they honestly deserve to take it (Especially since the skill check is based on the value of the car so if say they are picking a shinobi it is REALLY hard to get it as I tried one IC and its fucking insane + ping), and just keep the bench in the game for the people who MIGHT wanna try it out or make RP from it. 

    • Like 2
  18. 3 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    The tollbooth job can never pay more money to the operator than it takes from the user otherwise it can be abused by people working together. 

    Everything else looks good.

    My bad should have been more detailed, I mean 500$ per as in the price for the toll would go from 300 to 500 as I think the worker gets the toll fee instead of nothing if you pay. all in all I do not see a 200$ increase being THAT detrimental as you can get to paleto without using a toll at all from East highway 

    • Like 1
  19. With the addition of the Roadworking/Incident Management freelance its has completely over shadowed all freelance jobs x100, obviously there are certain requirements to be met to maximize most profit from the RoadWork freelance, but most of the time 1 incident is making you more money then like 1 hour of another freelance essentially "forcing" you to work 1 specific freelance for the most outcome for your time. I enjoy the "group" aspect of the freelance as it leads to more group interaction, but some people just enjoy some solo vibe freelance.

    Mining Oil - Up the prices of oil from like MAX 71 per, Or just remove the quick action event to resurge it

    Fishing - With fishing and the pier being dead for so long, ICly the demand for fish would be higher then ever before with the supply being so low - Up the price of fish

    Garbage - Could probably stay the same, most people I talked too enjoy the state of it

    Coroner - ADD A DROPOFF AND CLOCK IN AT THE CITY MORGUE BY CENTRAL HOSPITAL/ Passive advertisements for the coroner job "See a body on the road - Dial 6666 and get it picked up"

    Farming - Up the price the wheat sells for or shorten times in between events

    GoPostal - No Idea

    Trucking - Good as is/ A job that never disappears to just do trucking in between waiting for orders

    Burgershot - Good as is

    WoodCutting - Up the prices of logs and branches

    Atm/Money Transport - IMO good as is

    Mining Ore - Up the prices of the ores

    ToolBooth - 500$ Per toll usage to the worker/ Toll use would go from 300-500

    BusDriver - Different routes with different payouts, randomize the route to like 4 different routes that it could give you



    I personally enjoyed mining oil every night before I went to bed for like an hour just to have that passive income, I know we want to strive away from the "afk and watch netflix" but I feel as if that's a good thing because most people just "afk and netflix" to make money to not have to grind and actually RP for a bit. 



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