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Tyler West

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Everything posted by Tyler West

  1. There could be a system that when you break into a house it takes you to a open house that isn't occupied by a player (Random generated loot) This would allow players to become burgulars and break into homes. and every so often a alarm goes off alerting the police. Loot options could be: Drugs, Jewelry,Random trash loot e.g food, with a rare chance of guns etc.
  2. I agree with the drug labs but when it comes to the home labs idea i believe that the drugs made at homelabs should also increase in price as right now there is barely any profit... I've recently tested cocaine to see the profit margins (this is rough as i cant remember exact figures) (COCAINE PROFIT ON AVERAGE) you pay anywhere between 50-75k for a Ventilator 15k per table. $100 on powdered lime $100 on sulfuric acid Coke sells for $560 (I believe) This leaves a profit of $360 per coke which takes 300+ seconds.. That being said you got to make enough to pay off the vent and tables also with the risk of exploding.
  3. I think the whole drug side needs work, There is more profit in selling fish than drugs which doesn't add up
  4. Tyler West


    Nice updates, Cant wait to help the gang grow in any way i can.
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