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Everything posted by vajo

  1. as of crypto and technology being 1 of the main things in our life, I think it would be really cool, if we get a new update where we will be able to mine cryptocurrency in the server, for what we could add some merchants, or p2p trading functions where players will be able to exchange it for money. that being said it could be similar as cooking drugs as crypto mining requires lots of cooling with vents as long as water to cool it off and not being overheated. that being said, we could also add new function as crypto/computer hacking, from where the people called hackers could be able to access some data from official sources, such as PD, gov, weasel or many more or just being able to hack other players cryptos, what they will be mining. this is just a simple idea of mine, which could be spread by adding your opinions down bellow in the comment section.
  2. Implement custom modifications for vehicle parts which will change rp drastically. 1. we could add the option to be able to implement some street-illegal parts for the vehicle engine, which would not be obtained by LSC or BAYVIEW. for instance, we could get some custom modifications that will be completely different from the ones we currently have, which will make the car much faster and different from each other. As of now we do not have such option to install custom modifications by our will, and we simply follow the scripted modifications that the car mechanic shops offer us, but if we could be able to buy such parts, and implement them on vehicles manually in our garages, or at our properties that will change many stuff for better to many people, which will make overall rp scenario different and stronger. 2. implement car services such as oil changes and monthly services which many cars require in real life, as it will be more realistic and owning a car would be costly, many people will not choose to break server rules by simply going offroading with street racing cars, and they will also do not drive like mad-man as they will have to be careful by damaging their car more. as of now, no matter how you damage your car unless it goes to 0 hp, you are only paying maximum 2000$ for its repair, that being said people don't care how they drive. 3. implement /mileage function to be the main thing for the cars. as of now, we have /a mileage function for every single car, but it only shows us, how much mileage the following car has driven, other than that it changes absolutely nothing for the following which overall makes rp poor for the following side. if we implement something which will be suitable for such a scenario it will fix many problems that we face daily in the server. 1) it will make more people buy vehicles from the dealership and it being 0 mileage, rather than buying fully maxed one from HE for a much lower price than the stock price. as of now many dealerships can't sell the majority of the cars for the following reason simply /mileage makes no any difference rather than giving us numbers. if we do make some changes to the following topic, it will make people buy cars from dealerships, rather than buying used vehicles many miles from HE. please keep in mind, it is the ideas I came across for the following topics every single idea is welcome here, if you did think about the following topic, or have ideas that could be implemented in the following, feel free to comment down below.
  3. as robbery and stealing are one of the main things for the criminal side in the server, I think it would be a good choice if we get a new function as a pick-pocket. that being said, it will make much more sense when people will be able to pickpocket players and accsess some, if not all, items/cash that the victim has. why should we implement the following? 1. It will make rp much better for the people and more exciting while there is a person standing in front of you and you can pickpocket him for his belongings without needing to have reason to rob him. As per server rules, player robbery should be planned and reasonable. we could implement the following as well, but its requirements could be much lower rather than player robbery as it will make much more sense and better rp experience for the people. it is just my simple opinion, if you do have any thoughts or ideas for the following topic, feel free to comment down below.
  4. As a long-time poker player on the server, I have come across several suggestions which could be implemented into the system, which overall will make poker gameplay much better and smooth in the future. as almost everyone, and if not everyone at least 90% of the server population has played or is playing poker daily as it is only gambling option at this time, but many times we have came across to some bugs which should be fixed. I will talk each of them down below; hopefully, it will deliver the message as it should. 1. Implement confirm option while doing all in. as many of us know poker is a rather fun but exhausting game and as the exhaustion hits sometimes we might make a mistake and go all in without even realizing, me many people before have done the same mistake, and many times it ended up badly if we implement confirm function for such an act, such as ''are you sure you want to go all in'' with the options yes or no, that would be much better for people as not many people will do such a mistake. 2. Implement an optional re-raising function. while we play poker, we can't re-raise the exact number we wish for. for example, we have the following, we can re-raise from 200-600, from 600-1800, 1800-5600,5600-16000, and so on, but many times it is problematic as it bugs out the system. For instance, if I have 100k and I re-raise to 80k, even if the 2nd guy calls me, I will never be able to put 20k in the game, simply while you klick all in, it just checks for some reason and bugs out, if this will be fixed, overall it will drastically change poker experience for many people. 3. Fix the main bugs. one of the well-known bugs to the players is following, let's say people A, B, and C are playing the poker match. person A has 20.000$ and a winning hand which beats persons B and C's hands. person B and C both have 30.000$. if they all call the pot, and re-raise it, even though Person C could beat Person B's cards, it might just simply bug out, and the system would not see 2nd winning hand correctly, which in my opinion is a really big issue, and it is getting reported almost any time in the refund section, if we fix the following problem, it will most definitely be game-changing for many people out here. 4. Implement high stakes function. poker script in the server also doesn't have 1 really big function which many people be happy to see soon. Our scripts do not have a high-stakes function where for example pre flop could a script be 5600(for example), therefore it could not be abused by random people by joining high stakes and straight-up folding preflop, while players agreed before playing high stakes, where pre-flop would be 5600, that being said, a person could not physically fold before preflop. this is being abused daily and including me, upsets many people in the server, which if changed will make many people happier with the results. For now, that is the main problem that we could face during playing poker on the server, if I did not mention any major issue, please feel free to comment down below with its examples.
  5. Looking for 3/4 g, preferably at Vinewood or at the beach. also can consider mansion offers as well as standalone properties for decent and fair prices. also highly interested in medium-large business properties, please contact 4131370. HIGHBALLERS WILL BE IGNORED.
  6. about the trades, with vehicles currently i am only looking for schlagen gt, otherwise I am interested in mansions,3/4gs preferably in vinewood or at beach. could consider standalone properties as well.
  7. 1 more guy is currently also interested in it, can't really promise you much but if it did not get sold until sunday, you can have it.
  8. maxed kamacho-480k maxed shinobi-480k maxed comet-305k (HE) maxed dominator gtx-129k(HE) also willing to consider good offers, mainly looking for business properties or houses. also looking for maxed schlagen gt for a reasonable price. prices are not negotiable. 4131370
  9. i left you the message take a look.
  10. 4131370 let me know bro was in prison just got released
  11. prefer to trade it for 1 good car, could add some cash as well. mainly looking for schlagen gt (in that case you will have to add)
  12. vajo


    current offer 4m. up
  13. vajo


    thanks for the offer, bump!
  14. vajo


    selling/trading ready-to-go high-tier, luxury modern style bar/restaurant. It has the owner's personal office, which looks at everything inside the property. the following property also has a security room with its own locker. the property itself is designed by highly skilled designers and the furniture is one of the most luxurious in the city. The property is located at Rockford Dr. 2 (right behind the city hall). I am currently looking for offers including property-cash wise (LowBallers will be ignored)for more info please contact 4131370. -Doors are open- https://prnt.sc/7CLr_1IlXO9W https://prnt.sc/lQdmlngWD5WJ https://prnt.sc/cD0feTgYbR6r https://prnt.sc/7FCYy4pjxjue https://prnt.sc/OBwArIwfAgK5 https://prnt.sc/k9jq5QbLrilS https://prnt.sc/lUvbZ9HMLWx8 https://prnt.sc/nUwkzRMpBjA6 https://prnt.sc/BcyuJcp9lQQK https://prnt.sc/Y-SSEZj3O8VW https://prnt.sc/JzxaXNo4Bfzv https://prnt.sc/ttR4EDpr6zo0
  15. vajo


    selling/trading ready-to-go high-tier, luxury modern style bar/restaurant. It has the owner's personal office, which looks at everything inside the property. the following property also has a security room with its own locker. the property itself is designed by highly skilled designers and the furniture is one of the most luxurious in the city. The property is located at Rockford Dr. 2 (right behind the city hall). I am currently looking for offers including property-cash wise (LowBallers will be ignored)for more info please contact 4131370. -Doors are open- https://prnt.sc/7CLr_1IlXO9W https://prnt.sc/lQdmlngWD5WJ https://prnt.sc/cD0feTgYbR6r https://prnt.sc/7FCYy4pjxjue https://prnt.sc/OBwArIwfAgK5 https://prnt.sc/k9jq5QbLrilS https://prnt.sc/lUvbZ9HMLWx8 https://prnt.sc/nUwkzRMpBjA6 https://prnt.sc/BcyuJcp9lQQK https://prnt.sc/Y-SSEZj3O8VW https://prnt.sc/JzxaXNo4Bfzv https://prnt.sc/ttR4EDpr6zo0
  16. selling fully maxed brand new comet (156km) with chrome tint for only 335k, HE right now!
  17. maxed bf400 for sale 125.000$ HE (sold)
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