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Everything posted by Jordan_Playa

  1. I mean, I legit told them all it’s Pacconi and we got confirmation since I know all your cars. you’ve literally been in my gang under me, is that true or not? Answer that.
  2. Playa here, I 100% knew it was Pacconi as Owen knew his cars and so did I plus the voice of course. Previous encounters had already happened due to him specifically bragging that he’s kidnapped Sparky Playa which is my in-game brother. So I 100% had full reasoning for coming after him.
  3. I’m happy to respond for EVERYONE in this scenario, there’s currently a huge war going on against us and their gang named “The shadows” who are constantly kidnapping my members and killing them directly after. Their leaders have constantly shown no fear RP, have meta-gamed by contacting their members on discord to come rescue them or blatantly refusing to role-play. Pacconi is one of the members who have constantly gone after my members, which you can see in his own screenshot provided that you can see “Sparky Playa” on his knees and Pacconi killing them. - Pacconi then proceeds to mock us saying that he’s now killed our boys bla bla, so the revenge attack is obviously going to happen. secondly he posts another video bragging that after we’ve kidnapped AND KILLED, he comes back for us lol? It’s kind of funny how he’s disregarded the rule ENTIRELY for NLR, posted a video BRAGGING that he’s killed us after despite the fact already being killed? but when we aimed guns at him, he said /b “I was in my head” which means no text/radio would have gone out to their members but suddenly 5 of them appear up? It’s quite a strange how their constantly metagaming. please find attached link below showing that pacconi has now come back after us despite being killed for that exact reason. https://youtu.be/GjFFGelv7h8?si=pQWqfpnfHTXf0lfu
  4. 26 Great Ocean HWY 3G - 3.2mil, let me know what you think.
  5. 26 Great Ocean HWY - 3.2mil, let me know if your interested. 3G - Standard 3G interior.
  6. 26 great ocean hwy
  7. I’ve got one for 3.2mil if your interested. It’s a 3G, does that fit in your budget? It’s on great ocean street.
  8. Is this still for sale or nah?
  9. Buying any kind of property, drop me your locations, I’ll check them out and make an offer. (Business property) please keep them in the city near towards high end dealership, anywhere near that location.
  10. I still want to see it, I can’t buy something on a description like that….
  11. Please could I have pictures of the inside? I can’t get into the city and would like to see them to make a decision
  12. An offer does not come close to your price point? There is a significant difference as this house is like MAX 1mil, but would offer only 700k.
  13. They do not give loans out for ridiculous overpriced houses, they would tell me it’s not worth it. Even a house in vinewood, 3G for 2.5mil they wouldn’t give, at most around 1.9, for yours? Hell no
  14. I’d be willing to purchase this, not rent. Let me know if you’d like to sell.
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