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About Jetile

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  1. +1 110% These are all fantastic ideas, the only one I don’t fully agree with is the tire popping. Cars should be able to go on flat grass no problem but not up mountains. Everything else stated is a great addition. Repair kits are very much needed as having to wait 2 hours for a mechanic and then leaving your car on the side of the road is not ideal. The NOS is amazing as well, it could also help balance a lot of the cars that don’t have as good acceleration compared to cars that do. In order to get those NOS bottles, I don’t think it should be a gang import because there are very few gangs around the city that are into racing but only giving it to the gangs that focus on race RP could be interesting. NOS could also either be a mechanic option that they can put on for you that RP’ly is illegal to have or can be introduced with NPC’s. As for creating tracks that would show on your GPS, that needs to be a function in-game. It would make racing RP that much more viable and shift the focus from the normal things most players do in the city which we all know and bring more variety of RP and scenarios for the whole server. People wouldn’t have to spend the time that a person like me has to learn a good number of tracks, they could load up a track by name, that would show on the GPS or possibly it could be a phone app with all the track names and have the ability to host races within the app, there could be a option for buy-in price and how many laps etc. Going back to the NOS this could also add more RP with racers and PD, say you as a racer with NOS gets pulled over, if a cop notices or looks in your car for NOS, if it was considered illegal you would either have to evade or pay the fine. Overall racing needs some love within the city and the ideas from the original post above plus the ideas I have provided could be great additions.
  2. The Story of Leo Lal. When Leo first arrived in the airport of Los Santos he only had one goal, to start fresh. He had gone through enough in his life, to the point where he had used every last dollar in his bank account to purchase a one way ticket to Los Santos, with only the clothes on his back in hopes to build his life which was nothing, into something. When leaving the airport Leo finally got a taste of what it was like to be truly free. He didn't have to worry about looking over his shoulder constantly or who he could trust, that would all change in time though. As Leo started to learn how Los Santos worked and how you he had to act he started to get himself off the ground. Leo's first job would be transporting money for the banks around Los Santos and resupplying ATM's all over the city. Leo would continue doing whatever jobs he could so he could purchase his first car and down the road, hopefully his first ever house. For the next couple of months Leo would slowly meet people throughout the city while abiding by the law and slowly earning more and more money. Eventually Leo had enough funds to buy his very first car in Los Santos, a used and abused Warrener. The Warrener treated Leo very well, It had a big trunk that he could haul fish in and could get him around the city. It was around this time when Leo started to see what really happened in the city. In the dark and cold corners of the city, there were those who prospered in the shadows. These people were who you wanted to know in order to become someone in Los Santos and these are the people Leo would be introduced to. As Leo slowly built himself up he was ready to really take on the city of Los Santos and those who lived in it, he was ready for something bigger and was looking to be apart of something more than himself, to be among those who lived in the shadows and to learn the way on the real streets of Los Santos. Around this time, the city had numerous groups that were well known in the streets, these groups were Los Zetas, Triads and West Coast Assassins. The Zetas and Triads were allied, them two together formed what the city knew as "The Council". The few times Leo had run into any members of The Council, were never positive and usually ended up with him being robbed or pissed off. The Council at this time ran the city, even cops were afraid to pull any blue or dark red cars over because they knew what followed. This made Leo extremely angry, he hated the fact that this huge group comprised of the two biggest and strongest gangs in the city had no competition. W.C.A. tried their best but them by themselves was not close to enough to hurt The Council. After seeing how the streets were run, Leo wanted to be apart of the change, a revolution if you will, against The Council but anytime Leo would ask to the people he knew in gangs to be recruited, no one wanted to recruit him because he had no experience in the life he was choosing to live. Leo from when he was a child was infatuated with cars. He didn't care whether it was going two hundred miles per hour 'round a race track or if it was parked on his street, any nice car Leo saw, he could appreciate. Throughout his hard life, in his broken home he could always rely on racing video games as an escape from the cold environment he was trapped in. After being denied from the official groups around, a close friend reached out to him and offered an opportunity to be apart of a family called "The Shelby's". The Shelby's weren't a big well known group or very respected but it did give Leo the chance to really learn first hand how the criminal life worked. The Shelby's were more of a family than a gang with the leaders all being related. They focused on making money and being neutral with all the other groups around, other than The Council of course. Leo quickly learned and progressed through the ranks and later was given a red flat cap representing he was now a "Thug" in The Shelby's. Although it wasn't what he was looking for it helped him tremendously, Leo started to become very confident with a gun in his hand and when someone would disrespect him or his new found family he was always ready to do what was needed of him. After the next couple of months Leo was starting to get tired of doing the same thing everyday and being a Shelby no longer made him happy, it was also at this time when W.C.A. declared war on The Council with Dojin Kai supporting them. In the coming days Shelby's ended up merging with Dojin Kai and this is when Leo decided to leave and be his own man once more. Leo stuck around during the duration of the war hoping his brothers and sisters could do what he always dreamed but who was he kidding. The Council put up a very good fight like W.C.A. expected but after having no rivals The Council was so rich and powerful it didn't matter how many battles they lost, they were ruthless. When Leo saw what The Zetas did to W.C.A and their home of grove street Leo felt like all the effort he put into the city was for nothing, all the friends and memories he made were all he had left. After watching W.C.A. get dismantled he had lost all hope, he believed that the Council would never be stopped. In the coming days Leo packed what he could, leaving his amazing Elegy Retro Custom he worked so hard for as a Shelby and headed right back to that same airport that he departed from so long ago. For the next year Leo spent his time traveling the world looking for a place to call home with no success. Even though he hated what Los Santos had become, after a year he had no other options, no where else to go other than right back to where he left. When Leo returned things were much, much different. He expected to see blue and red cars running the streets and robbing everyone like they once did, but the city he returned to did not feel familiar at all. He didn't recognize any of the gang colours around and the population of Los Santos had changed so much as well. The first thing he did was try to contact anyone that he used to know but every single one of his contact did not pick up, It seemed like when he left, all of his friends and those he once called family had also left or been killed in the massive war that had taken place exactly one year ago. Leo had to virtually start off fresh again but the one thing he still had was his baby, he still owned his elegy. Leo traveled to the industrial and abandoned side of town where he remembered parking his baby. After getting re-familiarized with his surroundings it didn't take him too long to slide up that garage door revealing a beast that had been locked up for far too long. Leo was always an amazing driver and while he was a Shelby he got to know those in the racing scene and made a bit of a name for himself before he left. He remembered an old friend that used to host races and sent him a text, praying that he was still around. For the coming days Leo lived in his Elegy eventually naming it "Elaina". He spent all day pushing himself and his car on the tracks that he remembered, and only until it was too dark too see, he would then find a spot to refuel, park, sleep and then repeat. After Leo continuing this cycle he started to regret his choice of returning. He thought the city had changed for the better but in his mind all those old memories and friends were more valuable than anything else. He eventually started to meet more and more people and one night right before going to sleep Leo heard his phone go off. He looked at the message and saw the name: Blu. Blu was one of the oldest friends Leo had and he also was the friend that hosted the races long ago. Leo started racing again slowly but surely started to forget about how things used to be and got used to how they were now. Leo had run into Jamal at one of these races, Jamal used to be a Triad and then was a Shelby. Jamal told him about this new crew him and his friend named Moda were starting, the name of the crew was Los Santos Drift. Leo slowly started to meet the few members of LSD there were as they were quite a new group. Leo was so happy to see a group who focused on what he loved to do which was racing. Los Santos Drift focused primarily on racing but with a couple of side hobbies that weren’t exactly legal that Leo was also interested in. After about a week and becoming very good friends with all the members including the leader Moda AKA "Drift King" he decided he wanted to be apart of the family. For the next month Leo showed his worth on the track and in high stress situations, this combined with all of the members trusting him lead to him being promoted to a recruiter and higher-up of Los Santos Drift, and that's where Leo is today.
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