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Posts posted by Oli

  1. 9 hours ago, TheCactus said:

    NLR doesn't apply when you get imprisoned, obviously. That's why you remember everything ICly.

    Proves again that you and Grace didnt read my post fully.


    9 hours ago, TheCactus said:

    If you go to prison in real life and then come out you are still considered a member/criminal associate both by the family/gang and the law enforcement agency that is investigating your organization (being it a gang unit or the FBI). Even if you do some felon reformation program they will still keep an eye on you, depending on the crimes committed and the bond with the group.

    @Shining0103 ain't wrong to be quote on quote confused. This really is a stupid topic. Isn't this like basic knowledge mixed with some holy ECRP rules?

    Its a GAME, I'm not gonna go to rehab after getting released from jail.

    I dont appreciate you calling my topic stupid, you gave your 2 cents. Please edit 🙂

    • dead 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:


    You all seem to forget that it always the same fucking people, over and over, in the span of two years, that have been part of the same gangs just under different names. Just because you manage to kill one, maybe two cops in a shootout, it doesn't mean that there wouldn't be any sort of papertrail or investigation going on.

    9 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:



    Calm down Jamal.

    What should og crims do then? Quit the server? You cant just have a casefile on someone and then bully him for the rest of his time on the server, that's completely *something not smart*.

    And if you've actually read my post and not just reply to prove your point, I mentioned how said gang kills MOST of PD, not one or two. Which we both know happened multiple times.

    10 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

    Just because that cop might respawn at Pillobox, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER CRIM AFTER A FIGHT, it doesn't mean he will ignore John Crim Doe for the next six months as he does his criminal stuff, doesn't matter how many times he might die or end up in DOC.  

    Definitely irrelevant to what I'm saying, proving again that you havent read my post. I'm not talking about 1 cop dying, or 1 member of said gang dying. I'm talking about big-scale fights.

    12 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

    Just like it has been seen before, where entire gangs got killed after a fight, and yet everyone ignores NLR because it's just more convenient and fun to keep a conflict going

    FM, specifically Aldarine, can confirm that whenever such happens, they make sure to inform criminal factions of such and then keep an eye on how we deal with such information.

    14 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

    why a LEO roleplayer should be held at a higher standard? You decide to make LEO your main enemy out of boredom because "there's no other gangs to, we on top"

    Everyone should be held to a higher standard, specially when your faction brags about holding one.

    RPing as a criminal will surely involve LEO, and fighting back when we can doesnt mean we're making LEO our main enemy. 

    17 minutes ago, Shining0103 said:

    yet cannot handle the consequences when shit hits the fan.

    Thats actually funny coming from you.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    There seems to be a misconception in the post in that it's saying that going to prison is the same as being killed, this is not true. Going to prison does not trigger NLR.

    Read what I said again.

    I mentioned prison as RPly the person goes in for years and not 2 3 hours and out.

  4. Just like what happens to gang vs gang interaction where a gang lose most of their members (Die in a fight), the beef gets NLRed and more interactions has to happen before the 2 gangs start beefing each other again and be allowed to go out of their way to hurt the other, same should happen to interactions with PD.

    Why would a gang still be suppressed if it just had a big scale fight with PD and most members die (Of either side) or said gang lose people and whoever survived goes to jail? RPly whoever goes to jail is there for years, why would he still be suppressed after getting released after doing the time he did for the crimes he did?

    Right now, whichever gang gets suppressed gets stuck in an infinite loop, ending with said gang just disbanding and/or stop playing completely.

    Gang kills some PD > PD suppresses gang > Gang fights back > More suppression > Gang dies and/or go to jail > Respawn/Get released > Still get suppressed for the same actions, that they already died or served time for > Gang fight back > and again and again.

    Why does NLR apply for crims vs crims interaction but is ignored when PD are a part on this equation?
    An example of FM forcing an NLR state between criminal factions.


    TL;DR NLR should apply to casefiles and gang suppressions the same way it does to gangs beefing each other.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, alexalex303 said:

    I think it would be healthier if we avoided viewing suggestions through the lens of crim vs pd, as otherwise it fosters negative feelings and group-think where it is "us against them". We are all one community, with one goal, and I do think that this suggestion could further that goal, even if slightly inconvenient.

    Its not crim VERSUS pd, but your suggestion affects 99% of crim RP and only a few pd who feel the need to switch radio frequencies from time to time, as you're a detective or whatever you are. I doubt you would've felt the need to post such a suggestion if you still played your crim character as a main and therefore see no reason why you would post it when you dont play it AT ALL.
    Its not "us against them" but as someone who used to play crim, I'm surprised you would even feel the need for such an addition, seeing how crim rp already suffers.

    Crim RP is dying, dont really care if you can tell or not. Nerfing them even more will always demotivate the few people who still play it.

    Its not about what the nerf is but the fact staff team are still looking into ways to nerf crim while there are other things that should be focused on, that includes yourself.

  6. Colossal elephantine enormous gargantuan ginormous humongous immense massive -1

    People finally have something to do in DOC and you wanna take it away? Dont let this man cook.

    Unless you login NA tz, prison is never empty enough for it to be called easy money. There are always people looking for laundry/litter and willing to steal laundry from your machine if you're not tabbed in, giving people more reason to stay tabbed in and interact with people. If you nerf it heavily, why would one even bother?

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  7. As all crims know, admin-made crim events became no longer a thing after what happened at the plane crash event which was announced by Bakmeel.

    "Furthermore, we as a Senior Admin Team and Event Team have come to the conclusion that we simply can not host anymore of these unique RP scenarios  (the Smuggler Plane Crash event and the Money Transport event from several weeks ago) due to the actions displayed by the involved players, as we do not believe that we can expect any other outcome for these sort of events."

    I'm here to suggest bringing back similar RP opps, but under a lot of conditions.

    Example but not limited to:-

    1- An expensive painting is being transported from X to Y and its heavily secured by LEOs (Not the 2 whole factions, just some cruisers with the rest being on alert in case shit happens)

    An announcement is made about it to alert crims and after an hour (to give crims time to plan something), the convoy starts moving.

    As this was previously removed by Bakmeel. I suggest that IF crims successfully claimed the painting and got away with it, whether the painting be the real one or a fake will depend on how admins rate their RP during the event.

    This painting can just be a note with a painting in it, changing the word "NOTE" on it with the name of the painting would make it better, if that's possible.

    That's just one example of many other RP events that can be done where the reward isnt always guns or combat-related loot.

    Can also replace the painting with anything else of value like packs of money, confiscated drugs, jewelery or even antiques.

    So basically just bring it back, with the reward depending on how good these people RPed and performed.

    This can also open up black market RP of selling that painting or whatever was gained from the event, with that involving both crims and legals looking to have this one of a kind reward.

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  8. 9 hours ago, Bala said:

    All things considered, I think waiting up to ten minutes is reasonable. To be honest, when I've been in game, the impound lot buzzer is almost always responded to when there's a free unit. That might change in different timezones and stuff but let's not make out like PD ignores the impound or anything like that.

    That said, if it was over 10 minutes, it does start to take the piss.

    Dunno how u got that from but all impound buzzers get ignored. Why do you think people end up calling 911 or send a friend to mission row and ask for an officer? Its because no one responds when all you do is /release and sit there waiting.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, alexalex303 said:

    This is a roleplay server, and for the most part, even in all parts, FPS should not be a concern. The chatbox is not affected by low fps; you can roleplay just as well with low fps as you do with high fps. The FPS only becomes a concern in shootouts or chases, which should not be the focus for playing on our server.

    Bet, lemme just /me shoots /do hits? during shootouts cuz my frames drop in the middle of it.

    And I guess I should also "ACCEPT MY FUCKIN FATE" while being chased cuz I rubberband whenever many vehicles start chasing me.

    Sounds fair to me.

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  10. Today, FM announced that graphic modifications are disallowed because it provides unfair advantage to other people which makes sense for modifications like FOV but why would removing shadows be disallowed? People remove shadows for the sole reason of gaining more FPS and not for any ill intent.

    I dont get how removing shadows would give me any advantage over another player that has them turned on besides FPS gain, which I need as my PC isnt that highend and same goes to a big portion of the community who have their shadows removed as well.

    How does it make any sense to disallow removing shadows but keep these gunshot sound mods allowed for so long?

    FOV mod was disallowed because of how it was used for PVP advantages. Why do you think people use these sound mods? Cuz I know for a fact they're not using it to call for weazel news whenever a shootout happens.

    I also havent seen anyone commenting about another player having their shadows turned off but seen a hundred others comment on the gunshot sound mods being unfair yet there's nothing being done about it.

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  11. On 6/11/2022 at 6:28 PM, Crizz said:

    +1, it would be goof for people who are not in factions who can't just buy guns from one of those other npcs. Even if its the same price as people selling, it would still be really good and convenient.

    Just buy from one of these factions then? Trying to put an npc to avoid RPing with factions isnt quite good in an RP server

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Bala said:

    Ok Spiderman.

    The server we have is one where some of our population has strained relationship with the English Language, with being able to take any kind of loss without complaining, that drops real money on an Issi Sport because it's a meta vehicle, where braking going around corners is more a suggestion than a requirement, where character development is seen as a luxury that most cannot afford etc..

    When the extent of medical roleplay is "/do broken back", it makes no sense to start getting creative with injury times based on where you get hit or with what. You know why? Because people will roleplay it the same regardless UNLESS as always, it's a situation where a faster death might benefit them.

    But yeah sure, hurr durr cop bias.

    If people want to spend their money on meta or lore vehicles then that's their choice I dont get how's that related to the topic at hand.

    Dont see how the other 2 topics you mentioned are related either but ye lets just ignore that.

    It was previously mentioned here that we're not suggesting people who fell from roof or bike to die faster, we're speaking about gunfight victims, who realistically wouldnt survive that long and wont be that many if any.

    • YAY 1
  13. 7 hours ago, Jett_J said:

    There is also the problem that people take a long time to respond. So even if you "treat" them in time it doesn't matter if the other person is not paying attention or stalling RP.

    Thats what reports are for, just like in any other case where you feel the RP wasnt fair.

    1 hour ago, Bala said:

    -1, for the server we have, we should treat all injuries the same to not overcomplicate matters. 

    It works best when you don't think about it too much.

    Dont get how "the server we have" should decide that we cant improve to add more realism into the server and fairness to the crims in the server.

    It only works best in your favor and that's why you dont want to think about it too much.

  14. 1 hour ago, Gaz. said:

    I don't believe this makes sense. If someone is bleeding out quickly, you would feel rushed to treat them quickly which is what needing to type quickly replicates. If someone types a short sentence of medical RP that would not depict good quality treatment ICly, then thats perfect. You should need to take the time to type properly (treat them properly)

    Well said!

    If someone has a bullet in his head, you shouldnt expect him to survive so having "enough time to write detailed RP" only makes sense if such person has a fair chance of surviving.

    Like when did you ever witness a medic tell PD that the suspect isnt going to make it? Dude has a whole shotgun shell in his head but just gets recovered by having some gauze pads and applying some pressure only to get arrested.

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  15. +1

    I believe it makes a lot of sense for people who were shot down to die quicker than people who broke some bones for whatever reason.

    I also dont think it hinders any RP. If any, it hinders crims going to jail RP, after getting shot 20 times and only getting gauzed by LEO to give enough time for MD to arrive to the scene and arrest everyone.

    MD doesnt only rely on shootout casualties and applying this would give a fair shot to crims in shootouts.

    I think 3mins should be good. As having it as X time per 2 bullets can sometimes be super low or just neglectable.

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