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bulbasaur420 last won the day on August 14 2021

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About bulbasaur420

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  1. Personally, that action would be no different than what they did to private labs. Except this one could effect legals as well. makes sense to me as well +1
  2. I mean just because we have had access to some selective weaponry does not mean we have an advantage. I don't think you realize that those weapons are often more expensive than any other guns on the market that you can regularly get. Sure when the weapons were sold some people used them for a little bit. You act like we have access to super op weapons at all times and its not an issue. When quite literally those are rare weapons that most people dont even use that much. Not to mention the other persons comment about pd already having the mk2 weapons. so if this comment is true, not only does pd have insane armor they have insane guns now. If 3-5 people are wiping pd with an automatic gun sounds about right if they are hitting headshots. Realistically one headshot should kill someone, I get there is to be balance. However allowing pd to tank 15 headshots or whatever crazy number it is, honestly just ruins the immersion. Especially in hostage situations a pd officer half the time isnt even scared because they know how many headshots they can take and still live, on top of us having to wait for the anim of them falling down to then actually execute them. The armor doesnt help pd sometimes because they get hit with a higher force than them and simply they can place better shots. I mean no disrespect but pd isnt exactly the best of shots, which is why they still want the armor. If pd had to play on an even playing field as us, to be frank im not sure they could handle it. The armor is a deterent to keep people from just shooting cops as well as more so a handicap for pd. I feel that in a realistic rp server we shouldnt have 200 robocops that can tank a bunch of headshots. On about 90 percent of the scenes pd have an overwhelming force of weaponry and armor. pd will come at you with carbines, 200ap, marksman rifles, helicopters, the whole lot for even a minor thing. How can even low criminals stand a chance if pd is showing up 200 apd out with auto carbines and marksman rifles that will literally melt anyone in their path on top of being able to stay alive twice as long if not more. They even show up with this force to a simple store robbery, a bank or something else sure. Have heard quite a bit of cops say this before too "man that was my first time dying in a year" or something along those lines. Should that not indicate how off the balance is?
  3. +1 or possibly implement it on server itself, that way everyone can have it or not have it.
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