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Brandon Powers

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Posts posted by Brandon Powers

  1. The calender we can all access from the "Browse" dropdown menu should be updated so we can include our own actual events ingame.

    Its spammed with everyday posts now and needs a cleanup badly as we can't get our own events in there properly.

  2. Hello, as the founding figure and leader of the legalize marijuana campaign, I Brandon Powers welcome you to the fight for reform and justice for marijuana legalization.

    As an average citizen, you may be asking what uses does having marijuana legal do for me. The answer is simple: Less crime, less taxes and less violence.

    In order to fight crime, we need to focus on the source root of everyday problems. Having to defend your marijuana selling turf as a gangster with a 30 round fully automatic pistol is senseless potential violence progression that we as everyday citizens can stop with our vote for legalization of marijuana. 

    Having the pens to fight the swords of violence must weigh heavily on government officials, and i encourage you as an average citizen to encourage talks of reform with them.

    Fighting for the right for freedom is important in every situation, but we have reached a crisis point, a time in our history were reducing violence and promoting freedom is of the highest priorities of the day.

    Ensuring less money is spent on needless war, and more money is available for personal and business dreams is our goal.

    Ensuring every man, woman and child is given the freedoms they deserve for fighting for our country is what drives our forward.

    Ripping the roots of evil from the bases of society is key to the continued success of mankind in our fight for freedom and fair politics. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of every citizen are maintained properly as our great state advances under changes such as the unlocking of prison times, allowing for near endless prison to be inflicted upon any individual shouldn't affect our abilities to safely get healthcare and to enjoy the freedoms of life.

    With great changes comes a responsibility to protect the innocent by ensuring rights are granted and given approval before our state can advance alongside the rest of society.

    Some vicious clutches of society sometimes inflict to much strive when its not needed by not advancing with the times, and to see the freedoms granted by our forefathers remain true, our campaign pushes for immediate marijuana reform.

    If you support the legalization of marijuana, please leave your name, phone number and a supporting message for the fight for legalization of marijuana.

    Every single supporter will help further our cause, and will benefit our society in many ways.


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  3. The Farmers Union is currently looking for five volunteer managers to help keep the organisation strong. We are committed to service and want to see our membership going strong.

    This job would entitle you to a number of duties, the first being membership management in the sense of finding new members, and giving the existing ones some tasks.

    These tasks can consist of events, work duties, or anything you may think of that can assist the management of the union.

    We need these managers as soon as possible, so your response with a name, number, email ((Discord)) and why you think you would be good for the spot.

  4. I would like each forum post that is a fresh post, not just a response, to be able to have an included picture, just a small thumbnail of anything that can be thought of to help describe the post. This should make it easier when browsing to find previous posts you have responded to, and it would add some flavor and color to things on the forums.

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