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About Zoranthian

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  1. Man I am having trouble with the Quiz.  Being tha I have never RP'd before I think I may be at a disadvantage. Also I would like to see a bit of feed back on the quiz as far as which questions I am getting wrong. At least then I will know what I am thinking about correctly and what I need to reevaluate. Never the less I know those things are not on the table so I will wait my 4 hours and give it another go. 

    1. Zoranthian


      WTF! This is painful.  Another fail and another none existent feedback.

    2. Femo


      do you feel like there are any rules that you can not understand? what parts are you most unsure about?
      i would help you if you wish, not with the quiz, but with the rules.

  2. I appreciate the help thus far. I have sent you a PM regarding the Quiz that I have not received a prompt for after completing the required steps. Disregard I have found it!
  3. Just stopping by to say hello. I am in the process of figuring out how exactly I need to apply and how exactly to complete my profile.
  4. Hello there I am Zoranthian and am looking to get into RP. 

    1. xxxJustTimmy


      Weclome to the best community! 😄  

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