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Posts posted by Jasmine

  1. 11 hours ago, Flucifial said:

    What you have just described is against the rules anyways.


    I have no idea what we're going to get, as I am not in the development team or senior staff team.

    Wait, what? This is exactly what happened to me the other day, and the admin I asked about it said since I didn't initially comply (mind you I was in an armored truck as well) It was legit to shoot me down, chase me, drag me out of the vehicle....and execute me. I have proof of this.

  2. 1 hour ago, Com783 said:

    The server is set up this way, where action is more important than proper roleplay. There are little amount of scripts for civilians, but tones for non civilians. Go figure. I've put about 3000 hours into the server and civilian roleplay is only possible, if you live in your own bubble with like-minded people. Everyone can have such an easy access to guns, that it's actually quite obvious, that it's going to be a more toxic experience with people, sadly.

    I understand your sentiment. I have a hope (although it may very well get crushed into pieces by reality) that enough people on the server want a few civilians who want to play as civilians, and they will be supportive. So far several gangs have appreciated my attempts at RP, and have been very cool. Many even offering to protect me, and be allies without joining them.

    I don't know if I will need to face a decision at some point, or get so frustrated with the complete lack of support developmentally/technically/structurally/etc. that I am forced to play cops and robbers. But I am willing to give the civilian life a try. A lot of my engagements suck, absolutely suck, but there have been some really, really cool engagements as well. Since this is all new to me, those little moments are still completely worth waiting for. Who knows, maybe some higher-ups will take notice and try to support civ RP better in the future. 

    • Like 1
  3. Looking for a Banshee. Maxed or close to it. Would prefer 1/2 Turbo to keep the price down.

    Cash is on hand. Ready for immediate purchase if the price is fair.

    Paying 340k-400k depending on mods currently installed.

    Reply here or text me in game. 

     - Jasmine Gray

  4. Just now, Jayyqc said:

    Correct me if im wrong, But that seems like it should be bannable. And they girl masks ppl keep breaking the rules back to back every day and still rolling

    Yes I am aware. However, I did ram their vehicle first, and failed at driving pretty bad, so feel like I deserved this one. If someone wants to add it to the slew of complaints against this group, they can use the video. 

  5. This last one was fun.....stopped to help flip someone's car, but tried to stay in my vehicle, so they held me up to force me out.....

    In the second video, you don't see it but I flipped their car which was around the corner and drove it to them. (they thought it was hilarious) I then come back to make sure they are all set. (It's boring I know, I need to extend my shadow play to 10 minutes or more. Sorry.)



  6. 12 minutes ago, NoobDude said:

    Just venture out to NCZ like PD & Bank. That is where you find most people idling around/looking for others to talk to. I've had some of the most interesting conversations in these areas. I will compile it in a video and post soon.

    I like action. So I drive an ATM truck, and stop and talk to people. It's more fun than just talking. These incidents can be frustrating, but also exhilarating. I am always up for a good time. Like I said, I am new, and learning. So I don't think I am a good RPr, but hope to be some day. 🙂


    Just a collection of civilian RP interactions. I am certainly no expert at this, but I am learning!! I just try to have fun, and make it fun for others.

    Feel free to offer suggestions and ways I can improve my RP to provide a better experience for others. Thanks!

    - Jasmine Gray


    ::::::::::::::Below you will find an index of the videos in this thread::::::::::::::::::::::

    This should make it easier to find your favorite ones. 

    The newest uploads are up top, quickly find the ones you missed!


    Newest Uploads: (click the title to jump to the clip)

    6 November 2019 - Jas meets Jay Gamble - Rumors of Zetas hitting Jas' event. Didn't make sense...Jas goes to sort it out.

    6 November 2019 - Civ Jas or Crim Jas? - Jasmine maintaining her alliances that have kept her safe in the city so far...

    6 November 2019 - 16-car Wanted Race - Shortly after being officially recognized, Orange representing deep.

    6 November 2019 - Kiera Cleric to the Rescue! - I crash and someone tries to steal my stuff...until Kiera pulled up...

    6 November 2019 - PD raid a Civilian Party - PD doing what they do best! Harrassing civilians...


    Older Uploads:

    3 April 2019 - Escape Gone Wrong - I try to escape a robbery in an armored truck, and end up being executed point blank.

    3 April 2019 - Making Friends - Get held up by 2 guys needing my truck, and end up making 2 friends instead.

    3 April 2019 - Ridiculous Robbery - Guys breaking rules in a robbery. Still fun to watch though!

    4 April 2019 - Trusted Gang Contacts - Tried to get help from a cop who was useless...and a gang friend helped instead.

    7 April 2019 - Gentleman Zeta - Surrounded at the bank by thugs, a Zeta shows up to get me out of the situation.

    7 April 2019 - My Banshee!! - Crime free, and with only side-jobs and fishing, I save enough for my dream car!

    7 April 2019 - Race between friends - Can't get a new car and not race it right?

    9 April 2019 - The Ditch of No Return - My car is in a ditch again, and 2 more cars crash into it as I wait for a tow.

    9 April 2019 - Comical Refuel - Two guys, a gas can, pockets full of fish, and a pissed off Cab driver...makes for comical Civ. RP.

    15 April 2019 - Taxi to the top of Chiliad - In Honor of Charlie Nightingale, a pilgrimage to the top of Mt. Chiliad!

    15 April 2019 - Recon Of a Flower Farm - Me and my buddy Evander check out a farm we learned about from a friend.

    19 April 2019 - The Masked Heroes - After crashing my bike, some masked heroes arrived to save the day!

    19 April 2019 - Not so smooth slide down Chiliad - 2nd trip up Chiliad with my friend Leon. Up went well, down...not so much.

    19 April 2019 - Pocket Policeman - Best bug ever in any game I've ever played, LOL!!!

    28 April 2019 - A Day On the Job - A collection of 6 short clips showing a SINGLE day of fun as a cab driver in Los Santos.

    28 April 2019 - Charlies Kidnapping - Charlie Nightingale is kidnapped as ransom in exchange for Penny, a friend of Bayview.

    1 May 2019 - Gun to My Head - Decent example of proper Civ RP as a victim. I have come a LONG way since a month ago 🙂 

    1 May 2019 - ATM Drifting - Short compilation of me driving the ATM truck 🙂 

    1 May 2019 - Stela's Jetski - DJ Dro, Stela, and her new Jetski have a beach party! 

    8 May 2019 - Party Gone South - Having a small beach party, Erika gets tipsy and "falls" off a cliff

    8 May 2019 - Saved by an Officer - Two guys jump off a roof to try and rob me...with a cop right next to me!

    8 May 2019 - 1v2 Attempted Robbery Gone Wrong - Guy tried to rob two of us while fishing. Doesn't go well! Great PD RP after the attempt.

    8 May 2019 - Hanging with Alex - After opening up about his depression and suicidal thoughts, I take my friend our for a good time!

    8 May 2019 - Cabbie with a Secret - Two guys jump off a roof to try and rob me...with a cop right next to me!

    8 May 2019 - Criminal Customer - Cab Customer admits to stealing cars, than asks how he can make more money with the illegal gun he has. 😏

    21 May 2019 - Poker Plays - The secret to making money in Eclipse! Big Pots and humorous RP.

    21 May 2019 - Gangs Helping Civilians - Customer's car is stolen and stalled. Jasmine asks friends from The Wanted to help.

    21 May 2019 - Two Crazy Sisters - Sisters lead Jasmine out into the desert, then put a gun to her head to call 911??? Hmmmm...

    14 June 2019 - Stealing Jas' Bike - Bad move! Everyone knows my bike, he didn't get very far...

    14 June 2019 - Tow Truck Pool - When Jas needs help, all of Bayview comes! Fun with Tow Trucks.

    14 June 2019 - Fun at the Airfield - My Surano, a muscle car, an ambulance and a Supercar...Guess who wins??

    14 June 2019 - Rooftop Party - Party on a rooftop! Party on a bus! Party at a pool! And a Cat!!

    14 June 2019 - Lewis gets me in trouble! - Take a nap for 2 minutes in Lewis Pelletier's car, and I wake to guys pointing guns!

    14 June 2019 - To Chiliad...again! - Another trip up Chiliad with a customer, I am getting better at this!

    4 August 2019 - Flipped Car Scene - Guy hits my car, flips, then tries to blame me. I head to the safety of my friends.

    4 August 2019 - Rooks Party Bus - Rooks call for a shuttle, and turn it into a party bus!

    4 August 2019 - Worthless Cops - Cops recklessly endanger my life, and don't bother to check on me or make sure I'm safe...typical.

    4 August 2019 - Worthless Cops Again - This time, they pull over a cabbie for a LEGAL U-turn, with 2 sports cars, 2 cruisers, and 7 officers...way to keep the city safe guys!

    4 August 2019 - Result of Worthless Cops - This is what happens when you treat civilians like dirt consistently and constantly...

    4 August 2019 - Stealing My Bike - Guy tries to steal my dirt bike...again...don't they know Karmas on my side?

    4 August 2019 - Ride from a Zeta - I take a ride from a Zeta...of course the result is a car chase...yet he still gets me there safely! More then the PD will do...

    • Like 5
  8. Havent been here long, but here is my two cents about how you might improve RP, without strict White List. What I suggest would allow as many to enter (after passing the current quiz/barriers to entry), but also force them to prove they are in the server for the right reasons.

    I suggest simply limiting what they are allowed to do as a "NEW PLAYER". I think it is a little silly that new players cant be robbed, but they can use horrible RP and rob others. And get into groups of 2-4 new players, grab a bobby-pin, or just pay real money for a car, then wildly fly around robbing people. This in my opinion is what kills the server.

    Force them to RP until they get past new player status. No robberies, maybe even no guns, no bought cars until they get 5k XP, if they want to be a criminal, fine, but they have to find an established gang or crew, roll along, provide a look out etc., but can't directly rob people until they prove they can RP properly.

    Understandably, some will just grind their way to 5k, then start acting like fools. But, I think those who come into the server and immediately want to play GTA ONLINE with 300 players won't stick around, and won't want to put in the effort to get 5k XP (which is not a lot really).

    The ones who do stick with it have essentially passed the whitelist test the best way you can, by actually RPing to earn your way in.

    PS....I wrote all of this because I am so fed up with trying to play a simple ATM Money transporter civilian, and constantly getting robbed by new players with absolute garbage RP, and nothing I can do about it, except report. It ruins my experience completely. I enjoy playing the civilian, I enjoy being robbed and RPing it with good criminal RPrs, but the server rules/setup make it almost impossible to put up with the BS. I was literally seconds from quitting, until the one good RPr I met (Charlie Nightingale) took 45 minutes of time with me to talk me out of it. 

    If it wasn't for him, Eclipse would have lost one of the few civilians trying hard to RP properly (and doesn't care at all about $$$ and leaderboards) that it has.

    PSS.....I should also add, I have an MBA, so for the business side of things, everyone knows the quality of the product = more profits. Keeping quality RPrs, who are dedicated to the server, is a better way to make money. People like me are willing to buy VIP, just because we get it, and want to support the people trying to make this work. I don't particularly care about the perks, and would never buy a car with real money, but I would absolutely pay for VIP just to help fund servers etc. Treat your customers well, they will treat you well back, and for a longer duration.

    • Like 1
  9. Also like to note, that the time it takes the fish animation to reel in, it is more than enough time to open inventory and hover your mouse over USE, and its immediately back in the water. So even if your pole stayed out, your suggested change would not make fishing faster. Just easier to hotkey/script.


    I took having to hit USE each time as a way to simulate recasting....

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