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About yuk51

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  1. yuk51


    I like the mileage idea +1 Make it so after 100k-150k+ miles the car starts stalling or taking multiple attempts to start the engine, and needing a tune up/engine replacement etc. Could be a creative input into the game that would need some obvious balancing to make it work.
  2. If it's an issue for you. You should be able to psychically pop your N key off your keyboard, and switch it with whatever key you would like to use.
  3. +1 I already raked up over 20k in speeding fines that i will not be able to pay, so i am going to jail most likely soon. I had no idea where the cameras are The fine amounts are unrealistic as speeding in those areas are becoming. Nuts
  4. why has blackjack not been added yet
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