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About PappaDoink

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  1. WHY IS NO ONE SPY CHECKING?!?!?!?! lulz, you know like pyros not spamming and checking behind medics?
  2. Red vs Blue, the forever battle. Hahaha.
  3. Have been RPing with these fine folks for a couple months now. Always a good time! I enjoy how far this faction has come, and am proud to be one of the pillars.
  4. PappaDoink


    I have been on this server for over 2 years. I just came back in the last couple of months but I quit for a while and continue to think about quitting this server about weekly. I have many friends who have quit this server and don't want to play on this server for the reasons I am about to state. If you try to do anything. Literally ANYTHING, a Zeta some other try hard "gangster" would /will abuse FearRp to the point its Powergaming, it is so constant with the lets see who I can fuck over repeated, repeated, repeated, and repeated, can't call the cops cause ill die KOS is super bullshit, I can't RP at all because this person just wants to hold a fucking gun and feel some sort of power. You buy a fishing pole, you go to a spot. 2 minutes in, get robbed. lose fishing pole, repeat. What a great time. I mean wonderful experience right? It feels like Gary's Mod, I sometimes hold the RP standard of this server to the point of GMod it just depends the time of day and the day.(Good RPers are in here, I have met few and can't wait to meet more!). Literally every fucking person wants to RP some gun flashing thug, how original, I never thought of RPing that.... I RP and I love to RP both my accounts are unique and different. Sadly, the money grind is real in this server because the Legal jobs are trash, unless you are in Legal Faction, then the criminal world is just even more fucked with a monopoly. Gangs fight, When the 3 biggest Gang Factions unite it just seems boring and unrealistic. Crips vs Bloods, Dead Rabbits vs 5 points gang, Hells Angels vs the world, Mafia merged but that is an Italian thing, and even then a lot of back stabbing happen. It looks The Saints want to take on The Zetas Challenge. They are the new Zetas vs Narcos, (yes, I have been around that long, even though I am new on the Forums) Ever since they have been targeted by Zetas and Irish, you can actually roam the city and do things because someone is taking the heat finally. I look forward to this RP action of actual Rivalry gangs, and seeing what will happen. Alliances of these gangs ruin the RP experience of people actually trying, just even more out numbered because the gangs can only fuck with civilians and not the other gangs cause they are allianced so constant fuckery happens to the small people just looking to RP and not even trying to "take over". Then the Faction leaders of the gangs are Flip flopping on their statements of the standard of their own faction's RP. When people in their factions are complete fucking assholes representing your faction colors, you are a leader of the faction, you are responsible for your people and people view you just the same as the shit head who just Powergamed the fuck out of someone who just got to the city. THAT IS ON YOU. At the drug labs/chopshops anytime I have been there never any RP (I guess fearrp is RP but its not very deep RP and like I said super abused.). Any scenario where the person loses or has a chance to lose, it turns into a gun fight, and a report(coughcoughzetascoughcough). Most of to almost all of the RP "gangsters" in this server has a Fortnite victory royale mindset, and sometimes the GMod style of RP, You're at a chop shop, 1 minute left, 2 dudes come from no where, pull guns out count to 5 and shoot you before you could type because you were "stalling", with the thieves/gangs, and I am always in the wrong, never a chance to RP and cut deals. Most of the Admins and Moderators are in these gang factions, they turn away and ignore the fact that their own faction is hurting the people who don't want to conform to some gang/or abide to a gang that fucks over people constantly, they just want be a weird Trucker, or that chatty Cabby. The quality of RP goes away because there is never a check to keep people in line, and to be respectful to the RP and we get stuck in this limbo circle of just shitty RP, constant FearRP to the point of powergaming, and robberies turned into a gunshoot out.I love playing on my main a finally established account that is neutral and a mechanic, but it took a lot of time before I even got the chance to get hired. Now its great and a good experience and I meet the true RPers and have great interactions. Not everyone gets this experience. Anytime I get robbed with class, like real fucking RP I keep going. I understand, people like power, a lot of Roleplaying can be done as a person of power, You gotta remember. It is a fucking game. There are thousands of ways to have fun and not just be cops and robbers. It is sad, that I even have to join a faction to experience good Roleplaying, it is sad that every interaction has to always end up with tons of /ooc and no /ic, the hunger of winning over RP has/will ruin experiences for me that could/be amazing and fun. So many things could be better. All these things are a vicious circle, as people see it as the constant flow of the server, then it will never end. And I don't want to turn into that powergamer robber, because that is all that surrounds me. I don't know. but this is my 2 cents. Cheers.
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