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James Dubois

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Everything posted by James Dubois

  1. Sending someone OOC info with the intention of them using it would still be a breach of the rules. That's common sense. Us enforcing this rule this strictly simply doesn't make sense, then we should start punishing streamers too, because I doubt their delays are a whole RP situation behind.
  2. By this rules definition, I meta-game on the daily, and I don't plan on stopping, nor do the people I "meta-game" to/with plan on stopping. I tend to bitch about things, even active RP situations. /shrug +1
  3. Personally had almost all of my best RP experiences with this fine group of people, and I never see them being toxic as I see with most of the gangs.
  4. Dont need to make it so they can put them in a garage or anything. +1 to permanent keys, or atleast keys that don't disappear as soon as you inevitably crash.
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