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Posts posted by BallinByNature

  1. I do not have any such evidence, as I said, please feel free to share it with me.

    There seems to be a disconnect in what you evidence you believe you reported and the evidence that was actually given, as the content you're suggesting does not appear in the evidence I have, which is why I am asking you to re-share any evidence you think I should have to review the situation.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Ryumdar said:

    Translation: We don't care because we might not be liable, please carry on harassing others as long as you take them out of our survice first, please give us VIP kthxbye

    So if someone claims you sexually harassed them we should ban you without asking for evidence of it? All I am saying is if what you say really happened, then please feel free to show me so I can act on it.

  3. Please feel free to PM me the evidence you have of harassment of players. It's obviously not tolerated, however, it is also the duty of any person to explain that they do not want to be contacted OOCly if someone makes them feel uncomfortable. I personally have not seen any of the evidence mentioned above, but would like to if its true. If a person is told not to contact you OOCly, and continues to do so using Eclipse platforms, we will obviously take action against that person.

  4. There are only a few allowed discords (which ECRP owns) which are the scripted businesses. (Loan companies & vehicle dealerships). 

    No other discord is permitted for IC sales and is considered 3rd party / metagaming to do so. Please report it when you see it so we can keep things fair.

    Development will be updating Loan companies & Vehicle dealerships with some additional tools in a future update, at which point we will eliminate their use of discords.


    • Like 1
  5. As you showed me a video of the incident you're referring to, the revolver was not used to stall your engine as the only person with it was in a driver seat position at the time your car stalled. 


    Why did you not include the video here I wonder?


    As there are maybe 5 people total who have access to the gun it is pretty locked down but I'm open to the discussion if you do have any evidence of it actually being misused in some way. 


    As for the guy who says he lost 6 v 1 to someone with a revolver, I'm positive that's either fabricated or those are the worst 6 shooters ever. I'd love to see that. Cops have 50 body armor which gives them 1 extra shot MAYBE. A revolver does not make them invincible and if he managed to land a shot on all 6 people without getting shot himself then I dont see that being a result of the gun he was using it seems like you got out skilled.

    • Like 2
  6. If you believe an officer or admin are abusing any powers ooc or ic. Please make a forum report with evidence. 


    Anecdotal "cops did this and admins did that" will not resolve anything if you cant show they really did those things 


    45 people there? And no evidence or recording? I've asked several people for evidence and no one has any apparently out of 45 people.


    Feel free to make a forum report if you have evidence of rule breach or admin abuse.

    • Like 1
  7. 2000px-Fist_svg.thumb.png.97907d5ebe6d4130a9179def6ae3527f.png



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