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About heller190

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  1. Ahh Jackson Dread, name brings so many memories.
  2. Real life speeding cameras capture the license's plate and the owner of the vehicle receives a ticket, and that's how it should be done. So assuming you are in a stolen vehicle and you are being chased by some people or the police, you start speeding, is it realistic to receive all these speeding tickets? In my opinion and that's what I strongly suggest. Non-rp driving for no reason should be handled by the staff team. Speeding in your personal vehicle get ticketed by "The speeding cameras" Speeding in someone else's vehicle, the owner gets ticketed or no ticketing meanwhile the car is in theft.
  3. So there's a new system in which you get a speeding ticket automatically by cameras/machines. The system is pretty okay but there's something unrealistic about it, I believe you should only receive these tickets only when you are driving your personal vehicle, because today I was driving a vehicle which I stole and I got tickets and I paid them. it's unrealistic because I don't believe it's possible to realize that it was me driving that stolen car. There are solutions on the table, one of them is disabling the ticketing while you are driving a vehicle which is not yours or make the tickets go to the owner of the vehicle.
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