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Posts posted by ElisabethC

  1. I personally still use my minimap and big map (using escape) daily, on about 220k xp. Irl, I'd still pull up my GPS in known territory, just to make sure the route in my head is indeed the quickest one. I see where you're coming from, but you bring up some bad points as well. Forcing new players to know the map by heart before joining the server is a bit harsh. The last time I played GTA 5 before joining Eclipse was 3 years. I should have technically been barred by your standards. Do you think that's fair? I disagree, respectfully.

    Making it a toggle would be nice for those who want to, but I don't think this'll be that easy to implement. On my personal experience, I'd give it a -1, but I understand where you're coming from.

    • Like 2
  2. Can we make sure we stay on topic? This isn't about PD being overpowered or not. If anything, this system can be completely separate from PD. The only thing PD does here, is automatically add the tickets to your record, c'est tout. As mentioned before, this is a suggestion to make the city safer. This idea doesn't stem from PD, this idea stems from a forum suggestion.

    I'd like to see these camera's be automatic. PD calls can get very overwhelming as is at times, and it'd seem like a waste of time to let an officer show up to the scene to write out a ticket.

    We need to agree on a speed limit. I personally think over 100 in the city is enough to warrant a speeding ticket. I cruise at 80 myself at times. This could also be a community vote, tho.

    On the one hand, it'd be a good idea to make a system register if a person flies through every stop at 200, and alert PD. On the other hand, I see this easily being used to start copbaiting. It's a hard balance to make.

    Try to keep the discussion constructive. Give your elaborate opinion why you'd vote yes or no. Only together can we make this suggestion work!

    • Like 1
  3. Metagaming usually ends up happening because it's hard to mass-reach people in game. Sending wedding invitations, pictures, group messages,.. are literally impossible in game. Having this solution will counter a lot. I do hope Lifeinvader sticks around this time. I can't wait to make my character the absolute white girl by posting the most random things on there. +1!

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  4. Date and time (provide timezone): November 27th, 2018 at time of the recording.

    Character name: Elisabeth Cooper & James Lost.

    Issue/bug you are reporting: I got an anonymous explanation on how criminals commit store robberies by bugging the cashier, so that all parties can grab cash, and nobody needs to point a gun.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I have this recorded step by step, but the video contains staff chatter. It also wouldn't be smart to make this information public. You can PM me on Discord (Boxxy#6766) to obtain it.

    Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

    • Like 1
  5. Hi there!

    We try to review the quizzes as quickly as we can. Sadly, we got dozens of applications daily, last summer we easily got 100 a day. It's mostly supports that take the task of reviewing player applications on them. We're all still human tho, with our own personal lives and duties in-game we need to do. Doing player applications are very attention intensive, and thus take a bit longer to process.

    The bright side is that it's a one time wait, and you have endless hours of playtime waiting for you afterwards. It may seem like a long wait, but you'll never think back to it later.

    Thank you for your feedback tho, and enjoy your holidays! ♥

    - Boxxy

    • Like 3
  6. Last Sunday the LSES organised a public job fair, letting the public in on all the fantastic job opportunities the LSPD and LSEMS have to offer.


    We thoroughly enjoyed the event, and hope that it was insightful for the public. We look forward to the next job fair. Thank you all for your interest and applications, Stay safe on the road, and don't forget to stay warm in these cold days!

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  7. Once you've settled in on the server and get in the groove of RP'ing, you can put in an application for the Los Santos Emergency Services. We have both paramedics and firefighters!

    Until then, as @MarlboroRedput up above, try to pass the quiz first. We have a lot of useful guides on the forums, including a quiz and roleplay guide!

    We hope you enjoy your time here. Good luck!

    - Boxxy

  8. I think this is more than enough from both sides.

    If you guys feel that La Fuente Blanca isn't deserving, then you should resolve this on another part of the forums. Their forum thread is not the place for this, as their forum thread is a place where they can showcase their gang to others and potential new recruits. The discussion has also been going in circles for a while. You are more than welcome to give your opinion, but please do it on the discussions part of the forums, under community.

    La Fuente Blance got official, together with three other factions. Two other factions didn't get official. Every faction (official or not!) has been informed of their positives and negatives, and how to improve on them. If any of the rejected ones want to get official still, they're more than welcome to reapply in two weeks after working on the feedback we gave them.

    A discussion should always be fueled with constructive comments. This discussion is lacking in respect at times from both sides. This needs to stop. Please learn to concede your points when the opponent makes a fair point. A discussion fueled by hatred and bias will not go anywhere, and only revolt in yet another shut down. I'm sure both sides are eager to listen to each other and have plenty to learn, but you have to be open to do so. I understand it may be frustrating for both sides, but I think we can all agree on the fact that nobody is enjoying this back and forth. It's incredibly tiring for both sides who throw arguments back and forth, the community who get sucked up in it and the dozen staff members that worked their asses off in the past months to get this system working and on the rails. It's a complete lack of respect to yourself and each other to fuel a discussion like this out of anger, or because you think it's a fun piece of drama.

    Thank you all for understanding.

    • Like 4
  9. Refunds were incredibly backlogged because everybody would post a refund for the tiniest things.

    The current system with value over 25k is perfect as it is.

    The desync will be better in RAGE 0.4, until them I'm afraid you're just going to have to learn to live with it. With some luck, it'll be here soon.


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  10. 4 minutes ago, FireCracker said:

    Thing is the tax is actually double what it states which is extremely annoying. I have a salary of $7,000 in-game excluding base income. Every hour I get my salary yet I do not receive the full amount. I believe I receive 65% of that $7,000. Yet then when I go to get my money from the bank by doing /takesalary I receive another tax income of 35% which means i'm being taxed 70%?? I agree taxes should be there and wouldn't care about it just being one income tax of 35% but not both as that's just absurd.

    That's actually not what happens. This is how the tax system works in my own words:



    Say you have a base income of 1 000, and get 5% tax.

    When you go to the bank, it will say your salary is 950. This is because the system already calculated how much taxes will go off. The tax system is still unchanged.

    When you take your salary, it will tell you that you paid 50 in income taxes, and give you 950.


    In other words: when you get the popup saying you have recieved 1000, the system calculated the tax on the spot and deducts the tax. You don't get double taxed! You can see how you actually got by doing /stats, checking your bank balance on your phone or going to the bank window.

  11. As MD HR, and a fervent opposer of the legalisation of drugs in general both IC and OOC, I'll never support this.

    There are a plethora of negative side-effects from using marijuana in the long run. Same with alcohol, and other types of addictive drugs. I've seen first hand addicts in my work as a social worker and personal life, and it's a life I wish upon nobody. Recreational, especially legal, use opens up the door to abuse and addiction. Not everyone opens it up, but I feel as a medic yourself you should know how important prevention is. I'd rather spend my entire career playing the prevention game, than harm reduction.

    Nicely written out suggestion, but it's a -1 for me.

    • Like 1
  12. As a girl, I'd like to elaborate on the topic. I think it's very important that we have this discussion, and I'm glad it's been brought up.

    99% of the people I meet in game are nice. Sure, some are a bit more impressed than others that they're talking to a girl, but most really don't care. The "you're cute, give me your name" remarks I get usually stays IC. It's the 1% that takes it to /o, asking for my Snapchat, telling me I have a nice butt in /o (that video earlier is me! I'm surprised to see it pop up), pm'ing me hearts and compliments,.. They're a minority. Yes, a minority that crosses a lot of bounds, but a minority nontheless.

    Being a girl doesn't mean that you're the only gender who can get harassed. Let it be known that this also goes for the men here. Never ever should you feel annoyed or terrified seeing a name pop up, because of the things they have said or done to you. If you stop feeling safe, reach out to those you love. We can find a solution together.

    As for the rulebook having loopholes.. We can't document everything in it. If we only state Discord, they'll ask for your Kik. If someone really wants to send you inappropriate things, they'll always find a way to do so. I've encountered these people too. I've been harassed though PM's, /o and Discord. I've been threathened to be doxed. I've had people add me on Facebook, for goodness sake. Never ever did I give out any of this info. My only suggestion here is that you keep your information private, as we live in a time where personal information is shared like a pack of gums. I was a bit too free with my personal information too when I was a teenager, and I had to learn these lessons the hard way. Be smarter than me (and a lot of other teens), and keep your real name and location to a close circle. Share your Snapchat, Facebook, Whatsapp,.. Only with people you trust. Saying "No" because you feel unsafe is not a bad thing to do. Saying no to someone you don't fully trust should be normal. If said person fully freaks out about it, you can safely say you dodged a bullet.

    If you ever encounter anything like this, be you male or female: go to a staff member you trust. Shame is a powerful weapon these people wield against you. They trick you into thinking you can't go to anyone with your stories. Don't give in to it. So many abusive people use this trick to scare their victims into thinking nobody will ever believe them. Trust me on this, I can promise you that on my life. I'm sure, no matter who you are, you have a handful of great friends who will listen to you, and back you up with advice, love and care. If you feel threathened, speak up. Go to Ballin, as he has helped several other cases like this before. If it gets too real, go to your close friends or parents. They'll gladly support you through the mess this other person is getting you into. And if it gets too real, reach out to your local authorities. Cyber crime, such as doxing or harassment, is not something people take lightly anymore. If you feel unsafe, for no matter what reason, please reach out.

    Don't fight fire with fire. It's easy to corrupt your thinking, and do the same to a predator like this. Don't give in to the cycle of hate. In the time that you spend scheming and cooking up a revenge plan, you could have been helping your friend. And trust me, they'll need every bit of love and support they can get in this time.

    If you ever need anything, even if you don't know me, reach out to me. Reach out to your friends. Reach out to love. We're here for you, during ànd after this kind of harassment.

    No man or woman should ever take away your enjoyable experience on a server, or in life. Don't let them. Say no, block where possible and stay in close touch with friends. Don't let them isolate you. You're worth so much more than what they want you to believe.

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